4 research outputs found

    Logics Meet 1-Clock Alternating Timed Automata

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    This paper investigates a decidable and highly expressive real time logic QkMSO which is obtained by extending MSO[<] with guarded quantification using block of less than k metric quantifiers. The resulting logic is shown to be expressively equivalent to 1-clock ATA where loops are without clock resets, as well as, RatMTL, a powerful extension of MTL[U_I] with regular expressions. We also establish 4-variable property for QkMSO and characterize the expressive power of its 2-variable fragment. Thus, the paper presents progress towards expressively complete logics for 1-clock ATA

    Satisfiability Checking of Multi-Variable TPTL with Unilateral Intervals Is PSPACE-Complete

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    Satisfiability Checking of Multi-Variable TPTL with Unilateral Intervals Is PSPACE-Complete

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    We investigate the decidability of the 0,∞{0,\infty} fragment of Timed Propositional Temporal Logic (TPTL). We show that the satisfiability checking of TPTL0,∞^{0,\infty} is PSPACE-complete. Moreover, even its 1-variable fragment (1-TPTL0,∞^{0,\infty}) is strictly more expressive than Metric Interval Temporal Logic (MITL) for which satisfiability checking is EXPSPACE complete. Hence, we have a strictly more expressive logic with computationally easier satisfiability checking. To the best of our knowledge, TPTL0,∞^{0,\infty} is the first multi-variable fragment of TPTL for which satisfiability checking is decidable without imposing any bounds/restrictions on the timed words (e.g. bounded variability, bounded time, etc.). The membership in PSPACE is obtained by a reduction to the emptiness checking problem for a new "non-punctual" subclass of Alternating Timed Automata with multiple clocks called Unilateral Very Weak Alternating Timed Automata (VWATA0,∞^{0,\infty}) which we prove to be in PSPACE. We show this by constructing a simulation equivalent non-deterministic timed automata whose number of clocks is polynomial in the size of the given VWATA0,∞^{0,\infty}.Comment: Accepted in Concur 202

    Generalizing Non-Punctuality for Timed Temporal Logic with Freeze Quantifiers

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    Metric Temporal Logic (MTL) and Timed Propositional Temporal Logic (TPTL) are prominent real-time extensions of Linear Temporal Logic (LTL). In general, the satisfiability checking problem for these extensions is undecidable when both the future U and the past S modalities are used. In a classical result, the satisfiability checking for MITL[U,S], a non punctual fragment of MTL[U,S], is shown to be decidable with EXPSPACE complete complexity. Given that this notion of non punctuality does not recover decidability in the case of TPTL[U,S], we propose a generalization of non punctuality called \emph{non adjacency} for TPTL[U,S], and focus on its 1-variable fragment, 1-TPTL[U,S]. While non adjacent 1-TPTL[U,S] appears to be be a very small fragment, it is strictly more expressive than MITL. As our main result, we show that the satisfiability checking problem for non adjacent 1-TPTL[U,S] is decidable with EXPSPACE complete complexity