455 research outputs found

    Sparse Coding on Symmetric Positive Definite Manifolds using Bregman Divergences

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    This paper introduces sparse coding and dictionary learning for Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD) matrices, which are often used in machine learning, computer vision and related areas. Unlike traditional sparse coding schemes that work in vector spaces, in this paper we discuss how SPD matrices can be described by sparse combination of dictionary atoms, where the atoms are also SPD matrices. We propose to seek sparse coding by embedding the space of SPD matrices into Hilbert spaces through two types of Bregman matrix divergences. This not only leads to an efficient way of performing sparse coding, but also an online and iterative scheme for dictionary learning. We apply the proposed methods to several computer vision tasks where images are represented by region covariance matrices. Our proposed algorithms outperform state-of-the-art methods on a wide range of classification tasks, including face recognition, action recognition, material classification and texture categorization

    Regression on fixed-rank positive semidefinite matrices: a Riemannian approach

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    The paper addresses the problem of learning a regression model parameterized by a fixed-rank positive semidefinite matrix. The focus is on the nonlinear nature of the search space and on scalability to high-dimensional problems. The mathematical developments rely on the theory of gradient descent algorithms adapted to the Riemannian geometry that underlies the set of fixed-rank positive semidefinite matrices. In contrast with previous contributions in the literature, no restrictions are imposed on the range space of the learned matrix. The resulting algorithms maintain a linear complexity in the problem size and enjoy important invariance properties. We apply the proposed algorithms to the problem of learning a distance function parameterized by a positive semidefinite matrix. Good performance is observed on classical benchmarks

    Approximation Algorithms for Bregman Co-clustering and Tensor Clustering

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    In the past few years powerful generalizations to the Euclidean k-means problem have been made, such as Bregman clustering [7], co-clustering (i.e., simultaneous clustering of rows and columns of an input matrix) [9,18], and tensor clustering [8,34]. Like k-means, these more general problems also suffer from the NP-hardness of the associated optimization. Researchers have developed approximation algorithms of varying degrees of sophistication for k-means, k-medians, and more recently also for Bregman clustering [2]. However, there seem to be no approximation algorithms for Bregman co- and tensor clustering. In this paper we derive the first (to our knowledge) guaranteed methods for these increasingly important clustering settings. Going beyond Bregman divergences, we also prove an approximation factor for tensor clustering with arbitrary separable metrics. Through extensive experiments we evaluate the characteristics of our method, and show that it also has practical impact.Comment: 18 pages; improved metric cas