1 research outputs found

    The Contextual Approach to Teaching Algebra in Junior Grades of Primary School

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    Predmet rada je istraživanje efikasnosti primene kontekstualnog pristupa u učenju sadržaja algebre u mlađim razredima osnovne škole. U teorijskom delu predstavljene su karakteristike kontekstualnog pristupa, specifičnosti učenja algebre na mlađem školskom uzrastu, izdvojeni problemi i poteškoće u učenju ovih sadržaja i operacionalizovane algebarske sposobnosti, koje predstavljaju okosnicu učenja. U tom kontekstu kreiran je i razrađen metodički pristup modelovanja sadržaja algebre, kao načina matematizacije problema realnog konteksta. Empirijski deo doktorske disertacije imao je za cilj da istraži uticaj kreiranog modela učenja na obrazovna postignuća, razvijanje algebarskih sposobnosti, trajnost znanja učenika, kao i da i utvrdi ulogu udžbenika matematike u stvaranju uslova za kontekstualni pristup učenju sadržaja algebre u mlađim razredima osnovne škole. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da se primenom kontekstualnog pristupa u nastavi matematike, u odnosu na klasičan pristup učenju, postižu bolja obrazovna postignuća u učenju sadržaja algebre, doprinosi razvijanju algebarskih sposobnosti i sticanju znanja koja imaju veću trajnost. Analiza sadržaja udžbenika matematike pokazala je da oni stvaraju dobru osnovu za kontekstualni pristup učenju sadržaja algebre u prva dva razreda, a u trećem i četvrtom razredu nedovoljnu. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da se brojne poteškoće koje prate učenje sadržaja algebre u mlađim razredima osnovne škole mogu prevazići zasnivanjem nastave matematike na bazi realističnih situacija učenja koje su bliske učeniku, postepenim kretanjem kroz nivoe matematizacije.This paper is aimed at examining the efficiency of the contextual approach to algebra in junior grades of primary school. The theoretical section presents the characteristics of the contextual approach, the specifics of learning algebra in junior grades of primary school, selected problems and difficulties in learning this content, and operationalized algebraic skills which represent the foundation for learning. In that context, a methodological approach to modeling algebraic content was created and developed, as well as ways to mathematize real context problems. The empirical section of the doctoral thesis aims to investigate the impact of the created learning model on educational achievements, development of algebraic skills, durability of student knowledge, as well as to determine the role of mathematics textbooks in creating the conditions necessary for the contextual approach to learning algebraic content in junior grades of primary school. The obtained results show that the implementation of the contextual approach generates a better educational achievement in mastering algebraic content compared to the traditional approach to learning, as well as that it develops students' algebraic skills and results in the acquisition of knowledge of greater durability. Analysis of the content of mathematics textbooks show that they form a good basis for the contextual approach to learning algebra in the first two grades of primary school, while their contribution in that regard in the third and fourth grade is insufficient. The obtained results show that many of the difficulties associated with learning algebra in junior grades of primary school can be overcome by grounding mathematics classes in real-life learning situations which are familiar and relatable to students, and by gradually moving up through different levels of mathematization