2 research outputs found

    Green distributed algorithm for energy saving in IP wired networks using sleep scheduling

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    Energy saving has become a critical issue and a great challenge in the past few decades, and a great effort as well is being made to reduce consumed energy. The Internet forms a major source for energy consumption. Therefore, in this work we propose an algorithm for energy saving in distributed backbone networks, the reduced energy consumption (RedCon) algorithm. In this paper, we introduce a new version for saving energy on the Internet by switching off underutilized links and switching on idle links when the network is overloaded in a distributed manner over the network nodes based on LSA messages and without any knowledge of the traffic matrix. Our algorithm is more accurate and outperforms other algorithms with its time checks and advanced learning algorithm

    Reducing power consumption in LEO satellite network

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    Current low earth orbit (LEO) satellite network display poor power efficiency, running network devices at full capacity all the time regardless of the traffic matrix and the distribution of the population over the Globe. Most of the research on energy efficiency of LEO satellites has focused on component level or link level. Therefore, this kind of research is not holistic to try to look at the satellite system as a single node. To enhance the energy efficiency. The solution should exploits multipath routing and load balancing. LEO network is overprovisioned, and hence selectively shutting down some satellite nodes and links during off-peaks hours seems like a good way to reduce energy consumption. In this paper, we exploit the fact that due to geographical and climatic conditions, some satellite links are expected to be loaded with data while others remain unused. Our approach is to power down satellite nodes and links during period of low traffic, while guaranteeing the connectivity and QoS. Finding the optimal solution is NP-problem and therefore, we explore in this work two heuristic algorithms. We evaluate our heuristics on a realistic LEO topology and real traffic matrices. Simulation results show that the power saving can be significant