23,957 research outputs found

    Localization-Aware Active Learning for Object Detection

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    Active learning - a class of algorithms that iteratively searches for the most informative samples to include in a training dataset - has been shown to be effective at annotating data for image classification. However, the use of active learning for object detection is still largely unexplored as determining informativeness of an object-location hypothesis is more difficult. In this paper, we address this issue and present two metrics for measuring the informativeness of an object hypothesis, which allow us to leverage active learning to reduce the amount of annotated data needed to achieve a target object detection performance. Our first metric measures 'localization tightness' of an object hypothesis, which is based on the overlapping ratio between the region proposal and the final prediction. Our second metric measures 'localization stability' of an object hypothesis, which is based on the variation of predicted object locations when input images are corrupted by noise. Our experimental results show that by augmenting a conventional active-learning algorithm designed for classification with the proposed metrics, the amount of labeled training data required can be reduced up to 25%. Moreover, on PASCAL 2007 and 2012 datasets our localization-stability method has an average relative improvement of 96.5% and 81.9% over the baseline method using classification only

    Visual object localization in image collections

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    Conference Name:6th International Conference on Image and Graphics, ICIG 2011. Conference Address: Hefei, Anhui, China. Time:August 12, 2011 - August 15, 2011.National Natural Science Foundation of China; Chinese Academy of Science; Microsoft Research Asia; Xian Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS; Anhui Crearo Technology Co., LtdThe research of object localization is active in the field of visual object category. In this paper, we focus on object localization in a given special category dataset. We propose to exploit the context aware category discovery for object localization without any labeled examples. Firstly, the image is segmented based on a multiple segmentation algorithm. Secondly, these generated regions are clustered by spectral clustering method to find the category pattern based on the context of the dataset and the saliency. Thirdly, the object is localized based on the weakly supervised learning algorithm. To justify the effectiveness of the proposed method, the detection precision is employed to evaluate the performance of our approach. The experimental results demonstrate that our approach is promising in object localization with unsupervised learning method. ? 2011 IEEE

    Deformable Part-based Fully Convolutional Network for Object Detection

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    Existing region-based object detectors are limited to regions with fixed box geometry to represent objects, even if those are highly non-rectangular. In this paper we introduce DP-FCN, a deep model for object detection which explicitly adapts to shapes of objects with deformable parts. Without additional annotations, it learns to focus on discriminative elements and to align them, and simultaneously brings more invariance for classification and geometric information to refine localization. DP-FCN is composed of three main modules: a Fully Convolutional Network to efficiently maintain spatial resolution, a deformable part-based RoI pooling layer to optimize positions of parts and build invariance, and a deformation-aware localization module explicitly exploiting displacements of parts to improve accuracy of bounding box regression. We experimentally validate our model and show significant gains. DP-FCN achieves state-of-the-art performances of 83.1% and 80.9% on PASCAL VOC 2007 and 2012 with VOC data only.Comment: Accepted to BMVC 2017 (oral

    Attend Refine Repeat: Active Box Proposal Generation via In-Out Localization

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    The problem of computing category agnostic bounding box proposals is utilized as a core component in many computer vision tasks and thus has lately attracted a lot of attention. In this work we propose a new approach to tackle this problem that is based on an active strategy for generating box proposals that starts from a set of seed boxes, which are uniformly distributed on the image, and then progressively moves its attention on the promising image areas where it is more likely to discover well localized bounding box proposals. We call our approach AttractioNet and a core component of it is a CNN-based category agnostic object location refinement module that is capable of yielding accurate and robust bounding box predictions regardless of the object category. We extensively evaluate our AttractioNet approach on several image datasets (i.e. COCO, PASCAL, ImageNet detection and NYU-Depth V2 datasets) reporting on all of them state-of-the-art results that surpass the previous work in the field by a significant margin and also providing strong empirical evidence that our approach is capable to generalize to unseen categories. Furthermore, we evaluate our AttractioNet proposals in the context of the object detection task using a VGG16-Net based detector and the achieved detection performance on COCO manages to significantly surpass all other VGG16-Net based detectors while even being competitive with a heavily tuned ResNet-101 based detector. Code as well as box proposals computed for several datasets are available at:: https://github.com/gidariss/AttractioNet.Comment: Technical report. Code as well as box proposals computed for several datasets are available at:: https://github.com/gidariss/AttractioNe
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