119,315 research outputs found

    A Multi-view Context-aware Approach to Android Malware Detection and Malicious Code Localization

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    Existing Android malware detection approaches use a variety of features such as security sensitive APIs, system calls, control-flow structures and information flows in conjunction with Machine Learning classifiers to achieve accurate detection. Each of these feature sets provides a unique semantic perspective (or view) of apps' behaviours with inherent strengths and limitations. Meaning, some views are more amenable to detect certain attacks but may not be suitable to characterise several other attacks. Most of the existing malware detection approaches use only one (or a selected few) of the aforementioned feature sets which prevent them from detecting a vast majority of attacks. Addressing this limitation, we propose MKLDroid, a unified framework that systematically integrates multiple views of apps for performing comprehensive malware detection and malicious code localisation. The rationale is that, while a malware app can disguise itself in some views, disguising in every view while maintaining malicious intent will be much harder. MKLDroid uses a graph kernel to capture structural and contextual information from apps' dependency graphs and identify malice code patterns in each view. Subsequently, it employs Multiple Kernel Learning (MKL) to find a weighted combination of the views which yields the best detection accuracy. Besides multi-view learning, MKLDroid's unique and salient trait is its ability to locate fine-grained malice code portions in dependency graphs (e.g., methods/classes). Through our large-scale experiments on several datasets (incl. wild apps), we demonstrate that MKLDroid outperforms three state-of-the-art techniques consistently, in terms of accuracy while maintaining comparable efficiency. In our malicious code localisation experiments on a dataset of repackaged malware, MKLDroid was able to identify all the malice classes with 94% average recall

    A Case Study in Matching Service Descriptions to Implementations in an Existing System

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    A number of companies are trying to migrate large monolithic software systems to Service Oriented Architectures. A common approach to do this is to first identify and describe desired services (i.e., create a model), and then to locate portions of code within the existing system that implement the described services. In this paper we describe a detailed case study we undertook to match a model to an open-source business application. We describe the systematic methodology we used, the results of the exercise, as well as several observations that throw light on the nature of this problem. We also suggest and validate heuristics that are likely to be useful in partially automating the process of matching service descriptions to implementations.Comment: 20 pages, 19 pdf figure

    Persistent issues in encryption software: A heuristic and cognitive walkthrough

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    The support information accompanying security software can be difficult to understand by end-users, who have little knowledge in cyber security. One mechanism for ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of information is encryption software. Unfortunately, software usability issues can hinder an end-user’s capability to properly utilise the security features effectively. To date there has been little research in investigating the usability of encryption software and proposing solutions for improving them. This research paper analysed the usability of encryption software targeting end-users. The research identified several issues that could impede the ability of a novice end-user to adequately utilise the encryption software. A set of proposed recommendations are suggested to improve encryption software which could be empirically verified through further research

    A Longitudinal Study of Identifying and Paying Down Architectural Debt

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    Architectural debt is a form of technical debt that derives from the gap between the architectural design of the system as it "should be" compared to "as it is". We measured architecture debt in two ways: 1) in terms of system-wide coupling measures, and 2) in terms of the number and severity of architectural flaws. In recent work it was shown that the amount of architectural debt has a huge impact on software maintainability and evolution. Consequently, detecting and reducing the debt is expected to make software more amenable to change. This paper reports on a longitudinal study of a healthcare communications product created by Brightsquid Secure Communications Corp. This start-up company is facing the typical trade-off problem of desiring responsiveness to change requests, but wanting to avoid the ever-increasing effort that the accumulation of quick-and-dirty changes eventually incurs. In the first stage of the study, we analyzed the status of the "before" system, which indicated the impacts of change requests. This initial study motivated a more in-depth analysis of architectural debt. The results of this analysis were used to motivate a comprehensive refactoring of the software system. The third phase of the study was a follow-on architectural debt analysis which quantified the improvements made. Using this quantitative evidence, augmented by qualitative evidence gathered from in-depth interviews with Brightsquid's architects, we present lessons learned about the costs and benefits of paying down architecture debt in practice.Comment: Submitted to ICSE-SEIP 201

    CAITLIN: A Musical Program Auralisation Tool to Assist Novice Programmers with Debugging

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    Early experiments have suggested that program auralization can convey information about program structure [5]. Languages like Pascal contain classes of construct that are similar in nature allowing hierarchical classification of their features. This taxonomy can be reflected in the design of musical signatures which are used within the CAITLIN program auralization system. Experiments using these hierarchical leitmotifs should (see note in EXPERIMENT section) indicate that their similarities can be put to good use in communicating information about program structure and state

    Classroom Research and the Digital Learning Media

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    A reversal coarse-grained analysis with application to an altered functional circuit in depression

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    Introduction: When studying brain function using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data containing tens of thousands of voxels, a coarse-grained approach – dividing the whole brain into regions of interest – is applied frequently to investigate the organization of the functional network on a relatively coarse scale. However, a coarse-grained scheme may average out the fine details over small spatial scales, thus rendering it difficult to identify the exact locations of functional abnormalities. Methods: A novel and general approach to reverse the coarse-grained approach by locating the exact sources of the functional abnormalities is proposed. Results: Thirty-nine patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) and 37 matched healthy controls are studied. A circuit comprising the left superior frontal gyrus (SFGdor), right insula (INS), and right putamen (PUT) exhibit the greatest changes between the patients with MDD and controls. A reversal coarse-grained analysis is applied to this circuit to determine the exact location of functional abnormalities. Conclusions: The voxel-wise time series extracted from the reversal coarse-grained analysis (source) had several advantages over the original coarse-grained approach: (1) presence of a larger and detectable amplitude of fluctuations, which indicates that neuronal activities in the source are more synchronized; (2) identification of more significant differences between patients and controls in terms of the functional connectivity associated with the sources; and (3) marked improvement in performing discrimination tasks. A software package for pattern classification between controls and patients is available in Supporting Information