639 research outputs found

    Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping of High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging based on Riemannian Structure of Orientation Distribution Functions

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    In this paper, we propose a novel large deformation diffeomorphic registration algorithm to align high angular resolution diffusion images (HARDI) characterized by orientation distribution functions (ODFs). Our proposed algorithm seeks an optimal diffeomorphism of large deformation between two ODF fields in a spatial volume domain and at the same time, locally reorients an ODF in a manner such that it remains consistent with the surrounding anatomical structure. To this end, we first review the Riemannian manifold of ODFs. We then define the reorientation of an ODF when an affine transformation is applied and subsequently, define the diffeomorphic group action to be applied on the ODF based on this reorientation. We incorporate the Riemannian metric of ODFs for quantifying the similarity of two HARDI images into a variational problem defined under the large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping (LDDMM) framework. We finally derive the gradient of the cost function in both Riemannian spaces of diffeomorphisms and the ODFs, and present its numerical implementation. Both synthetic and real brain HARDI data are used to illustrate the performance of our registration algorithm

    Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping and Probabilistic Atlas Generation of Hybrid Diffusion Imaging based on BFOR Signal Basis

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    We propose a large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping algorithm to align multiple b-value diffusion weighted imaging (mDWI) data, specifically acquired via hybrid diffusion imaging (HYDI), denoted as LDDMM-HYDI. We then propose a Bayesian model for estimating the white matter atlas from HYDIs. We adopt the work given in Hosseinbor et al. (2012) and represent the q-space diffusion signal with the Bessel Fourier orientation reconstruction (BFOR) signal basis. The BFOR framework provides the representation of mDWI in the q-space and thus reduces memory requirement. In addition, since the BFOR signal basis is orthonormal, the L2 norm that quantifies the differences in the q-space signals of any two mDWI datasets can be easily computed as the sum of the squared differences in the BFOR expansion coefficients. In this work, we show that the reorientation of the qq-space signal due to spatial transformation can be easily defined on the BFOR signal basis. We incorporate the BFOR signal basis into the LDDMM framework and derive the gradient descent algorithm for LDDMM-HYDI with explicit orientation optimization. Additionally, we extend the previous Bayesian atlas estimation framework for scalar-valued images to HYDIs and derive the expectation-maximization algorithm for solving the HYDI atlas estimation problem. Using real HYDI datasets, we show the Bayesian model generates the white matter atlas with anatomical details. Moreover, we show that it is important to consider the variation of mDWI reorientation due to a small change in diffeomorphic transformation in the LDDMM-HYDI optimization and to incorporate the full information of HYDI for aligning mDWI

    White Matter Structural Connectivity is Associated with Sensorimotor Function in Stroke Survivors

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    Purpose Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) provides functionally relevant information about white matter structure. Local anatomical connectivity information combined with fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) may predict functional outcomes in stroke survivors. Imaging methods for predicting functional outcomes in stroke survivors are not well established. This work uses DTI to objectively assess the effects of a stroke lesion on white matter structure and sensorimotor function. Methods A voxel-based approach is introduced to assess a stroke lesion\u27s global impact on motor function. Anatomical T1-weighted and diffusion tensor images of the brain were acquired for nineteen subjects (10 post-stroke and 9 age-matched controls). A manually selected volume of interest was used to alleviate the effects of stroke lesions on image registration. Images from all subjects were registered to the images of the control subject that was anatomically closest to Talairach space. Each subject\u27s transformed image was uniformly seeded for DTI tractography. Each seed was inversely transformed into the individual subject space, where DTI tractography was conducted and then the results were transformed back to the reference space. A voxel-wise connectivity matrix was constructed from the fibers, which was then used to calculate the number of directly and indirectly connected neighbors of each voxel. A novel voxel-wise indirect structural connectivity (VISC) index was computed as the average number of direct connections to a voxel\u27s indirect neighbors. Voxel-based analyses (VBA) were performed to compare VISC, FA, and MD for the detection of lesion-induced changes in sensorimotor function. For each voxel, a t-value was computed from the differences between each stroke brain and the 9 controls. A series of linear regressions was performed between Fugl-Meyer (FM) assessment scores of sensorimotor impairment and each DTI metric\u27s log number of voxels that differed from the control group. Results Correlation between the logarithm of the number of significant voxels in the ipsilesional hemisphere and total Fugl-Meyer score was moderate for MD (R2 = 0.512), and greater for VISC (R2 = 0.796) and FA (R2 = 0.674). The slopes of FA (p = 0.0036), VISC (p = 0.0005), and MD (p = 0.0199) versus the total FM score were significant. However, these correlations were driven by the upper extremity motor component of the FM score (VISC: R2 = 0.879) with little influence of the lower extremity motor component (FA: R2 = 0.177). Conclusion The results suggest that a voxel-wise metric based on DTI tractography can predict upper extremity sensorimotor function of stroke survivors, and that supraspinal intraconnectivity may have a less dominant role in lower extremity function

    Multivariate Normalization with Symmetric Diffeomorphisms for Multivariate Studies

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    Current clinical and research neuroimaging protocols acquire images using multiple modalities, for instance, T1, T2, diffusion tensor and cerebral blood flow magnetic resonance images (MRI). These multivariate datasets provide unique and often complementary anatomical and physiological information about the subject of interest. We present a method that uses fused multiple modality (scalar and tensor) datasets to perform intersubject spatial normalization. Our multivariate approach has the potential to eliminate inconsistencies that occur when normalization is performed on each modality separately. Furthermore, the multivariate approach uses a much richer anatomical and physiological image signature to infer image correspondences and perform multivariate statistical tests. In this initial study, we develop the theory for Multivariate Symmetric Normalization (MVSyN), establish its feasibility and discuss preliminary results on a multivariate statistical study of 22q deletion syndrome

    Unsupervised Fiber Bundles Registration using Weighted Measures Geometric Demons

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    International audienceBrain image registration aims at reducing anatomical variability across subjects to create a common space for group analysis. Multi-modal approaches intend to minimize cortex shape variations along with internal structures, such as fiber bundles. A di ficulty is that it requires a prior identi fication of these structures, which remains a challenging task in the absence of a complete reference atlas. We propose an extension of the log-Geometric Demons for jointly registering images and fi ber bundles without the need of point or ber correspondences. By representing fi ber bundles as Weighted Measures we can register subjects with di fferent numbers of fiber bundles. The ef ficacy of our algorithm is demonstrated by registering simultaneously T1 images and between 37 and 88 ber bundles depending on each of the ten subject used. We compare results with a multi-modal T1 + Fractional Anisotropy (FA) and a tensor-based registration algorithms and obtain superior performance with our approach

    MMORF—FSL’s MultiMOdal Registration Framework

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    We present MMORF—FSL’s MultiMOdal Registration Framework—a newly released nonlinear image registration tool designed primarily for application to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images of the brain. MMORF is capable of simultaneously optimising both displacement and rotational transformations within a single registration framework by leveraging rich information from multiple scalar and tensor modalities. The regularisation employed in MMORF promotes local rigidity in the deformation, and we have previously demonstrated how this effectively controls both shape and size distortion, leading to more biologically plausible warps. The performance of MMORF is benchmarked against three established nonlinear registration methods—FNIRT, ANTs, and DR-TAMAS—across four domains: FreeSurfer label overlap, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) similarity, task-fMRI cluster mass, and distortion. The evaluation is based on 100 unrelated subjects from the Human Connectome Project (HCP) dataset registered to the Oxford-MultiModal-1 (OMM-1) multimodal template via either the T1w contrast alone or in combination with a DTI/DTI-derived contrast. Results show that MMORF is the most consistently high-performing method across all domains—both in terms of accuracy and levels of distortion. MMORF is available as part of FSL, and its inputs and outputs are fully compatible with existing workflows. We believe that MMORF will be a valuable tool for the neuroimaging community, regardless of the domain of any downstream analysis, providing state-of-the-art registration performance that integrates into the rich and widely adopted suite of analysis tools in FSL