1 research outputs found

    Exploring the relationship between spatial cognitive ability and movement ecology

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    Spatial cognitive ability is hypothesised to be a key determinant of animal movement patterns. However, empirical demonstrations linking intra-individual variations in spatial cognitive ability with movement ecology are rare. I reared ~200 simultaneously hatched pheasant chicks per year over three years in standardised conditions without parents, controlling for the confounding effects of experience, maternal influences and age. I tested the chicks on spatial cognitive tasks from three weeks old to obtain measures of inherent, early-life spatial cognitive ability. Each year, I released birds when 10 weeks old into an open-topped enclosure in woodland. Birds dispersed from this enclosure after about one-month. Importantly, all birds were released into the same, novel area simultaneously, thus their experiences and opportunities were standardised. I remotely tracked pheasant movement through either RFID antenna placed under 43 supplementary feeders situated throughout our field site (2016) or by using a novel reverse-GPS tracking system (2017-2018). Spatial cognitive ability, determined through binary spatial discrimination (2016) or a Barnes maze (2017), was related to the diversity of foraging sites an individual used (Chapter 2: 2016). Those with better spatial cognitive ability used a more diverse range of artificial feeders than poor performing counterparts, perhaps to retain a buffer of alternative foraging sites where resource profitability was known. I found no relationship between the timing of daily foraging onset between birds of differing cognitive ability (Chapter 3; 2016), which I had hypothesised to be a consequence of birds developing efficient routes between refuges and feeders. After establishing a reverse GPS system on our field site (Chapter 4: 2017), I collected more detailed information about pheasant movement and found that birds with higher accuracy scores on the cognition tasks initially moved between foraging and resting sites more slowly than inaccurate birds in novel environments, perhaps to gather more detailed information. Accurate birds increased their speed over one month to match the same speed as inaccurate birds. All birds increased the straightness of their routes at a similar rate. Lastly, I found intraspecific differences in the orientation strategy that birds used to solve a dual strategy maze task (Chapter 5: 2018). These differences predicted habitat use after release: birds that utilised landmarks (allocentric strategies) showed less aversion to urban habitats (farm buildings/yards) than egocentric/mixed strategy birds, which is potentially due to the presence of large, stable landmarks within these habitats. In this thesis, I provide several empirical links between spatial cognitive ability and movement ecology across a range of ecological contexts. I suggest that very specific cognitive processes may govern particular movement behaviours and that there is not one overarching general spatial ability.European Commissio