1,097 research outputs found

    Dual-Branch MRC Receivers under Spatial Interference Correlation and Nakagami Fading

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    Despite being ubiquitous in practice, the performance of maximal-ratio combining (MRC) in the presence of interference is not well understood. Because the interference received at each antenna originates from the same set of interferers, but partially de-correlates over the fading channel, it possesses a complex correlation structure. This work develops a realistic analytic model that accurately accounts for the interference correlation using stochastic geometry. Modeling interference by a Poisson shot noise process with independent Nakagami fading, we derive the link success probability for dual-branch interference-aware MRC. Using this result, we show that the common assumption that all receive antennas experience equal interference power underestimates the true performance, although this gap rapidly decays with increasing the Nakagami parameter mIm_{\text{I}} of the interfering links. In contrast, ignoring interference correlation leads to a highly optimistic performance estimate for MRC, especially for large mIm_{\text{I}}. In the low outage probability regime, our success probability expression can be considerably simplified. Observations following from the analysis include: (i) for small path loss exponents, MRC and minimum mean square error combining exhibit similar performance, and (ii) the gains of MRC over selection combining are smaller in the interference-limited case than in the well-studied noise-limited case.Comment: to appear in IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Modeling Heterogeneous Network Interference Using Poisson Point Processes

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    Cellular systems are becoming more heterogeneous with the introduction of low power nodes including femtocells, relays, and distributed antennas. Unfortunately, the resulting interference environment is also becoming more complicated, making evaluation of different communication strategies challenging in both analysis and simulation. Leveraging recent applications of stochastic geometry to analyze cellular systems, this paper proposes to analyze downlink performance in a fixed-size cell, which is inscribed within a weighted Voronoi cell in a Poisson field of interferers. A nearest out-of-cell interferer, out-of-cell interferers outside a guard region, and cross-tier interference are included in the interference calculations. Bounding the interference power as a function of distance from the cell center, the total interference is characterized through its Laplace transform. An equivalent marked process is proposed for the out-of-cell interference under additional assumptions. To facilitate simplified calculations, the interference distribution is approximated using the Gamma distribution with second order moment matching. The Gamma approximation simplifies calculation of the success probability and average rate, incorporates small-scale and large-scale fading, and works with co-tier and cross-tier interference. Simulations show that the proposed model provides a flexible way to characterize outage probability and rate as a function of the distance to the cell edge.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, July 2012, Revised December 201
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