13 research outputs found


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    Few-Shot Domain Adaptation for Low Light RAW Image Enhancement

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    Enhancing practical low light raw images is a difficult task due to severe noise and color distortions from short exposure time and limited illumination. Despite the success of existing Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based methods, their performance is not adaptable to different camera domains. In addition, such methods also require large datasets with short-exposure and corresponding long-exposure ground truth raw images for each camera domain, which is tedious to compile. To address this issue, we present a novel few-shot domain adaptation method to utilize the existing source camera labeled data with few labeled samples from the target camera to improve the target domain's enhancement quality in extreme low-light imaging. Our experiments show that only ten or fewer labeled samples from the target camera domain are sufficient to achieve similar or better enhancement performance than training a model with a large labeled target camera dataset. To support research in this direction, we also present a new low-light raw image dataset captured with a Nikon camera, comprising short-exposure and their corresponding long-exposure ground truth images.Comment: BMVC 2021 Best Student Paper Award (Runner-Up). Project Page: https://val.cds.iisc.ac.in/HDR/BMVC21/index.htm

    GIA-Net: Global Information Aware Network for Low-light Imaging

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    It is extremely challenging to acquire perceptually plausible images under low-light conditions due to low SNR. Most recently, U-Nets have shown promising results for low-light imaging. However, vanilla U-Nets generate images with artifacts such as color inconsistency due to the lack of global color information. In this paper, we propose a global information aware (GIA) module, which is capable of extracting and integrating the global information into the network to improve the performance of low-light imaging. The GIA module can be inserted into a vanilla U-Net with negligible extra learnable parameters or computational cost. Moreover, a GIA-Net is constructed, trained and evaluated on a large scale real-world low-light imaging dataset. Experimental results show that the proposed GIA-Net outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in terms of four metrics, including deep metrics that measure perceptual similarities. Extensive ablation studies have been conducted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed GIA-Net for low-light imaging by utilizing global information.Comment: 16 pages 6 figures; accepted to AIM at ECCV 202

    VJT: A Video Transformer on Joint Tasks of Deblurring, Low-light Enhancement and Denoising

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    Video restoration task aims to recover high-quality videos from low-quality observations. This contains various important sub-tasks, such as video denoising, deblurring and low-light enhancement, since video often faces different types of degradation, such as blur, low light, and noise. Even worse, these kinds of degradation could happen simultaneously when taking videos in extreme environments. This poses significant challenges if one wants to remove these artifacts at the same time. In this paper, to the best of our knowledge, we are the first to propose an efficient end-to-end video transformer approach for the joint task of video deblurring, low-light enhancement, and denoising. This work builds a novel multi-tier transformer where each tier uses a different level of degraded video as a target to learn the features of video effectively. Moreover, we carefully design a new tier-to-tier feature fusion scheme to learn video features incrementally and accelerate the training process with a suitable adaptive weighting scheme. We also provide a new Multiscene-Lowlight-Blur-Noise (MLBN) dataset, which is generated according to the characteristics of the joint task based on the RealBlur dataset and YouTube videos to simulate realistic scenes as far as possible. We have conducted extensive experiments, compared with many previous state-of-the-art methods, to show the effectiveness of our approach clearly.Comment: 12 pages,8 figure