2,389 research outputs found

    Exact Simulation of Non-stationary Reflected Brownian Motion

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    This paper develops the first method for the exact simulation of reflected Brownian motion (RBM) with non-stationary drift and infinitesimal variance. The running time of generating exact samples of non-stationary RBM at any time tt is uniformly bounded by O(1/γˉ2)\mathcal{O}(1/\bar\gamma^2) where γˉ\bar\gamma is the average drift of the process. The method can be used as a guide for planning simulations of complex queueing systems with non-stationary arrival rates and/or service time

    Convergence of numerical methods for stochastic differential equations in mathematical finance

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    Many stochastic differential equations that occur in financial modelling do not satisfy the standard assumptions made in convergence proofs of numerical schemes that are given in textbooks, i.e., their coefficients and the corresponding derivatives appearing in the proofs are not uniformly bounded and hence, in particular, not globally Lipschitz. Specific examples are the Heston and Cox-Ingersoll-Ross models with square root coefficients and the Ait-Sahalia model with rational coefficient functions. Simple examples show that, for example, the Euler-Maruyama scheme may not converge either in the strong or weak sense when the standard assumptions do not hold. Nevertheless, new convergence results have been obtained recently for many such models in financial mathematics. These are reviewed here. Although weak convergence is of traditional importance in financial mathematics with its emphasis on expectations of functionals of the solutions, strong convergence plays a crucial role in Multi Level Monte Carlo methods, so it and also pathwise convergence will be considered along with methods which preserve the positivity of the solutions.Comment: Review Pape

    From Equilibrium to Steady-State Dynamics after Switch-On of Shear

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    A relation between equilibrium, steady-state, and waiting-time dependent dynamical two-time correlation functions in dense glass-forming liquids subject to homogeneous steady shear flow is discussed. The systems under study show pronounced shear thinning, i.e., a significant speedup in their steady-state slow relaxation as compared to equilibrium. An approximate relation that recovers the exact limit for small waiting times is derived following the integration through transients (ITT) approach for the nonequilibrium Smoluchowski dynamics, and is exemplified within a schematic model in the framework of the mode-coupling theory of the glass transition (MCT). Computer simulation results for the tagged-particle density correlation functions corresponding to wave vectors in the shear-gradient directions from both event-driven stochastic dynamics of a two-dimensional hard-disk system and from previously published Newtonian-dynamics simulations of a three-dimensional soft-sphere mixture are analyzed and compared with the predictions of the ITT-based approximation. Good qualitative and semi-quantitative agreement is found. Furthermore, for short waiting times, the theoretical description of the waiting time dependence shows excellent quantitative agreement to the simulations. This confirms the accuracy of the central approximation used earlier to derive fluctuation dissipation ratios (Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 135701). For intermediate waiting times, the correlation functions decay faster at long times than the stationary ones. This behavior is predicted by our theory and observed in simulations.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Phys Rev

    Implicit sampling for path integral control, Monte Carlo localization, and SLAM

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    The applicability and usefulness of implicit sampling in stochastic optimal control, stochastic localization, and simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), is explored; implicit sampling is a recently-developed variationally-enhanced sampling method. The theory is illustrated with examples, and it is found that implicit sampling is significantly more efficient than current Monte Carlo methods in test problems for all three applications
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