242 research outputs found

    Dyck algebras, interval temporal logic and posets of intervals

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    We investigate a natural Heyting algebra structure on the set of Dyck paths of the same length. We provide a geometrical description of the operations of pseudocomplement and relative pseudocomplement, as well as of regular elements. We also find a logic-theoretic interpretation of such Heyting algebras, which we call Dyck algebras, by showing that they are the algebraic counterpart of a certain fragment of a classical interval temporal logic (also known as Halpern-Shoham logic). Finally, we propose a generalization of our approach, suggesting a similar study of the Heyting algebra arising from the poset of intervals of a finite poset using Birkh\"off duality. In order to illustrate this, we show how several combinatorial parameters of Dyck paths can be expressed in terms of the Heyting algebra structure of Dyck algebras together with a certain total order on the set of atoms of each Dyck algebra.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Buying Logical Principles with Ontological Coin: The Metaphysical Lessons of Adding epsilon to Intuitionistic Logic

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    We discuss the philosophical implications of formal results showing the con- sequences of adding the epsilon operator to intuitionistic predicate logic. These results are related to Diaconescu’s theorem, a result originating in topos theory that, translated to constructive set theory, says that the axiom of choice (an “existence principle”) implies the law of excluded middle (which purports to be a logical principle). As a logical choice principle, epsilon allows us to translate that result to a logical setting, where one can get an analogue of Diaconescu’s result, but also can disentangle the roles of certain other assumptions that are hidden in mathematical presentations. It is our view that these results have not received the attention they deserve: logicians are unlikely to read a discussion because the results considered are “already well known,” while the results are simultaneously unknown to philosophers who do not specialize in what most philosophers will regard as esoteric logics. This is a problem, since these results have important implications for and promise signif i cant illumination of contem- porary debates in metaphysics. The point of this paper is to make the nature of the results clear in a way accessible to philosophers who do not specialize in logic, and in a way that makes clear their implications for contemporary philo- sophical discussions. To make the latter point, we will focus on Dummettian discussions of realism and anti-realism. Keywords: epsilon, axiom of choice, metaphysics, intuitionistic logic, Dummett, realism, antirealis

    Hypersequents and the Proof Theory of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Logic

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    Takeuti and Titani have introduced and investigated a logic they called intuitionistic fuzzy logic. This logic is characterized as the first-order Goedel logic based on the truth value set [0,1]. The logic is known to be axiomatizable, but no deduction system amenable to proof-theoretic, and hence, computational treatment, has been known. Such a system is presented here, based on previous work on hypersequent calculi for propositional Goedel logics by Avron. It is shown that the system is sound and complete, and allows cut-elimination. A question by Takano regarding the eliminability of the Takeuti-Titani density rule is answered affirmatively.Comment: v.2: 15 pages. Final version. (v.1: 15 pages. To appear in Computer Science Logic 2000 Proceedings.

    An Approach to Fuzzy Modal Logic of Time Intervals

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    Temporal reasoning based on intervals is nowadays ubiquitous in artificial intelligence, and the most representative interval temporal logic, called HS, was introduced by Halpern and Shoham in the eighties. There has been a great effort in the past in studying the expressive power and computational properties of the satisfiability problem for HS and its fragments, but only recently HS has been proposed as a suitable formalism for artificial intelligence applications. Such applications highlighted some of the intrinsic limits of HS: Sometimes, when dealing with real-life data one is not able to express temporal relations and propositional labels in a definite, crisp way. In this paper, following the seminal ideas of Fitting and Zadeh, among others, we present a fuzzy generalization of HS that partially solves such problems of expressive power, and we prove that, as in the crisp case, its satisfiability problem is generally undecidable

    Quantified Propositional Gödel Logics

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    It is shown that Gqp↑, the quantified propositional Gödel logic based on the truth-value set V↑ = {1 - 1/n : n≄1}âˆȘ{1}, is decidable. This result is obtained by reduction to BĂŒchi's theory S1S. An alternative proof based on elimination of quantifiers is also given, which yields both an axiomatization and a characterization of Gqp↑ as the intersection of all finite-valued quantified propositional Gödel logics
