7,658 research outputs found

    Loss minimization and parameter estimation with heavy tails

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    This work studies applications and generalizations of a simple estimation technique that provides exponential concentration under heavy-tailed distributions, assuming only bounded low-order moments. We show that the technique can be used for approximate minimization of smooth and strongly convex losses, and specifically for least squares linear regression. For instance, our dd-dimensional estimator requires just O~(dlog(1/δ))\tilde{O}(d\log(1/\delta)) random samples to obtain a constant factor approximation to the optimal least squares loss with probability 1δ1-\delta, without requiring the covariates or noise to be bounded or subgaussian. We provide further applications to sparse linear regression and low-rank covariance matrix estimation with similar allowances on the noise and covariate distributions. The core technique is a generalization of the median-of-means estimator to arbitrary metric spaces.Comment: Final version as published in JML

    Empirical risk minimization for heavy-tailed losses

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    The purpose of this paper is to discuss empirical risk minimization when the losses are not necessarily bounded and may have a distribution with heavy tails. In such situations, usual empirical averages may fail to provide reliable estimates and empirical risk minimization may provide large excess risk. However, some robust mean estimators proposed in the literature may be used to replace empirical means. In this paper, we investigate empirical risk minimization based on a robust estimate proposed by Catoni. We develop performance bounds based on chaining arguments tailored to Catoni's mean estimator.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/15-AOS1350 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Robust Estimation via Robust Gradient Estimation

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    We provide a new computationally-efficient class of estimators for risk minimization. We show that these estimators are robust for general statistical models: in the classical Huber epsilon-contamination model and in heavy-tailed settings. Our workhorse is a novel robust variant of gradient descent, and we provide conditions under which our gradient descent variant provides accurate estimators in a general convex risk minimization problem. We provide specific consequences of our theory for linear regression, logistic regression and for estimation of the canonical parameters in an exponential family. These results provide some of the first computationally tractable and provably robust estimators for these canonical statistical models. Finally, we study the empirical performance of our proposed methods on synthetic and real datasets, and find that our methods convincingly outperform a variety of baselines.Comment: 48 pages, 5 figure

    Robust Covariance Estimation for Approximate Factor Models

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    In this paper, we study robust covariance estimation under the approximate factor model with observed factors. We propose a novel framework to first estimate the initial joint covariance matrix of the observed data and the factors, and then use it to recover the covariance matrix of the observed data. We prove that once the initial matrix estimator is good enough to maintain the element-wise optimal rate, the whole procedure will generate an estimated covariance with desired properties. For data with only bounded fourth moments, we propose to use Huber loss minimization to give the initial joint covariance estimation. This approach is applicable to a much wider range of distributions, including sub-Gaussian and elliptical distributions. We also present an asymptotic result for Huber's M-estimator with a diverging parameter. The conclusions are demonstrated by extensive simulations and real data analysis

    Portfolio optimization for heavy-tailed assets: Extreme Risk Index vs. Markowitz

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    Using daily returns of the S&P 500 stocks from 2001 to 2011, we perform a backtesting study of the portfolio optimization strategy based on the extreme risk index (ERI). This method uses multivariate extreme value theory to minimize the probability of large portfolio losses. With more than 400 stocks to choose from, our study seems to be the first application of extreme value techniques in portfolio management on a large scale. The primary aim of our investigation is the potential of ERI in practice. The performance of this strategy is benchmarked against the minimum variance portfolio and the equally weighted portfolio. These fundamental strategies are important benchmarks for large-scale applications. Our comparison includes annualized portfolio returns, maximal drawdowns, transaction costs, portfolio concentration, and asset diversity in the portfolio. In addition to that we study the impact of an alternative tail index estimator. Our results show that the ERI strategy significantly outperforms both the minimum-variance portfolio and the equally weighted portfolio on assets with heavy tails.Comment: Manuscript accepted in the Journal of Empirical Financ

    A Fast Simulation Method for the Sum of Subexponential Distributions

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    Estimating the probability that a sum of random variables (RVs) exceeds a given threshold is a well-known challenging problem. Closed-form expression of the sum distribution is usually intractable and presents an open problem. A crude Monte Carlo (MC) simulation is the standard technique for the estimation of this type of probability. However, this approach is computationally expensive especially when dealing with rare events (i.e events with very small probabilities). Importance Sampling (IS) is an alternative approach which effectively improves the computational efficiency of the MC simulation. In this paper, we develop a general framework based on IS approach for the efficient estimation of the probability that the sum of independent and not necessarily identically distributed heavy-tailed RVs exceeds a given threshold. The proposed IS approach is based on constructing a new sampling distribution by twisting the hazard rate of the original underlying distribution of each component in the summation. A minmax approach is carried out for the determination of the twisting parameter, for any given threshold. Moreover, using this minmax optimal choice, the estimation of the probability of interest is shown to be asymptotically optimal as the threshold goes to infinity. We also offer some selected simulation results illustrating first the efficiency of the proposed IS approach compared to the naive MC simulation. The near-optimality of the minmax approach is then numerically analyzed

    Learning without Concentration

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    We obtain sharp bounds on the performance of Empirical Risk Minimization performed in a convex class and with respect to the squared loss, without assuming that class members and the target are bounded functions or have rapidly decaying tails. Rather than resorting to a concentration-based argument, the method used here relies on a `small-ball' assumption and thus holds for classes consisting of heavy-tailed functions and for heavy-tailed targets. The resulting estimates scale correctly with the `noise level' of the problem, and when applied to the classical, bounded scenario, always improve the known bounds

    Geometric median and robust estimation in Banach spaces

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    In many real-world applications, collected data are contaminated by noise with heavy-tailed distribution and might contain outliers of large magnitude. In this situation, it is necessary to apply methods which produce reliable outcomes even if the input contains corrupted measurements. We describe a general method which allows one to obtain estimators with tight concentration around the true parameter of interest taking values in a Banach space. Suggested construction relies on the fact that the geometric median of a collection of independent "weakly concentrated" estimators satisfies a much stronger deviation bound than each individual element in the collection. Our approach is illustrated through several examples, including sparse linear regression and low-rank matrix recovery problems.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/14-BEJ645 in the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm