42 research outputs found

    Fast Arithmetics Using Chinese Remaindering

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    In this paper, some issues concerning the Chinese remaindering representation are discussed. Some new converting methods, including an efficient probabilistic algorithm based on a recent result of von zur Gathen and Shparlinski \cite{Gathen-Shparlinski}, are described. An efficient refinement of the NC1^1 division algorithm of Chiu, Davida and Litow \cite{Chiu-Davida-Litow} is given, where the number of moduli is reduced by a factor of logā”n\log n

    Fast arithmetic computing with neural networks

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    The authors introduce a restricted model of a neuron which is more practical as a model of computation then the classical model of a neuron. The authors define a model of neural networks as a feedforward network of such neurons. Whereas any logic circuit of polynomial size (in n) that computes the product of two n-bit numbers requires unbounded delay, such computations can be done in a neural network with constant delay. The authors improve some known results by showing that the product of two n-bit numbers and sorting of n n-bit numbers can both be computed by a polynomial size neural network using only four unit delays, independent of n . Moreover, the weights of each threshold element in the neural networks require only O(log n)-bit (instead of n-bit) accuracy

    A Randomized Sublinear Time Parallel GCD Algorithm for the EREW PRAM

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    We present a randomized parallel algorithm that computes the greatest common divisor of two integers of n bits in length with probability 1-o(1) that takes O(n loglog n / log n) expected time using n^{6+\epsilon} processors on the EREW PRAM parallel model of computation. We believe this to be the first randomized sublinear time algorithm on the EREW PRAM for this problem

    Programmable neural logic

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    Circuits of threshold elements (Boolean input, Boolean output neurons) have been shown to be surprisingly powerful. Useful functions such as XOR, ADD and MULTIPLY can be implemented by such circuits more efficiently than by traditional AND/OR circuits. In view of that, we have designed and built a programmable threshold element. The weights are stored on polysilicon floating gates, providing long-term retention without refresh. The weight value is increased using tunneling and decreased via hot electron injection. A weight is stored on a single transistor allowing the development of dense arrays of threshold elements. A 16-input programmable neuron was fabricated in the standard 2 Ī¼m double-poly, analog process available from MOSIS. We also designed and fabricated the multiple threshold element introduced in [5]. It presents the advantage of reducing the area of the layout from O(n^2) to O(n); (n being the number of variables) for a broad class of Boolean functions, in particular symmetric Boolean functions such as PARITY. A long term goal of this research is to incorporate programmable single/multiple threshold elements, as building blocks in field programmable gate arrays

    Neural computation of arithmetic functions

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    A neuron is modeled as a linear threshold gate, and the network architecture considered is the layered feedforward network. It is shown how common arithmetic functions such as multiplication and sorting can be efficiently computed in a shallow neural network. Some known results are improved by showing that the product of two n-bit numbers and sorting of n n-bit numbers can be computed by a polynomial-size neural network using only four and five unit delays, respectively. Moreover, the weights of each threshold element in the neural networks require O(log n)-bit (instead of n -bit) accuracy. These results can be extended to more complicated functions such as multiple products, division, rational functions, and approximation of analytic functions

    Perfect Computational Equivalence between Quantum Turing Machines and Finitely Generated Uniform Quantum Circuit Families

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    In order to establish the computational equivalence between quantum Turing machines (QTMs) and quantum circuit families (QCFs) using Yao's quantum circuit simulation of QTMs, we previously introduced the class of uniform QCFs based on an infinite set of elementary gates, which has been shown to be computationally equivalent to the polynomial-time QTMs (with appropriate restriction of amplitudes) up to bounded error simulation. This result implies that the complexity class BQP introduced by Bernstein and Vazirani for QTMs equals its counterpart for uniform QCFs. However, the complexity classes ZQP and EQP for QTMs do not appear to equal their counterparts for uniform QCFs. In this paper, we introduce a subclass of uniform QCFs, the finitely generated uniform QCFs, based on finite number of elementary gates and show that the class of finitely generated uniform QCFs is perfectly equivalent to the class of polynomial-time QTMs; they can exactly simulate each other. This naturally implies that BQP as well as ZQP and EQP equal the corresponding complexity classes of the finitely generated uniform QCFs.Comment: 11page

    A Remark on Fourier Transform

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    In this note, we describe an interpretation of the (continuous) Fourier transform from the perspective of the Chinese Remainder Theorem. Some related issues are discussed

    Root finding with threshold circuits

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    We show that for any constant d, complex roots of degree d univariate rational (or Gaussian rational) polynomials---given by a list of coefficients in binary---can be computed to a given accuracy by a uniform TC^0 algorithm (a uniform family of constant-depth polynomial-size threshold circuits). The basic idea is to compute the inverse function of the polynomial by a power series. We also discuss an application to the theory VTC^0 of bounded arithmetic.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur