575 research outputs found

    Doubly Reflected BSDEs and Ef{\cal E}^{f}-Dynkin games: beyond the right-continuous case

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    We formulate a notion of doubly reflected BSDE in the case where the barriers ξ\xi and ζ\zeta do not satisfy any regularity assumption and with a general filtration. Under a technical assumption (a Mokobodzki-type condition), we show existence and uniqueness of the solution. In the case where ξ\xi is right upper-semicontinuous and ζ\zeta is right lower-semicontinuous, the solution is characterized in terms of the value of a corresponding Ef\mathcal{E}^f-Dynkin game, i.e. a game problem over stopping times with (non-linear) ff-expectation, where ff is the driver of the doubly reflected BSDE. In the general case where the barriers do not satisfy any regularity assumptions, the solution of the doubly reflected BSDE is related to the value of ''an extension'' of the previous non-linear game problem over a larger set of ''stopping strategies'' than the set of stopping times. This characterization is then used to establish a comparison result and \textit{a priori} estimates with universal constants

    On the optimal dividend problem for a spectrally negative L\'{e}vy process

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    In this paper we consider the optimal dividend problem for an insurance company whose risk process evolves as a spectrally negative L\'{e}vy process in the absence of dividend payments. The classical dividend problem for an insurance company consists in finding a dividend payment policy that maximizes the total expected discounted dividends. Related is the problem where we impose the restriction that ruin be prevented: the beneficiaries of the dividends must then keep the insurance company solvent by bail-out loans. Drawing on the fluctuation theory of spectrally negative L\'{e}vy processes we give an explicit analytical description of the optimal strategy in the set of barrier strategies and the corresponding value function, for either of the problems. Subsequently we investigate when the dividend policy that is optimal among all admissible ones takes the form of a barrier strategy.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/105051606000000709 in the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Optimal probabilities and controls for reflecting diffusion processes

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    A solution to the optimal problem for determining vector fields which maximize (resp. minimize) the transition probabilities from one location to another for a class of reflecting diffusion processes is obtained in the present paper. The approach is based on a representation for the transition probability density functions. The optimal transition probabilities under the constraint that the drift vector field is bounded by a constant are studied in terms of the HJB equation. In dimension one, the optimal reflecting diffusion processes and the bang-bang diffusion processes are considered. We demonstrate by simulations that, even in this special case, the optimal diffusion processes exhibit an interesting feature of phase transitions. We also solve an optimal stochastic control problem for a class of stochastic control problems involving diffusion processes with reflection.Comment: 20 Pages, 2 figure

    The slow regime of randomly biased walks on trees

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    We are interested in the randomly biased random walk on the supercritical Galton--Watson tree. Our attention is focused on a slow regime when the biased random walk (Xn)(X_n) is null recurrent, making a maximal displacement of order of magnitude (logn)3(\log n)^3 in the first nn steps. We study the localization problem of XnX_n and prove that the quenched law of XnX_n can be approximated by a certain invariant probability depending on nn and the random environment. As a consequence, we establish that upon the survival of the system, Xn(logn)2\frac{|X_n|}{(\log n)^2} converges in law to some non-degenerate limit on (0,)(0, \infty) whose law is explicitly computed.Comment: 43 pages. We added a recent work by Jim Pitman ([38]) for the limiting la