5,116 research outputs found

    Adaptive and autonomous protocol for spectrum identification and coordination in ad hoc cognitive radio network

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    The decentralised structure of wireless Ad hoc networks makes them most appropriate for quick and easy deployment in military and emergency situations. Consequently, in this thesis, special interest is given to this form of network. Cognitive Radio (CR) is defined as a radio, capable of identifying its spectral environment and able to optimally adjust its transmission parameters to achieve interference free communication channel. In a CR system, Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) is made feasible. CR has been proposed as a candidate solution to the challenge of spectrum scarcity. CR works to solve this challenge by providing DSA to unlicensed (secondary) users. The introduction of this new and efficient spectrum management technique, the DSA, has however, opened up some challenges in this wireless Ad hoc Network of interest; the Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Network (CRAHN). These challenges, which form the specific focus of this thesis are as follows: First, the poor performance of the existing spectrum sensing techniques in low Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) conditions. Secondly the lack of a central coordination entity for spectrum allocation and information exchange in the CRAHN. Lastly, the existing Medium Access Control (MAC) Protocol such as the 802.11 was designed for both homogeneous spectrum usage and static spectrum allocation technique. Consequently, this thesis addresses these challenges by first developing an algorithm comprising of the Wavelet-based Scale Space Filtering (WSSF) algorithm and the Otsu's multi-threshold algorithm to form an Adaptive and Autonomous WaveletBased Scale Space Filter (AWSSF) for Primary User (PU) sensing in CR. These combined algorithms produced an enhanced algorithm that improves detection in low SNR conditions when compared to the performance of EDs and other spectrum sensing techniques in the literature. Therefore, the AWSSF met the performance requirement of the IEEE 802.22 standard as compared to other approaches and thus considered viable for application in CR. Next, a new approach for the selection of control channel in CRAHN environment using the Ant Colony System (ACS) was proposed. The algorithm reduces the complex objective of selecting control channel from an overtly large spectrum space,to a path finding problem in a graph. We use pheromone trails, proportional to channel reward, which are computed based on received signal strength and channel availability, to guide the construction of selection scheme. Simulation results revealed ACS as a feasible solution for optimal dynamic control channel selection. Finally, a new channel hopping algorithm for the selection of a control channel in CRAHN was presented. This adopted the use of the bio-mimicry concept to develop a swarm intelligence based mechanism. This mechanism guides nodes to select a common control channel within a bounded time for the purpose of establishing communication. Closed form expressions for the upper bound of the time to rendezvous (TTR) and Expected TTR (ETTR) on a common control channel were derived for various network scenarios. The algorithm further provides improved performance in comparison to the Jump-Stay and Enhanced Jump-Stay Rendezvous Algorithms. We also provided simulation results to validate our claim of improved TTR. Based on the results obtained, it was concluded that the proposed system contributes positively to the ongoing research in CRAHN

    Standard Model tests with trapped radioactive atoms

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    We review the use of laser cooling and trapping for Standard Model tests, focusing on trapping of radioactive isotopes. Experiments with neutral atoms trapped with modern laser cooling techniques are testing several basic predictions of electroweak unification. For nuclear β\beta decay, demonstrated trap techniques include neutrino momentum measurements from beta-recoil coincidences, along with methods to produce highly polarized samples. These techniques have set the best general constraints on non-Standard Model scalar interactions in the first generation of particles. They also have the promise to test whether parity symmetry is maximally violated, to search for tensor interactions, and to search for new sources of time reversal violation. There are also possibilites for exotic particle searches. Measurements of the strength of the weak neutral current can be assisted by precision atomic experiments using traps of small numbers of radioactive atoms, and sensitivity to possible time-reversal violating electric dipole moments can be improved.Comment: 45 pages, 17 figures, v3 includes clarifying referee comments, especially in beta decay section, and updated figure

    Radial Velocity Prospects Current and Future: A White Paper Report prepared by the Study Analysis Group 8 for the Exoplanet Program Analysis Group (ExoPAG)

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    [Abridged] The Study Analysis Group 8 of the NASA Exoplanet Analysis Group was convened to assess the current capabilities and the future potential of the precise radial velocity (PRV) method to advance the NASA goal to "search for planetary bodies and Earth-like planets in orbit around other stars.: (U.S. National Space Policy, June 28, 2010). PRVs complement other exoplanet detection methods, for example offering a direct path to obtaining the bulk density and thus the structure and composition of transiting exoplanets. Our analysis builds upon previous community input, including the ExoPlanet Community Report chapter on radial velocities in 2008, the 2010 Decadal Survey of Astronomy, the Penn State Precise Radial Velocities Workshop response to the Decadal Survey in 2010, and the NSF Portfolio Review in 2012. The radial-velocity detection of exoplanets is strongly endorsed by both the Astro 2010 Decadal Survey "New Worlds, New Horizons" and the NSF Portfolio Review, and the community has recommended robust investment in PRVs. The demands on telescope time for the above mission support, especially for systems of small planets, will exceed the number of nights available using instruments now in operation by a factor of at least several for TESS alone. Pushing down towards true Earth twins will require more photons (i.e. larger telescopes), more stable spectrographs than are currently available, better calibration, and better correction for stellar jitter. We outline four hypothetical situations for PRV work necessary to meet NASA mission exoplanet science objectives.Comment: ExoPAG SAG 8 final report, 112 pages, fixed author name onl

    Time-varying functional connectivity and dynamic neurofeedback with MEG: methods and applications to visual perception

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    Cognitive function involves the interplay of functionally-separate regions of the human brain. Of critical importance to neuroscience research is to accurately measure the activity and communication between these regions. The MEG imaging modality is well-suited to capturing functional cortical communication due to its high temporal resolution, on the millisecond scale. However, localizing the sources of cortical activity from the sensor measurements is an ill-posed problem, where different solutions trade-off between spatial accuracy, correcting for linear mixing of cortical signals, and computation time. Linear mixing, in particular, affects the reliability of many connectivity measures. We present a MATLAB-based pipeline that we developed to correct for linear mixing and compute time-varying connectivity (phase synchrony, Granger Causality) between cortically-defined regions interfacing with established toolboxes for MEG data processing (Minimum Norm Estimation Toolbox, Brainstorm, Fieldtrip). In Chapter 1, we present a new method for localizing cortical activation while controlling cross-talk on the cortex. In Chapter 2, we apply a nonparametric statistical test for measuring phase locking in the presence of cross-talk. Chapters 3 and 4 describe the application of the pipeline to MEG data collected from subjects performing a visual object motion detection task. Chapter 5 focuses on real-time MEG (rt-MEG) neurofeedback which is the real-time measurement of brain activity and its self-regulation through feedback. Typically neurofeedback modulates directly brain activation for the purpose of training sensory, motor, emotional or cognitive functions. Direct measures, however, are not suited to training dynamic measures of brain activity, such as the speed of switching between tasks, for example. We developed a novel rt-MEG neurofeedback method called state-based neurofeedback, where brain activity states related to subject behavior are decoded in real-time from the MEG sensor measurements. The timing related to maintaining or transitioning between decoded states is then presented as feedback to the subject. In a group of healthy subjects we applied the state-based neurofeedback method for training the time required for switching spatial attention from one side of the visual field to the other (e.g. left side to right side) following a brief presentation of a visual cue. In Chapter 6, we used our pipeline to investigate training-related changes in cortical activation and network connectivity in each subject. Our results suggested that the rt-MEG neurofeedback training resulted in strengthened beta-band connectivity prior to the switch of spatial attention, and strengthened gamma-band connectivity during the switch. There were two goals of this dissertation: First was the development of the MATLAB-based pipeline for computing time-evolving functional connectivity analysis in MEG and its application to visual motion perception. The second goal was the development of a real-time MEG neurofeedback method to train the dynamics of brain states and its application to a group of healthy subjects.2019-11-02T00:00:00

    Quantum information with continuous variables

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    Quantum information is a rapidly advancing area of interdisciplinary research. It may lead to real-world applications for communication and computation unavailable without the exploitation of quantum properties such as nonorthogonality or entanglement. We review the progress in quantum information based on continuous quantum variables, with emphasis on quantum optical implementations in terms of the quadrature amplitudes of the electromagnetic field.Comment: accepted for publication in Reviews of Modern Physic

    Targeted Anti-Angiogenic Therapy in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma and Methodological Improvements in Assessment of Therapeutic Response with Imaging Biomarkers

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    Background: Drugs targeting angiogenic pathway remain the mainstay of treatment for metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC). Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors (TKI) as Sunitinib, Pazopanib as single agents and humanised monoclonal antibody bevacizumab (Bev) in combination with Interferon- α2a (IFN) have established as the first-line therapy for mRCC. Despite improvements in treatment, there are multiple questions which remain unanswered. In the combination of Bev and IFN, the respective role of each drug and whether any additional anti-angiogenic activity is gained by adding IFN to Bev remains unknown. As the clinical benefit obtained with these cytostatic agents does not always correlate with the conventional response assessment techniques as RECIST, it is necessary to reconsider the methods by which we assess benefit from these therapies. In this thesis, I report three studies aiming to answer these questions. Methods: With the clinical trial reported here, I explore whether Bev induced changes in vascular parameters measured by Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) is significantly enhanced by the addition of IFN. In a phase II, randomised, open labelled, multicentre trial, treatment naïve mRCC patients were randomised to receive Bev on its own or in combination with a low dose (3MU) or standard dose (9MU) IFN. DCE-MRI was used to assess the changes in vascularity with the primary endpoint being, changes in transfer coefficient (Ktrans) after six weeks of treatment. I also report two retrospective imaging-based studies, using contrast-enhanced CT scans, performed to improve the methodology of response assessment for these antiangiogenic therapeutics. Here I explore the use of a) combining changes in size and arterial phase contrast enhancement measured using CT scan and b) changes in CT texture as methods of therapeutic response assessment in mRCC patients treated with TKI. Results: With the phase 2 clinical trial, we faced significant difficulty in recruitment as a result of restrictions in access to treatment in NHS, other competing studies and restrictions proposed by the DCE-MRI inclusion criteria. With slow recruitment, an unplanned analysis was performed after 21 patients were recruited. Analysis of primary endpoint showed no trend in the difference between arms with no correlation found between change in Ktrans and addition of IFN to bevacizumab. Effect size analysis performed due to the small numbers recruited failed to show any significance in the observed difference in Ktrans. Change in Ktrans and Kep may identify a group of patients likely to have PFS > 6 months, but this observation needs to evaluation in a larger sample size. Measuring size and change in arterial phase enhancement retrospectively using CT, a new criterion "modified" Choi, which prerequisite a combination of a decrease in arterial phase density by 15% and a decrease in size by 10% for response was proposed. Response assessment was measured with RECIST, Choi and modified Choi individually in 20 evaluable patients retrospectively and clinical benefit compared with Kaplan-Meier statistics and Log-Rank test. Response assessment as defined by the modified Choi criteria successfully identified patients who received clinical benefit from the treatment. Time to progression (TTP) was 448 days for the partial response and 89 days for stable disease as per the new criteria which were statistically significant with a p-value of 0.002. The second retrospective analysis explored the textural changes in enhanced CT scan. Performed in collaboration with researchers from Brighton University who developed the software algorithm used to assess changes in entropy and uniformity, 87 metastases from 39 patients with mRCC were analysed at baseline and after two cycles of TKI treatment. Textural parameters and response assessment criteria were correlated with TTP. After two cycles of TKI, the decrease in tumour entropy was 3%-45%, and increase in uniformity was 5%-21%. At a threshold change of -2% with uniformity, on a coarse scale of 2.5, the textural change was able to separate responders from non-responders. With Kaplan-Meier analysis comparing all four criteria, the percentage change in uniformity was statistically more significant than for RECIST, Choi, and Modified Choi criteria. Cox regression analysis showed that texture uniformity was an independent predictor of time to progression. Discussion: With the studies reported here, I was able to demonstrate the importance of improving the methodology in assessment of therapeutic response to targeted anti-angiogenic therapy in metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Even though the clinical trial, terminated early due to slow recruitment, did not reach its primary endpoint, changes in other vascular parameters as Kep combined with changes Ktrans showed tendency towards identifying a group of patients who derived clinical benefit of >6months with these therapies. This is particularly exciting as given the vascular stabilisation effect proposed for bevacizumab, the effusion parameter Kep may be a better tool in assessing response rather than Ktrans and warrants further assessment in a larger cohort. Modified choi criterion and textural analysis are two important methodological improvements in response assessment of cytostatic anti-angiogenic therapy. In the analyses reported here, both techniques have shown superiority over RECIST in response assessment and differentiating mRCC patients who is likely to gain clinical benefit by TKI therapy. Validation of these criteria on a larger patient cohort is important. As these criterions are assessed on standard enhanced CT scans, incorporating these criteria, especially modified choi criterion, as part of standard CT assessment could be performed and will provide a real world validation. Retrospective assessment using larger cohort of patients from previous phase 3 trials or inclusion of these parameters prospectively in phase 3 trials would also help us in evaluating these modalities further

    Change blindness: eradication of gestalt strategies

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    Arrays of eight, texture-defined rectangles were used as stimuli in a one-shot change blindness (CB) task where there was a 50% chance that one rectangle would change orientation between two successive presentations separated by an interval. CB was eliminated by cueing the target rectangle in the first stimulus, reduced by cueing in the interval and unaffected by cueing in the second presentation. This supports the idea that a representation was formed that persisted through the interval before being 'overwritten' by the second presentation (Landman et al, 2003 Vision Research 43149–164]. Another possibility is that participants used some kind of grouping or Gestalt strategy. To test this we changed the spatial position of the rectangles in the second presentation by shifting them along imaginary spokes (by ±1 degree) emanating from the central fixation point. There was no significant difference seen in performance between this and the standard task [F(1,4)=2.565, p=0.185]. This may suggest two things: (i) Gestalt grouping is not used as a strategy in these tasks, and (ii) it gives further weight to the argument that objects may be stored and retrieved from a pre-attentional store during this task
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