5 research outputs found

    Master Index to Volumes 51–60

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    Approaches to analysis with infinitesimals following Robinson, Nelson, and others

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    This is a survey of several approaches to the framework for working with infinitesimals and infinite numbers, originally developed by Abraham Robinson in the 1960s, and their constructive engagement with the Cantor-Dedekind postulate and the Intended Interpretation hypothesis. We highlight some applications including (1) Loeb's approach to the Lebesgue measure, (2) a radically elementary approach to the vibrating string, (3) true infinitesimal differential geometry. We explore the relation of Robinson's and related frameworks to the multiverse view as developed by Hamkins. Keywords: axiomatisations, infinitesimal, nonstandard analysis, ultraproducts, superstructure, set-theoretic foundations, multiverse, naive integers, intuitionism, soritical properties, ideal elements, protozoa

    Set theory and the analyst

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    This survey is motivated by specific questions arising in the similarities and contrasts between (Baire) category and (Lebesgue) measure - category-measure duality and non-duality, as it were. The bulk of the text is devoted to a summary, intended for the working analyst, of the extensive background in set theory and logic needed to discuss such matters: to quote from the Preface of Kelley [Kel]: "what every young analyst should know"

    Loeb extensions and ultrapowers of measures on fragments

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