2 research outputs found

    An implantable micro-system for neural prosthesis control and sensory feedback restoration in amputees

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    In this work, the prototype of an electronic bi-directional interface between the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) and a neuro-controlled hand prosthesis is presented. The system is composed of two Integrated Circuits (ICs): a standard CMOS device for neural recording and a High Voltage (HV) CMOS device for neural stimulation. The integrated circuits have been realized in two different 0.35μm CMOS processes available fromAustriaMicroSystem(AMS). The recoding IC incorporates 8 channels each including the analog front-end and the A/D conversion based on a sigma delta architecture. It has a total area of 16.8mm2 and exhibits an overall power consumption of 27.2mW. The neural stimulation IC is able to provide biphasic current pulses to stimulate 8 electrodes independently. A voltage booster generates a 17V voltage supply in order to guarantee the programmed stimulation current even in case of high impedances at the electrode-tissue interface in the order of tens of k­. The stimulation patterns, generated by a 5-bit current DAC, are programmable in terms of amplitude, frequency and pulse width. Due to the huge capacitors of the implemented voltage boosters, the stimulation IC has a wider area of 18.6mm2. In addition, a maximum power consumption of 29mW was measured. Successful in-vivo experiments with rats having a TIME electrode implanted in the sciatic nerve were carried out, showing the capability of recording neural signals in the tens of microvolts, with a global noise of 7μVrms , and to selectively elicit the tibial and plantarmuscles using different active sites of the electrode. In order to get a completely implantable interface, a biocompatible and biostable package was designed. It hosts the developed ICs with the minimal electronics required for their proper operation. The package consists of an alumina tube closed at both extremities by two ceramic caps hermetically sealed on it. Moreover, the two caps serve as substrate for the hermetic feedthroughs to enable the device powering and data exchange with the external digital controller implemented on a Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) board. The package has an outer diameter of 7mm and a total length of 26mm. In addition, a humidity and temperature sensor was also included inside the package to allow future hermeticity and life-time estimation tests. Moreover, a wireless, wearable and non-invasive EEG recording system is proposed in order to improve the control over the artificial limb,by integrating the neural signals recorded from the PNS with those directly acquired from the brain. To first investigate the system requirements, a Component-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) device was designed. It includes a low-power 8- channel acquisition module and a Bluetooth (BT) transceiver to transmit the acquired data to a remote platform. It was designed with the aimof creating a cheap and user-friendly system that can be easily interfaced with the nowadays widely spread smartphones or tablets by means of a mobile-based application. The presented system, validated through in-vivo experiments, allows EEG signals recording at different sample rates and with a maximum bandwidth of 524Hz. It was realized on a 19cm2 custom PCB with a maximum power consumption of 270mW