24 research outputs found

    Group Synchronization on Grids

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    Group synchronization requires to estimate unknown elements (θv)v∈V({\theta}_v)_{v\in V} of a compact group G{\mathfrak G} associated to the vertices of a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E), using noisy observations of the group differences associated to the edges. This model is relevant to a variety of applications ranging from structure from motion in computer vision to graph localization and positioning, to certain families of community detection problems. We focus on the case in which the graph GG is the dd-dimensional grid. Since the unknowns θv{\boldsymbol \theta}_v are only determined up to a global action of the group, we consider the following weak recovery question. Can we determine the group difference θu−1θv{\theta}_u^{-1}{\theta}_v between far apart vertices u,vu, v better than by random guessing? We prove that weak recovery is possible (provided the noise is small enough) for d≥3d\ge 3 and, for certain finite groups, for d≥2d\ge 2. Viceversa, for some continuous groups, we prove that weak recovery is impossible for d=2d=2. Finally, for strong enough noise, weak recovery is always impossible.Comment: 21 page

    Learned multi-stability in mechanical networks

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    We contrast the distinct frameworks of materials design and physical learning in creating elastic networks with desired stable states. In design, the desired states are specified in advance and material parameters can be optimized on a computer with this knowledge. In learning, the material physically experiences the desired stable states in sequence, changing the material so as to stabilize each additional state. We show that while designed states are stable in networks of linear Hookean springs, sequential learning requires specific non-linear elasticity. We find that such non-linearity stabilizes states in which strain is zero in some springs and large in others, thus playing the role of Bayesian priors used in sparse statistical regression. Our model shows how specific material properties allow continuous learning of new functions through deployment of the material itself

    Convex recovery from interferometric measurements

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    This note formulates a deterministic recovery result for vectors xx from quadratic measurements of the form (Ax)i(Ax)j‾(Ax)_i \overline{(Ax)_j} for some left-invertible AA. Recovery is exact, or stable in the noisy case, when the couples (i,j)(i,j) are chosen as edges of a well-connected graph. One possible way of obtaining the solution is as a feasible point of a simple semidefinite program. Furthermore, we show how the proportionality constant in the error estimate depends on the spectral gap of a data-weighted graph Laplacian. Such quadratic measurements have found applications in phase retrieval, angular synchronization, and more recently interferometric waveform inversion

    Calibration Using Matrix Completion with Application to Ultrasound Tomography

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    We study the calibration process in circular ultrasound tomography devices where the sensor positions deviate from the circumference of a perfect circle. This problem arises in a variety of applications in signal processing ranging from breast imaging to sensor network localization. We introduce a novel method of calibration/localization based on the time-of-flight (ToF) measurements between sensors when the enclosed medium is homogeneous. In the presence of all the pairwise ToFs, one can easily estimate the sensor positions using multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) method. In practice however, due to the transitional behaviour of the sensors and the beam form of the transducers, the ToF measurements for close-by sensors are unavailable. Further, random malfunctioning of the sensors leads to random missing ToF measurements. On top of the missing entries, in practice an unknown time delay is also added to the measurements. In this work, we incorporate the fact that a matrix defined from all the ToF measurements is of rank at most four. In order to estimate the missing ToFs, we apply a state-of-the-art low-rank matrix completion algorithm, OPTSPACE . To find the correct positions of the sensors (our ultimate goal) we then apply MDS. We show analytic bounds on the overall error of the whole process in the presence of noise and hence deduce its robustness. Finally, we confirm the functionality of our method in practice by simulations mimicking the measurements of a circular ultrasound tomography device.Comment: submitted to IEEE Transaction on Signal Processin

    Distributed Maximum Likelihood Sensor Network Localization

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    We propose a class of convex relaxations to solve the sensor network localization problem, based on a maximum likelihood (ML) formulation. This class, as well as the tightness of the relaxations, depends on the noise probability density function (PDF) of the collected measurements. We derive a computational efficient edge-based version of this ML convex relaxation class and we design a distributed algorithm that enables the sensor nodes to solve these edge-based convex programs locally by communicating only with their close neighbors. This algorithm relies on the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM), it converges to the centralized solution, it can run asynchronously, and it is computation error-resilient. Finally, we compare our proposed distributed scheme with other available methods, both analytically and numerically, and we argue the added value of ADMM, especially for large-scale networks

    Robust Localization from Incomplete Local Information

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    We consider the problem of localizing wireless devices in an ad-hoc network embedded in a d-dimensional Euclidean space. Obtaining a good estimation of where wireless devices are located is crucial in wireless network applications including environment monitoring, geographic routing and topology control. When the positions of the devices are unknown and only local distance information is given, we need to infer the positions from these local distance measurements. This problem is particularly challenging when we only have access to measurements that have limited accuracy and are incomplete. We consider the extreme case of this limitation on the available information, namely only the connectivity information is available, i.e., we only know whether a pair of nodes is within a fixed detection range of each other or not, and no information is known about how far apart they are. Further, to account for detection failures, we assume that even if a pair of devices is within the detection range, it fails to detect the presence of one another with some probability and this probability of failure depends on how far apart those devices are. Given this limited information, we investigate the performance of a centralized positioning algorithm MDS-MAP introduced by Shang et al., and a distributed positioning algorithm, introduced by Savarese et al., called HOP-TERRAIN. In particular, for a network consisting of n devices positioned randomly, we provide a bound on the resulting error for both algorithms. We show that the error is bounded, decreasing at a rate that is proportional to R/Rc, where Rc is the critical detection range when the resulting random network starts to be connected, and R is the detection range of each device.Comment: 40 pages, 13 figure