3 research outputs found

    Effective Launch-to-Capture Power Reduction for LOS Scheme with Adjacent-Probability-Based X-Filling

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    It has become necessary to reduce power during LSI testing. Particularly, during at-speed testing, excessive power consumed during the Launch-To-Capture (LTC) cycle causes serious issues that may lead to the overkill of defect-free logic ICs. Many successful test generation approaches to reduce IR-drop and/or power supply noise during LTC for the launch-off capture (LOC) scheme have previously been proposed, and several of X-filling techniques have proven especially effective. With X-filling in the launch-off shift (LOS) scheme, however, adjacent-fill (which was originally proposed for shift-in power reduction) is used frequently. In this work, we propose a novel X-filling technique for the LOS scheme, called Adjacent-Probability-based X-Filling (AP-fill), which can reduce more LTC power than adjacent-fill. We incorporate AP-fill into a post-ATPG test modification flow consisting of test relaxation and X-filling in order to avoid the fault coverage loss and the test vector count inflation. Experimental results for larger ITC\u2799 circuits show that the proposed AP-fill technique can achieve a higher power reduction ratio than 0-fill, 1-fill, and adjacent-fill.2011 Asian Test Symposium, 20-23 November 2011, New Delhi, Indi

    A GA-Based Method for High-Quality X-Filling to Reduce Launch Switching Activity in At-speed Scan Testing

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    Power-aware X-filling is a preferable approach to avoiding IR-drop-induced yield loss in at-speed scan testing. However, the quality of previous X-filling methods for reducing launch switching activity may be unsatisfactory, due to low effect (insufficient and global-only reduction) and/or low scalability (long CPU time). This paper addresses this quality problem with a novel, GA (Genetic Algorithm) based X-filling method, called GA-fill. Its goals are (1) to achieve both effectiveness and scalability in a more balanced manner, and (2) to make the reduction effect of launch switching activity more concentrated on critical areas that have higher impact on IR-drop-induced yield loss. Evaluation experiments are being conducted on benchmark and industrial circuits, and initial results have demonstrated the usefulness of GA-fill.2009 15th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing, 16-18 November 2009, Shanghai, Chin

    On reducing both shift and capture power for scan-based testing

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