6,290 research outputs found

    Basic Logic and Quantum Entanglement

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    As it is well known, quantum entanglement is one of the most important features of quantum computing, as it leads to massive quantum parallelism, hence to exponential computational speed-up. In a sense, quantum entanglement is considered as an implicit property of quantum computation itself. But...can it be made explicit? In other words, is it possible to find the connective "entanglement" in a logical sequent calculus for the machine language? And also, is it possible to "teach" the quantum computer to "mimic" the EPR "paradox"? The answer is in the affirmative, if the logical sequent calculus is that of the weakest possible logic, namely Basic logic. A weak logic has few structural rules. But in logic, a weak structure leaves more room for connectives (for example the connective "entanglement"). Furthermore, the absence in Basic logic of the two structural rules of contraction and weakening corresponds to the validity of the no-cloning and no-erase theorems, respectively, in quantum computing.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure,LaTeX. Shorter version for proceedings requirements. Contributed paper at DICE2006, Piombino, Ital

    Constructive Provability Logic

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    We present constructive provability logic, an intuitionstic modal logic that validates the L\"ob rule of G\"odel and L\"ob's provability logic by permitting logical reflection over provability. Two distinct variants of this logic, CPL and CPL*, are presented in natural deduction and sequent calculus forms which are then shown to be equivalent. In addition, we discuss the use of constructive provability logic to justify stratified negation in logic programming within an intuitionstic and structural proof theory.Comment: Extended version of IMLA 2011 submission of the same titl

    Mechanized semantics

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    The goal of this lecture is to show how modern theorem provers---in this case, the Coq proof assistant---can be used to mechanize the specification of programming languages and their semantics, and to reason over individual programs and over generic program transformations, as typically found in compilers. The topics covered include: operational semantics (small-step, big-step, definitional interpreters); a simple form of denotational semantics; axiomatic semantics and Hoare logic; generation of verification conditions, with application to program proof; compilation to virtual machine code and its proof of correctness; an example of an optimizing program transformation (dead code elimination) and its proof of correctness

    From Quantum Metalanguage to the Logic of Qubits

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    The main aim of this thesis is to look for a logical deductive calculus (we will adopt sequent calculus, originally introduced in Gentzen, 1935), which could describe quantum information and its properties. More precisely, we intended to describe in logical terms the formation of the qubit (the unit of quantum information) which is a particular linear superposition of the two classical bits 0 and 1. To do so, we had to introduce the new connective "quantum superposition", in the logic of one qubit, Lq, as the classical conjunction cannot describe this quantum link.Comment: 138 pages, PhD thesis in Mathematic

    The Eightfold Way: Why Analyticity, Apriority and Necessity are Independent

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    This paper concerns the three great modal dichotomies: (i) the necessary/contingent dichotomy; (ii) the a priori/empirical dichotomy; and (iii) the analytic/synthetic dichotomy. These can be combined to produce a tri-dichotomy of eight modal categories. The question as to which of the eight categories house statements and which do not is a pivotal battleground in the history of analytic philosophy, with key protagonists including Descartes, Hume, Kant, Kripke, Putnam and Kaplan. All parties to the debate have accepted that some categories are void. This paper defends the contrary view that all eight categories house statements—a position I dub ‘octopropositionalism’. Examples of statements belonging to all eight categories are given
