1,227 research outputs found

    A note on dominating cycles in 2-connected graphs

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    Let G be a 2-connected graph on n vertices such that d(x) + d(y) + d(z) n for all triples of independent vertices x, y, z. We prove that every longest cycle in G is a dominating cycle unless G is a spanning subgraph of a graph belonging to one of four easily specified classes of graphs

    Long cycles, degree sums and neighborhood unions

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    AbstractFor a graph G, define the parameters α(G)=max{|S| |S is an independent set of vertices of G}, σk(G)=min{∑ki=1d(vi)|{v1,…,vk} is an independent set} and NCk(G)= min{|∪ki=1 N(vi)∥{v1,…,vk} is an independent set} (k⩾2). It is shown that every 1-tough graph G of order n⩾3 with σ3(G)⩾n+r⩾n has a cycle of length at least min{n,n+NCr+5+∈(n+r)(G)-α(G)}, where ε(i)=3(⌈13i⌉−13i). This result extends previous results in Bauer et al. (1989/90), Faßbender (1992) and Flandrin et al. (1991). It is also shown that a 1-tough graph G of order n⩾3 with σ3(G)⩾n+r⩾n has a cycle of length at least min{n,2NC⌊18(n+6r+17)⌋(G)}. Analogous results are established for 2-connected graphs

    Long cycles in graphs with large degree sums and neighborhood unions

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    We present and prove several results concerning the length of longest cycles in 2-connected or 1-tough graphs with large degree sums. These results improve many known results on long cycles in these graphs. We also consider the sharpness of the results and discuss some possible strengthenings

    Hamiltonian properties of graphs with large neighborhood unions

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    AbstractLet G be a graph of order n, σk = min{ϵi=1kd(νi): {ν1,…, νk} is an independent set of vertices in G}, NC = min{|N(u)∪ N(ν)|: uν∉E(G)} and NC2 = min{|N(u)∪N(ν)|: d(u,ν)=2}. Ore proved that G is hamiltonian if σ2⩾n⩾3, while Faudree et al. proved that G is hamiltonian if G is 2-connected and NC⩾13(2n−1). It is shown that both results are generalized by a recent result of Bauer et al. Various other existing results in hamiltonian graph theory involving degree-sums or cardinalities of neighborhood unions are also compared in terms of generality. Furthermore, some new results are proved. In particular, it is shown that the bound 13(2n−1) on NC in the result of Faudree et al. can be lowered to 13(2n−1), which is best possible. Also, G is shown to have a cycle of length at least min{n, 2(NC2)} if G is 2-connected and σ3⩾n+2. A Dλ-cycle (Dλ-path) of G is a cycle (path) C such that every component of G−V(C) has order smaller than λ. Sufficient conditions of Lindquester for the existence of Hamilton cycles and paths involving NC2 are extended to Dλ-cycles and Dλ-paths

    A look at cycles containing specified elements of a graph

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    AbstractThis article is intended as a brief survey of problems and results dealing with cycles containing specified elements of a graph. It is hoped that this will help researchers in the area to identify problems and areas of concentration

    Relative length of long paths and cycles in graphs with large degree sums

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    For a graph G, p(G) denotes the order of a longest path in G and c(G) the order of a longest cycle. We show that if G is a connected graph n ≥ 3 vertices such that d(u) + d(v) + d(w) n for all triples u, v, w of independent vertices, then G satisfies c(G) ≥ p(G) - 1, or G is in one of six families of exceptional graphs. This generalizes results of Bondy and of Bauer, Morgana, Schmeichel, and Veldman

    Constant tolerance intersection graphs of subtrees of a tree

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    AbstractA chordal graph is the intersection graph of a family of subtrees of a host tree. In this paper we generalize this. A graph G=(V,E) has an (h,s,t)-representation if there exists a host tree T of maximum degree at most h, and a family of subtrees {Sv}v∈V of T, all of maximum degree at most s, such that uv∈E if and only if |Su∩Sv|⩾t. For given h,s, and t, there exist infinitely many forbidden induced subgraphs for the class of (h,s,t)-graphs. On the other hand, for fixed h⩾s⩾3, every graph is an (h,s,t)-graph provided that we take t large enough. Under certain conditions representations of larger graphs can be obtained from those of smaller ones by amalgamation procedures. Other representability and non-representability results are presented as well
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