103 research outputs found

    Logarithmic-Size (Linkable) Threshold Ring Signatures in the Plain Model

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    Ring signatures are a cryptographic primitive that allow a signer to anonymously sign messages on behalf of an ad-hoc group of NN potential signers (the so-called ring). This primitive has attracted significant research since its introduction by Rivest et al. (ASIACRYPT\u2701), but until recently, no construction was known that was both (i) compact, i.e., the signature size is sub-linear in NN, and (ii) in the plain model, i.e., secure under standard hardness assumptions without requiring heuristic or setup assumptions. The first construction in this most desirable setting, where reducing trust in external parties is the primary goal, was only recently presented by Backes et al. (EUROCRYPT\u2719). An interesting generalization of ring signatures are tt-out-of-NN ring signatures for t1t\geq 1, also known as threshold ring (thring) signatures (Bresson et al., CRYPTO\u2702). For threshold ring signatures, non-linkable sub-linear-size constructions are not even known under heuristic or setup assumptions. In this work, we propose the first sub-linear thring signatures and prove them secure in the plain model. While our constructions are inspired by the template underlying the Backes et al. construction, they require novel ideas and techniques. Our scheme is non-interactive, and has strong inter-signer anonymity, meaning that signers do not need to know the other signers that participate in a threshold signing. We then present a linkable counterpart to our non-linkable construction. Our thring signatures can easily be adapted to achieve the recently introduced notions of flexibility (Okamoto et al., EPRINT\u2718) as well as claimability and repudiability (Park and Sealfon, CRYPTO\u2719). (Th)Ring signatures and, in particular, their linkable versions have recently drawn significant attention in the field of privacy-friendly cryptocurrencies. We discuss applications that are enabled by our strong inter-signer anonymity, demonstrating that thring signatures are interesting from a practical perspective also

    Threshold Ring Signature Scheme from Cryptographic Group Actions

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    SoK: Privacy-Preserving Signatures

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    Modern security systems depend fundamentally on the ability of users to authenticate their communications to other parties in a network. Unfortunately, cryptographic authentication can substantially undermine the privacy of users. One possible solution to this problem is to use privacy-preserving cryptographic authentication. These protocols allow users to authenticate their communications without revealing their identity to the verifier. In the non-interactive setting, the most common protocols include blind, ring, and group signatures, each of which has been the subject of enormous research in the security and cryptography literature. These primitives are now being deployed at scale in major applications, including Intel\u27s SGX software attestation framework. The depth of the research literature and the prospect of large-scale deployment motivate us to systematize our understanding of the research in this area. This work provides an overview of these techniques, focusing on applications and efficiency

    Efficient Linkable Ring Signatures: New Framework and Post-Quantum Instantiations

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    In this paper, we introduce a new framework for constructing linkable ring signatures (LRS). Our framework is based purely on signatures of knowledge (SoK) which allows one to issue signatures on behalf of any NP-statement using the corresponding witness. Our framework enjoys the following advantages: (1) the security of the resulting LRS depends only on the security of the underlying SoK; (2) the resulting LRS naturally supports online/offline signing (resp. verification), where the output of the offline signing (resp. verification) can be re-used across signatures of the same ring. For a ring size nn, our framework requires an SoK of the NP statement with size logn\log n. To instantiate our framework, we adapt the well-known post-quantum secure non-interactive argument of knowledge (NIAoK), ethSTARK, into an SoK. This SoK is inherently post-quantum secure and has a signature size poly-logarithmic in the size of the NP statement. Thus, our resulting LRS has a signature size of O(polylog(logn))O(\text{polylog}(\log n)). By comparison, existing post-quantum ring signatures, regardless of linkability considerations, have signature sizes of O(logn)O(\log n) at best. Furthermore, leveraging online/offline verification, part of the verification of signatures on the same ring can be shared, resulting in a state-of-the-art amortized verification cost of O(polylog(logn))O(\text{polylog}(\log n)). Our LRS also performs favourably against existing schemes in practical scenarios. Concretely, our scheme has the smallest signature size among all post-quantum linkable ring signatures with non-slanderability for ring size larger than 3232. In our experiment, at 128128-bit security and ring size of 10241024, our LRS has a size of 2929KB, and an amortized verification cost of 0.30.3 ms, surpassing the state-of-the-art by a significant margin. Even without considering amortization, the verification time for a single signature is 128128 ms, comparable to those featuring linear signature size. A similar performance advantage can also be seen at signing. Furthermore, our LRS has extremely short public keys (3232 bytes), while public keys of existing constructions are in the order of kilobytes

    Lattice-Based Linkable Ring Signature in the Standard Model

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    Ring signatures enable a user to sign messages on behalf of an arbitrary set of users, called the ring. The anonymity property guarantees that the signature does not reveal which member of the ring signed the message. The notion of linkable ring signatures (LRS) is an extension of the concept of ring signatures such that there is a public way of determining whether two signatures have been produced by the same signer. Lattice-based LRS is an important and active research line since lattice-based cryptography has attracted more attention due to its distinctive features, especially the quantum-resistant. However, all the existing lattice-based LRS relied on random oracle heuristics, i.e., no lattice-based LRS in the standard model has been introduced so far. In this paper, we present a lattice-based LRS scheme in the standard model. Toward our goal, we present a lattice basis extending algorithm which is the key ingredient in our construction, that may be of indepen- dent interes

    Predicate Aggregate Signatures and Applications

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    Motivated by applications in anonymous reputation systems and blockchain governance, we initiate the study of predicate aggregate signatures (PAS), which is a new primitive that enables users to sign multiple messages, and these individual signatures can be aggregated by a combiner, preserving the anonymity of the signers. The resulting PAS discloses only a brief description of signers for each message and provides assurance that both the signers and their description satisfy the specified public predicate. We formally define PAS and give a construction framework to yield a logarithmic size signature, and further reduce the verification time also to logarithmic. We also give several instantiations for several concrete predicates that may be of independent interest. To showcase its power, we also demonstrate its applications to multiple settings including multi-signatures, aggregate signatures, threshold sig- natures, (threshold) ring signatures, attribute-based signatures, etc, and advance the state of the art in all of them

    DLSAG: Non-Interactive Refund Transactions For Interoperable Payment Channels in Monero

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    Monero has emerged as one of the leading cryptocurrencies with privacy by design. However, this comes at the price of reduced expressiveness and interoperability as well as severe scalability issues. First, Monero is restricted to coin exchanges among individual addresses and no further functionality is supported. Second, transactions are authorized by linkable ring signatures, a digital signature scheme only available in Monero, hindering thereby the interoperability with the rest of cryptocurrencies. Third, Monero transactions require high on-chain footprint, which leads to a rapid ledger growth and thus scalability issues. In this work, we extend Monero expressiveness and interoperability while mitigating its scalability issues. We present \emph{Dual Linkable Spontaneous Anonymous Group Signature for Ad Hoc Groups (DLSAG)}, a novel linkable ring signature scheme that enables for the first time \emph{refund transactions} natively in Monero: DLSAG can seamlessly be implemented along with other cryptographic tools already available in Monero such as commitments and range proofs. We formally prove that DLSAG achieves the same security and privacy notions introduced in the original linkable ring signature~\cite{Liu2004} namely, unforgeability, signer ambiguity, and linkability. We have evaluated DLSAG and showed that it imposes even slightly lower computation and similar communication overhead than the current digital signature scheme in Monero, demonstrating its practicality. We further show how to leverage DLSAG to enable off-chain scalability solutions in Monero such as payment channels and payment-channel networks as well as atomic swaps and interoperable payments with virtually all cryptocurrencies available today. DLSAG is currently being discussed within the Monero community as an option for possible adoption as a key building block for expressiveness, interoperability, and scalability

    SoK:A Systematic Study of Anonymity in Cryptocurrencies

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    Blockchain and cryptocurrencies have been widely deployed and used in our daily life. Although there are numerous works in the literature surveying technical challenges and security issues in blockchains, very few works focused on the anonymity guarantees provided in cryptocurrencies. In this work, we conduct a systematic survey on anonymity in cryptocurrencies with a clear categorization for the different tiers of anonymity offered in the various cryptocurrencies as well as their known weaknesses and vulnerabilities. We also study the techniques that have been used to achieve each tier of anonymity. Finally, we asses the current techniques, and present a forecast for the technological trends in this fiel

    Efficient Set Membership Proofs using MPC-in-the-Head

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    Set membership proofs are an invaluable part of privacy preserving systems. These proofs allow a prover to demonstrate knowledge of a witness ww corresponding to a secret element xx of a public set, such that they jointly satisfy a given NP relation, {\em i.e.} R(w,x)=1\mathcal{R}(w,x)=1 and xx is a member of a public set {x1,,x}\{x_1, \ldots, x_\ell\}. This allows the identity of the prover to remain hidden, eg. ring signatures and confidential transactions in cryptocurrencies. In this work, we develop a new technique for efficiently adding logarithmic-sized set membership proofs to any MPC-in-the-head based zero-knowledge protocol (Ishai et al. [STOC\u2707]). We integrate our technique into an open source implementation of the state-of-the-art, post quantum secure zero-knowledge protocol of Katz et al. [CCS\u2718]. We find that using our techniques to construct ring signatures results in signatures (based only on symmetric key primitives) that are between 5 and 10 times smaller than state-of-the-art techniques based on the same assumptions. We also show that our techniques can be used to efficiently construct post-quantum secure RingCT from only symmetric key primitives

    Extendable Threshold Ring Signatures with Enhanced Anonymity

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    Threshold ring signatures are digital signatures that allow tt parties to sign a message while hiding their identity in a larger set of nn users called \u27\u27ring\u27\u27. Recently, Aranha et al. [PKC 2022] introduced the notion of \emph{extendable} threshold ring signatures (ETRS). ETRS allow one to update, in a non-interactive manner, a threshold ring signature on a certain message so that the updated signature has a greater threshold, and/or an augmented set of potential signers. An application of this primitive is anonymous count me in. A first signer creates a ring signature with a sufficiently large ring announcing a proposition in the signed message. After such cause becomes \emph{public}, other parties can anonymously decide to support that proposal by producing an updated signature. Crucially, such applications rely on partial signatures being posted on a \emph{publicly accessible} bulletin board since users may not know/trust each other. In this paper, we first point out that even if anonymous count me in was suggested as an application of ETRS, the anonymity notion proposed in the previous work is insufficient in many application scenarios. Indeed, the existing notion guarantees anonymity only against adversaries who just see the last signature, and are not allowed to access the \u27\u27full evolution of an ETRS. This is in stark contrast with applications where partial signatures are posted in a public bulletin board. We therefore propose stronger anonymity definitions and construct a new ETRS that satisfies such definitions. Interestingly, while satisfying stronger anonymity properties, our ETRS asymptotically improves on the two ETRS presented in prior work [PKC 2022] in terms of both time complexity and signature size. Our ETRS relies on extendable non-interactive witness-indistinguishable proof of knowledge (ENIWI PoK), a novel technical tool that we formalize and construct, and that may be of independent interest. We build our constructions from pairing groups under the SXDH assumption