37 research outputs found

    A New Algorithm for Computing the Actions of Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Matrix Functions

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    A new algorithm is derived for computing the actions f(tA)Bf(tA)B and f(tA1/2)Bf(tA^{1/2})B, where ff is cosine, sinc, sine, hyperbolic cosine, hyperbolic sinc, or hyperbolic sine function. AA is an n×nn\times n matrix and BB is n×n0n\times n_0 with n0nn_0 \ll n. A1/2A^{1/2} denotes any matrix square root of AA and it is never required to be computed. The algorithm offers six independent output options given tt, AA, BB, and a tolerance. For each option, actions of a pair of trigonometric or hyperbolic matrix functions are simultaneously computed. The algorithm scales the matrix AA down by a positive integer ss, approximates f(s1tA)Bf(s^{-1}tA)B by a truncated Taylor series, and finally uses the recurrences of the Chebyshev polynomials of the first and second kind to recover f(tA)Bf(tA)B. The selection of the scaling parameter and the degree of Taylor polynomial are based on a forward error analysis and a sequence of the form Ak1/k\|A^k\|^{1/k} in such a way the overall computational cost of the algorithm is optimized. Shifting is used where applicable as a preprocessing step to reduce the scaling parameter. The algorithm works for any matrix AA and its computational cost is dominated by the formation of products of AA with n×n0n\times n_0 matrices that could take advantage of the implementation of level-3 BLAS. Our numerical experiments show that the new algorithm behaves in a forward stable fashion and in most problems outperforms the existing algorithms in terms of CPU time, computational cost, and accuracy.Comment: 4 figures, 16 page

    An Overview of Variational Integrators

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    The purpose of this paper is to survey some recent advances in variational integrators for both finite dimensional mechanical systems as well as continuum mechanics. These advances include the general development of discrete mechanics, applications to dissipative systems, collisions, spacetime integration algorithms, AVI’s (Asynchronous Variational Integrators), as well as reduction for discrete mechanical systems. To keep the article within the set limits, we will only treat each topic briefly and will not attempt to develop any particular topic in any depth. We hope, nonetheless, that this paper serves as a useful guide to the literature as well as to future directions and open problems in the subject