4 research outputs found

    Terrain-Dependent Slip Risk Prediction for Planetary Exploration Rovers

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    Wheel slip prediction on rough terrain is crucial for secure, long-term operations of planetary exploration rovers. Although rough, unstructured terrain hampers mobility, prediction by modeling wheel–terrain interactions remains difficult owing to unclear terrain conditions and complexities of terramechanics models. This study proposes a vision-based approach with machine learning for predicting wheel slip risk by estimating the slope from 3D information and classifying terrain types from image information. It considers the slope estimation accuracy for risk prediction under sharp increases in wheel slip due to inclined ground. Experimental results obtained with a rover testbed on several terrain types validate this method

    Learning Terrain Dynamics: A Gaussian Process Modeling and Optimal Control Adaptation Framework Applied to Robotic Jumping

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    The complex dynamics characterizing deformable terrain presents significant impediments toward the real-world viability of locomotive robotics, particularly for legged machines. We explore vertical, robotic jumping as a model task for legged locomotion on presumed-uncharacterized, nonrigid terrain. By integrating Gaussian process (GP)-based regression and evaluation to estimate ground reaction forces as a function of the state, a 1-D jumper acquires the capability to learn forcing profiles exerted by its environment in tandem with achieving its control objective. The GP-based dynamical model initially assumes a baseline rigid, noncompliant surface. As part of an iterative procedure, the optimizer employing this model generates an optimal control strategy to achieve a target jump height. Experiential data recovered from execution on the true surface model are applied to train the GP, in turn, providing the optimizer a more richly informed dynamical model of the environment. The iterative control-learning procedure was rigorously evaluated in experiment, over different surface types, whereby a robotic hopper was challenged to jump to several different target heights. Each task was achieved within ten attempts, over which the terrain's dynamics were learned. With each iteration, GP predictions of ground forcing became incrementally refined, rapidly matching experimental force measurements. The few-iteration convergence demonstrates a fundamental capacity to both estimate and adapt to unknown terrain dynamics in application-realistic time scales, all with control tools amenable to robotic legged locomotion

    Effects of Turning Radius on Skid-Steered Wheeled Robot Power Consumption on Loose Soil

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    This research highlights the need for a new power model for skid-steered wheeled robots driving on loose soil and lays the groundwork to develop such a model. State-of-the-art power modeling assumes hard ground; under typical assumptions this predicts constant power consumption over a range of small turning radii where the inner wheels are rotating backwards. However, experimental results performed both in the field and in a controlled laboratory sandbox show that, on sand, power is not in fact constant with respect to turning radius. Power peaks by 20% in a newly identified range of turns where the inner wheels rotate backwards but are being dragged forward. This range of turning radii spans from half the rover width to R', the radius at which the inner wheel is not commanded to turn. Data shows higher motor torque and wheel sinkage in this range. To progress toward predicting the required power for a skid-steered wheeled robot to maneuver on loose soil, a preliminary version of a two-dimensional slip-sinkage model is proposed, along with a model of the force required to bulldoze the pile of sand that accumulates next to the wheels as it they are skidding. However, this is shown to be a less important factor contributing to the increased power in small-radius turns than the added inner wheel torque induced by dragging these wheels through the piles of sand they excavate by counter-rotation (in the identified range of turns). Finally, since a direct application of a power model is to design energy-efficient paths, time dependency of power consumption is also examined. Experiments show reduced rover angular velocity in sand around turning radii where the inner wheels are not rotated and this leads to the introduction to a new parameter to consider in path planning: angular slip