4,415 research outputs found

    The Rhetorical Goddess: A Feminist Perspective on Women in Magic

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    Although female magicians have existed since the rise of entertainment magic, women have faced difficulty in entering the “fraternity” of the magic community. As an art form largely based around persuasion, it is useful to study the performance of magic as a text. It is additionally useful to study female magicians within this context of rhetoric. Not only will examining the rhetoric of female magicians provide insights on the rhetoric of women in this unique arena, but also of women in a historically gendered and underrepresented field. Research into this area may disclose other details regarding the communicative differences between women and men and how communication is adapted within a gendered communication paradigm

    Brand-Funded Documentary Films and Climate Change: An Aristotelian Rhetorical Analysis

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    This paper examines the concept of brand-funded documentaries that center on the issue of climate change and uses Aristotle’s Rhetorical Triangle to better understand how the films use rhetoric in communicating their message. A rhetorical analysis was conducted using four brand films from Amazon, Corona, Patagonia and REI and the results are intended to demonstrate the best methods of persuasion and the most effective rhetoric utilized in brand-funded documentaries. Because brand-funded documentaries not only make an argument about a particular issue, in this case climate change, but also must communicate a particular brand’s values and commitments, examining the rhetoric in these films proves particularly interesting and informative both for advertisers and filmmakers. The research shows that using emotions such as fear, awe, sadness, and joy serves to complement information dissemination in documentaries and allows for stronger engagement with audiences

    Homiletical Aesthetics: A Paradigmatic Proposal for a Holistic Experience of Preaching

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    The article is a proposal for a paradigmatic change in homiletical pedagogy. In North America today, most homiletical training at the seminary or divinity school is either text-driven or know-how-driven (or, at times, topic-driven). Thus, the homiletical training focuses on (1) how to exposit a text for a key topic, (2) how to structure a sermon, (3) how to deliver a message, and (4) how to analyze the text-driven sermon. While admitting the usefulness of this current textual or know-how pedagogy, the article suggests the addition of a holistic-aesthetic component of preaching, which I will later call numen-participatory education or a numinous pedagogy of preaching. This proposed pedagogical paradigm has two great advantages that the ecclesial situation today demands: (1) the spiritual formation of the preacher and (2) the holistic-aesthetic and multisensory exposition and experience of the text both by the preacher and the audience

    Audio-visual Rhetoric: Visualizing the Pattern Language of Film

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    Audio-visual Rhetoric is a knowledge domain for designers in theory and practice that is valid for all communicative actions through media that aim for persuasion. Within this domain, we introduce a framework for media analysis. We developed an Audio-Visual Pattern (AVP) language for film that is visualized within a notation system. This system shows auditory and visual parameters in order to reveal film’s rhetorical structure. We discuss related theories from pattern language and rhetoric and apply the AVP method to analyze 10 commercials. Keywords: Pattern Language, Film Analysis, Rhetoric, Emotion, Persuasion, Design Research</p

    The Prefrontal Cortex: A Predictor of Psychotic Symptoms in Children with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome?

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    Up to 30% of young adults with velocardiofacial syndrome (VCFS; 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome) develop schizophrenia or psychosis. As a result, identifying the neuroanatomic trajectories that increase risk for psychosis in youth with VCFS is of great interest. Pinpointing a specific subregion of the brain that has a pattern of change in VCFS could aid in further research of schizophrenia and help to distinguish neuroanatomic changes. In this study, high-resolution anatomic magnetic resonance brain images and measures of psychiatric function (i.e. symptoms of psychosis) were recorded in 40 youth with VCFS, 14 unaffected siblings, and 19 age-matched community control subjects at two time points: between mid-adolescence (approximately 15 years of age) and late adolescence (approximately 18 years of age). These data were then analyzed for correlations between reduced brain volume in various regions of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and symptom scores for early, subthreshold negative symptoms, positive symptoms, and total symptoms of psychosis. Results indicated a significant relationship between the reduction in certain PFC subregions and both negative symptoms and total symptom scores. Prefrontal cortex reductions were not associated with an increase in positive symptoms, although this was the expected finding. Thus, a reduction in PFC volume in VCFS patients cannot be linked to the onset of psychosis or schizophrenia prior to age 18. It appears that specific PFC subregion volumes that decrease in adolescence may contribute to a higher incidence of negative psychiatric symptoms in VCFS patients. Perhaps when patients reach the age of typical schizophrenia onset we will see a stronger relationship

    Musical Perspective: An Analysis of How Musicals Reflect Cultural Discourse

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    In this paper, I will be analyzing the role musical theatre productions play in reflecting cultural discourse. I will also discuss the impact musicals have on societal discussions regarding topics like race, capitalism, and social justice. The way I seek to do this is by first explaining the origin of musicals as musical comedies. I will also discuss other musical innovations such as the opera that influenced the shift. I will discuss the rise of musical dramas as musicals started incorporating serious themes. The emotional impact of musicals and their use of pathos will be analyzed. I will research the structure of musicals to understand how they incorporated social commentary since the 17th century. I will analyze 3 musicals: Hamilton, Hairspray, and Rent. These three musicals among others discussed current topics such as race, identity, and social class. They also played a role in influencing cultural discourse. Their impact was caused by their use of pathos and thematic storytelling. Through my research and analysis, I will be able to further discuss the potential of musicals in teaching values and necessary stories. Hamilton displayed the higher potential of musicals to influence discourse and affect a positive change in society. I seek to use these examples to provide perspective on the importance of musicals in the world

    Understanding how overseas Filipino workers engage on national issues in Pinoy OFW Facebook page

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    The Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) community is an important sector of the Philippines not only because of their economic contribution through remittances but also through their participation in national issues.Though dispersed in various countries, they converge in online communities such as the Pinoy OFW Facebook.Through content analysis, it was observed that participation in the threads is greater than interaction among OFWs.There were more tourists (likers) compared with the number of minglers, devotees, and insiders combined.Participation and interaction is higher when a thread appeals to emotion

    Movies That Sell: A Rhetorical Analysis of Product Placements in Marvel Movies

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    The advancement of digital entertainment media has given audiences the ability to skip ads that do not interest them. Consequently, brands face the challenge of creating ads that can compel audiences and finding media outlets that can effectively reach target audiences. Brands today use product placements to promote their products because movie audiences are generally attentive to ads when they are incorporated in a movie’s narrative. Marvel Cinematic Universe is a globally recognized entertainment franchise that uses product placements strategically to promote brands in their movies and TV shows. In this study, I conduct rhetorical analyses of select product placements in Marvel movies to investigate how they employ different rhetorical appeals in promoting products; and discuss how the appeals can influence audience perceptions of the products advertised. My findings suggest that product placements in Marvel movies leverage Aristotle\u27s rhetorical appeals to draw audiences\u27 attention and influence their opinions about products

    Product placement in film and television

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    Rhetorical structure and function in The Anatomy of Melancholy

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    In writing The Anatomy of Melancholy Robert Burton was working within the system of classical rhetoric as revived in the Renaissance, specifically the epideictic genus. A juxtaposition of the topics, arguments, and tripartite form employed by Burton with the treatment of epideictic in Aristotle's Rhetoric, as well as with aspects of the Roman and Hellenistic rhetorical traditions, shows how Burton has playfully adapted Renaissance conceptions of epideictic rhetoric forencyclopaedic, satirical, andself-expressive purposes. The function of rhetoric in the Anatomy is both to 'dissect' the corpus of knowledge about melancholy and to 'show forth' the author's own melancholic condition. © International Society for History of Rhetoric
