7 research outputs found

    Low-level Vision by Consensus in a Spatial Hierarchy of Regions

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    We introduce a multi-scale framework for low-level vision, where the goal is estimating physical scene values from image data---such as depth from stereo image pairs. The framework uses a dense, overlapping set of image regions at multiple scales and a "local model," such as a slanted-plane model for stereo disparity, that is expected to be valid piecewise across the visual field. Estimation is cast as optimization over a dichotomous mixture of variables, simultaneously determining which regions are inliers with respect to the local model (binary variables) and the correct co-ordinates in the local model space for each inlying region (continuous variables). When the regions are organized into a multi-scale hierarchy, optimization can occur in an efficient and parallel architecture, where distributed computational units iteratively perform calculations and share information through sparse connections between parents and children. The framework performs well on a standard benchmark for binocular stereo, and it produces a distributional scene representation that is appropriate for combining with higher-level reasoning and other low-level cues.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 2015. Project page: http://www.ttic.edu/chakrabarti/consensus

    Training deep neural networks for stereo vision

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    We present a method for extracting depth information from a rectified image pair. Our approach focuses on the first stage of many stereo algorithms: the matching cost computation. We approach the problem by learning a similarity measure on small image patches using a convolutional neural network. Training is carried out in a supervised manner by constructing a binary classification data set with examples of similar and dissimilar pairs of patches. We examine two network architectures for learning a similarity measure on image patches. The first architecture is faster than the second, but produces disparity maps that are slightly less accurate. In both cases, the input to the network is a pair of small image patches and the output is a measure of similarity between them. Both architectures contain a trainable feature extractor that represents each image patch with a feature vector. The similarity between patches is measured on the feature vectors instead of the raw image intensity values. The fast architecture uses a fixed similarity measure to compare the two feature vectors, while the accurate architecture attempts to learn a good similarity measure on feature vectors. The output of the convolutional neural network is used to initialize the stereo matching cost. A series of post-processing steps follow: cross-based cost aggregation, semiglobal matching, a left-right consistency check, subpixel enhancement, a median filter, and a bilateral filter. We evaluate our method on the KITTI 2012, KITTI 2015, and Middlebury stereo data sets and show that it outperforms other approaches on all three data sets

    Solving Computer Vision Challenges with Synthetic Data

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    Computer vision researchers spent a lot of time creating large datasets, yet there is still much information that is difficult to label. Detailed annotations like part segmentation and dense keypoint are expensive to annotate. 3D information requires extra hardware to capture. Besides the labeling cost, an image dataset also lacks the ability to allow an intelligent agent to interact with the world. As a human, we learn through interaction, rather than per-pixel labeled images. To fill in the gap of existing datasets, we propose to build virtual worlds using computer graphics and use generated synthetic data to solve these challenges. In this dissertation, I demonstrate cases where computer vision challenges can be solved with synthetic data. The first part describes our engineering effort about building a simulation pipeline. The second and third part describes using synthetic data to train better models and diagnose trained models. The major challenge for using synthetic data is the domain gap between real and synthetic. In the model training part, I present two cases, which have different characteristics in terms of domain gap. Two domain adaptation methods are proposed, respectively. Synthetic data saves enormous labeling effort by providing detailed ground truth. In the model diagnosis part, I present how to control nuisance factors to analyze model robustness. Finally, I summarize future research directions that can benefit from synthetic data