249,648 research outputs found

    Semantic model-driven development of service-centric software architectures

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    Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is a recent architectural paradigm that has received much attention. The prevalent focus on platforms such as Web services, however, needs to be complemented by appropriate software engineering methods. We propose the model-driven development of service-centric software systems. We present in particular an investigation into the role of enriched semantic modelling for a modeldriven development framework for service-centric software systems. Ontologies as the foundations of semantic modelling and its enhancement through architectural pattern modelling are at the core of the proposed approach. We introduce foundations and discuss the benefits and also the challenges in this context

    Proof-Pattern Recognition and Lemma Discovery in ACL2

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    We present a novel technique for combining statistical machine learning for proof-pattern recognition with symbolic methods for lemma discovery. The resulting tool, ACL2(ml), gathers proof statistics and uses statistical pattern-recognition to pre-processes data from libraries, and then suggests auxiliary lemmas in new proofs by analogy with already seen examples. This paper presents the implementation of ACL2(ml) alongside theoretical descriptions of the proof-pattern recognition and lemma discovery methods involved in it

    Multiple testing for SNP-SNP interactions

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    Most genetic diseases are complex, i.e. associated to combinations of SNPs rather than individual SNPs. In the last few years, this topic has often been addressed in terms of SNP-SNP interaction patterns given as expressions linked by logical operators. Methods for multiple testing in high-dimensional settings can be applied when many SNPs are considered simultaneously. However, another less well-known multiple testing problem arises within a fixed subset of SNPs when the logic expression is chosen optimally. In this article, we propose a general asymptotic approach for deriving the distribution of the maximally selected chi-square statistic in various situations. We show how this result can be used for testing logic expressions - in particular SNP-SNP interaction patterns - while controlling for multiple comparisons. Simulations show that our method provides multiple testing adjustment when the logic expression is chosen such as to maximize the statistic. Its benefit is demonstrated through an application to a real dataset from a large population-based study considering allergy and asthma in KORA. An implementation of our method is available from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) as R package 'SNPmaxsel'

    Design thinking support: information systems versus reasoning

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    Numerous attempts have been made to conceive and implement appropriate information systems to support architectural designers in their creative design thinking processes. These information systems aim at providing support in very diverse ways: enabling designers to make diverse kinds of visual representations of a design, enabling them to make complex calculations and simulations which take into account numerous relevant parameters in the design context, providing them with loads of information and knowledge from all over the world, and so forth. Notwithstanding the continued efforts to develop these information systems, they still fail to provide essential support in the core creative activities of architectural designers. In order to understand why an appropriately effective support from information systems is so hard to realize, we started to look into the nature of design thinking and on how reasoning processes are at play in this design thinking. This investigation suggests that creative designing rests on a cyclic combination of abductive, deductive and inductive reasoning processes. Because traditional information systems typically target only one of these reasoning processes at a time, this could explain the limited applicability and usefulness of these systems. As research in information technology is increasingly targeting the combination of these reasoning modes, improvements may be within reach for design thinking support by information systems