16 research outputs found

    SAT Based Attacks on SipHash

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    SipHash is a proposed pseudorandom function (PRF) that is optimized for small message inputs. It is intended to be used as a message-authentication code (MAC). It uses a 128-bit secret key to compute the tag of a message. This project uses SAT based attacks on the primitive to perform partial key recovery and compares the effectiveness of these attacks against standard brute force approach that involves trying all possible combinations for the key bits. The primitive is converted into CNF and fed to an off-the-shelf SAT solver. The solver uses clause learning and if satisfiable, returns a set of values for the missing key bits. It also reports the number of conflicts that occurred before a solution was found. This is repeated several times for varying number of missing key bits and different versions of SipHash. It is then compared to the number of attempts to retrieve the missing key bits using brute force and the results are analyzed to check the effectiveness of SAT based attacks. iv Contents Abstract......................................

    A SAT-based preimage analysis of reduced KECCAK hash functions

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    In this paper, we present a preimage attack on reduced versions of Keccak hash functions. We use our recently developed toolkit CryptLogVer for generating CNF (conjunctive normal form) which is passed to the SAT solver PrecoSAT. We found preimages for some reduced versions of the function and showed that full Keccak function is secure against the presented attack

    Inverting Cryptographic Hash Functions via Cube-and-Conquer

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    MD4 and MD5 are seminal cryptographic hash functions proposed in early 1990s. MD4 consists of 48 steps and produces a 128-bit hash given a message of arbitrary finite size. MD5 is a more secure 64-step extension of MD4. Both MD4 and MD5 are vulnerable to practical collision attacks, yet it is still not realistic to invert them, i.e. to find a message given a hash. In 2007, the 39-step version of MD4 was inverted via reducing to SAT and applying a CDCL solver along with the so-called Dobbertin's constraints. As for MD5, in 2012 its 28-step version was inverted via a CDCL solver for one specified hash without adding any additional constraints. In this study, Cube-and-Conquer (a combination of CDCL and lookahead) is applied to invert step-reduced versions of MD4 and MD5. For this purpose, two algorithms are proposed. The first one generates inversion problems for MD4 by gradually modifying the Dobbertin's constraints. The second algorithm tries the cubing phase of Cube-and-Conquer with different cutoff thresholds to find the one with minimal runtime estimation of the conquer phase. This algorithm operates in two modes: (i) estimating the hardness of a given propositional Boolean formula; (ii) incomplete SAT-solving of a given satisfiable propositional Boolean formula. While the first algorithm is focused on inverting step-reduced MD4, the second one is not area-specific and so is applicable to a variety of classes of hard SAT instances. In this study, 40-, 41-, 42-, and 43-step MD4 are inverted for the first time via the first algorithm and the estimating mode of the second algorithm. 28-step MD5 is inverted for four hashes via the incomplete SAT-solving mode of the second algorithm. For three hashes out of them this is done for the first time.Comment: 40 pages, 11 figures. A revised submission to JAI

    Translation of Algorithmic Descriptions of Discrete Functions to SAT with Applications to Cryptanalysis Problems

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    In the present paper, we propose a technology for translating algorithmic descriptions of discrete functions to SAT. The proposed technology is aimed at applications in algebraic cryptanalysis. We describe how cryptanalysis problems are reduced to SAT in such a way that it should be perceived as natural by the cryptographic community. In~the theoretical part of the paper we justify the main principles of general reduction to SAT for discrete functions from a class containing the majority of functions employed in cryptography. Then, we describe the Transalg software tool developed based on these principles with SAT-based cryptanalysis specifics in mind. We demonstrate the results of applications of Transalg to construction of a number of attacks on various cryptographic functions. Some of the corresponding attacks are state of the art. We compare the functional capabilities of the proposed tool with that of other domain-specific software tools which can be used to reduce cryptanalysis problems to SAT, and also with the CBMC system widely employed in symbolic verification. The paper also presents vast experimental data, obtained using the SAT solvers that took first places at the SAT competitions in the recent several years

    On Finding Short Cycles in Cryptographic Algorithms

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    We show how short cycles in the state space of a cryptographic algorithm can be used to mount a fault attack on its implementation which results in a full secret key recovery. The attack is based on the assumption that an attacker can inject a transient fault at a precise location and time of his/her choice and more than once. We present an algorithm which uses a SAT-based bounded model checking for finding all short cycles of a given length. The existing Boolean Decision Diagram (BDD) based algorithms for finding cycles have limited capacity due to the excessive memory requirements of BDDs. The simulation-based algorithms can be applied to larger problem instances, however, they cannot guarantee the detection of all cycles of a given length. The same holds for general-purpose SAT-based model checkers. The presented algorithm can find all short cycles in cryptographic algorithms with very large state spaces. We evaluate it by analyzing Trivium, Bivium, Grain-80 and Grain-128 stream ciphers. The analysis shows these ciphers have short cycles whose existence, to our best knowledge, was previously unknown

    Analysis of Boomerang Differential Trails via a SAT-Based Constraint Solver URSA

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    In order to obtain differential patterns over many rounds of a cryptographic primitive, the cryptanalyst often needs to work on local differential trail analysis. Examples include merging two differential trail parts into one or, in the case of boomerang and rectangle attacks, connecting two short trails within the quartet boomerang setting. In the latter case, as shown by Murphy in 2011, caution should be exercised as there is increased chance of running into contradictions in the middle rounds of the primitive. In this paper, we propose the use of a SAT-based constraint solver URSA as aid in analysis of differential trails and find that previous rectangle/boomerang attacks on XTEA and SHACAL-1 block ciphers and SM3 hash function are based on incompatible trails. Given the C specification of the cryptographic primitive, verifying differential trail portions requires minimal work on the side of the cryptanalyst

    URSA: A System for Uniform Reduction to SAT

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    There are a huge number of problems, from various areas, being solved by reducing them to SAT. However, for many applications, translation into SAT is performed by specialized, problem-specific tools. In this paper we describe a new system for uniform solving of a wide class of problems by reducing them to SAT. The system uses a new specification language URSA that combines imperative and declarative programming paradigms. The reduction to SAT is defined precisely by the semantics of the specification language. The domain of the approach is wide (e.g., many NP-complete problems can be simply specified and then solved by the system) and there are problems easily solvable by the proposed system, while they can be hardly solved by using other programming languages or constraint programming systems. So, the system can be seen not only as a tool for solving problems by reducing them to SAT, but also as a general-purpose constraint solving system (for finite domains). In this paper, we also describe an open-source implementation of the described approach. The performed experiments suggest that the system is competitive to state-of-the-art related modelling systems.Comment: 39 pages, uses tikz.st

    Preimages for SHA-1

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    This research explores the problem of finding a preimage — an input that, when passed through a particular function, will result in a pre-specified output — for the compression function of the SHA-1 cryptographic hash. This problem is much more difficult than the problem of finding a collision for a hash function, and preimage attacks for very few popular hash functions are known. The research begins by introducing the field and giving an overview of the existing work in the area. A thorough analysis of the compression function is made, resulting in alternative formulations for both parts of the function, and both statistical and theoretical tools to determine the difficulty of the SHA-1 preimage problem. Different representations (And- Inverter Graph, Binary Decision Diagram, Conjunctive Normal Form, Constraint Satisfaction form, and Disjunctive Normal Form) and associated tools to manipulate and/or analyse these representations are then applied and explored, and results are collected and interpreted. In conclusion, the SHA-1 preimage problem remains unsolved and insoluble for the foreseeable future. The primary issue is one of efficient representation; despite a promising theoretical difficulty, both the diffusion characteristics and the depth of the tree stand in the way of efficient search. Despite this, the research served to confirm and quantify the difficulty of the problem both theoretically, using Schaefer's Theorem, and practically, in the context of different representations

    SAT-based preimage attacks on SHA-1

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    Hash functions are important cryptographic primitives which map arbitrarily long messages to fixed-length message digests in such a way that: (1) it is easy to compute the message digest given a message, while (2) inverting the hashing process (e.g. finding a message that maps to a specific message digest) is hard. One attack against a hash function is an algorithm that nevertheless manages to invert the hashing process. Hash functions are used in e.g. authentication, digital signatures, and key exchange. A popular hash function used in many practical application scenarios is the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1). In this thesis we investigate the current state of the art in carrying out preimage attacks against SHA-1 using SAT solvers, and we attempt to find out if there is any room for improvement in either the encoding or the solving processes. We run a series of experiments using SAT solvers on encodings of reduced-difficulty versions of SHA-1. Each experiment tests one aspect of the encoding or solving process, such as e.g. determining whether there exists an optimal restart interval or determining which branching heuristic leads to the best average solving time. An important part of our work is to use statistically sound methods, i.e. hypothesis tests which take sample size and variation into account. Our most important result is a new encoding of 32-bit modular addition which significantly reduces the time it takes the SAT solver to find a solution compared to previously known encodings. Other results include the fact that reducing the absolute size of the search space by fixing bits of the message up to a certain point actually results in an instance that is harder for the SAT solver to solve. We have also identified some slight improvements to the parameters used by the heuristics of the solver MiniSat; for example, contrary to assertions made in the literature, we find that using longer restart intervals improves the running time of the solver