6 research outputs found

    Optimal Layout Synthesis for Quantum Computing

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    Recent years have witnessed the fast development of quantum computing. Researchers around the world are eager to run larger and larger quantum algorithms that promise speedups impossible to any classical algorithm. However, the available quantum computers are still volatile and error-prone. Thus, layout synthesis, which transforms quantum programs to meet these hardware limitations, is a crucial step in the realization of quantum computing. In this paper, we present two synthesizers, one optimal and one approximate but nearly optimal. Although a few optimal approaches to this problem have been published, our optimal synthesizer explores a larger solution space, thus is optimal in a stronger sense. In addition, it reduces time and space complexity exponentially compared to some leading optimal approaches. The key to this success is a more efficient spacetime-based variable encoding of the layout synthesis problem as a mathematical programming problem. By slightly changing our formulation, we arrive at an approximate synthesizer that is even more efficient and outperforms some leading heuristic approaches, in terms of additional gate cost, by up to 100%, and also fidelity by up to 10x on a comprehensive set of benchmark programs and architectures. For a specific family of quantum programs named QAOA, which is deemed to be a promising application for near-term quantum computers, we further adjust the approximate synthesizer by taking commutation into consideration, achieving up to 75% reduction in depth and up to 65% reduction in additional cost compared to the tool used in a leading QAOA study.Comment: to appear in ICCAD'2

    A Best-Fit Mapping Algorithm to Facilitate ESOP-Decomposition in Clifford+T Quantum Network Synthesis

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    Currently, there is a large research interest and a significant economical effort to build the first practical quantum computer. Such quantum computers promise to exceed the capabilities of conventional computers in fields such as computational chemistry, machine learning and cryptanalysis. Automated methods to map logic designs to quantum networks are crucial to fully realizing this dream, however, existing methods can be expensive both in computational time as well as in the size of the resultant quantum networks. This work introduces an efficient method to map reversible single-target gates into a universal set of quantum gates (Clifford+T). This mapping method is called best-fit mapping and aims at reducing the cost of the resulting quantum network. It exploits k-LUT mapping and the existence of clean ancilla qubits to decompose a large single-target gate into a set of smaller single-target gates. In addition this work proposes a post-synthesis optimization method to reduce the cost of the final quantum network, based on two cost-minimization properties. Results show a cost reduction for the synthesized EPFL benchmark up to 53% in the number T gates

    Quantum Algorithmic Techniques for Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computers

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    Quantum computers have the potential to push the limits of computation in areas such as quantum chemistry, cryptography, optimization, and machine learning. Even though many quantum algorithms show asymptotic improvement compared to classical ones, the overhead of running quantum computers limits when quantum computing becomes useful. Thus, by optimizing components of quantum algorithms, we can bring the regime of quantum advantage closer. My work focuses on developing efficient subroutines for quantum computation. I focus specifically on algorithms for scalable, fault-tolerant quantum computers. While it is possible that even noisy quantum computers can outperform classical ones for specific tasks, high-depth and therefore fault-tolerance is likely required for most applications. In this thesis, I introduce three sets of techniques that can be used by themselves or as subroutines in other algorithms. The first components are coherent versions of classical sort and shuffle. We require that a quantum shuffle prepares a uniform superposition over all permutations of a sequence. The quantum sort is used within the shuffle and as well as in the next algorithm in this thesis. The quantum shuffle is an essential part of state preparation for quantum chemistry computation in first quantization. Second, I review the progress of Hamiltonian simulations and give a new algorithm for simulating time-dependent Hamiltonians. This algorithm scales polylogarithmic in the inverse error, and the query complexity does not depend on the derivatives of the Hamiltonian. A time-dependent Hamiltonian simulation was recently used for interaction picture simulation with applications to quantum chemistry. Next, I present a fully quantum Boltzmann machine. I show that our algorithm can train on quantum data and learn a classical description of quantum states. This type of machine learning can be used for tomography, Hamiltonian learning, and approximate quantum cloning

    LUT-Based Hierarchical Reversible Logic Synthesis

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    We present a synthesis framework to map logic networks into quantum circuits for quantum computing. The synthesis framework is based on lookup-table (urn networks, which play a key role in conventional logic synthesis. Establishing a connection between LUTs in an LUT network and reversible single-target gates in a reversible network allows us to bridge conventional logic synthesis with logic synthesis for quantum computing, despite several fundamental differences. We call our synthesis framework LUT-based hierarchical reversible logic synthesis (LHRS). Input to LHRS is a classical logic network representing an arbitrary Boolean combinational operation; output is a quantum network (realized in terms of Clifford-FT gates). The framework allows one to account for qubit count requirements imposed by the overlying quantum algorithm or target quantum computing hardware. In a fast first step, an initial network is derived that only consists of single-target gates and already completely determines the number of qubits in the final quantum network. Different methods are then used to map each single-target gate into Clifibrd+T gates, while aiming at optimally using available resources. We demonstrate the versatility of our method by conducting a design space exploration using different parameters on a set of large combinational benchmarks. On the same benchmarks, we show that our approach can advance over the state-of-the-art hierarchical reversible logic synthesis algorithms