813 research outputs found

    Biometrics Sensor Fusion

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    On the Design and Analysis of Multiple View Descriptors

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    We propose an extension of popular descriptors based on gradient orientation histograms (HOG, computed in a single image) to multiple views. It hinges on interpreting HOG as a conditional density in the space of sampled images, where the effects of nuisance factors such as viewpoint and illumination are marginalized. However, such marginalization is performed with respect to a very coarse approximation of the underlying distribution. Our extension leverages on the fact that multiple views of the same scene allow separating intrinsic from nuisance variability, and thus afford better marginalization of the latter. The result is a descriptor that has the same complexity of single-view HOG, and can be compared in the same manner, but exploits multiple views to better trade off insensitivity to nuisance variability with specificity to intrinsic variability. We also introduce a novel multi-view wide-baseline matching dataset, consisting of a mixture of real and synthetic objects with ground truthed camera motion and dense three-dimensional geometry

    Person Re-identification by Local Maximal Occurrence Representation and Metric Learning

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    Person re-identification is an important technique towards automatic search of a person's presence in a surveillance video. Two fundamental problems are critical for person re-identification, feature representation and metric learning. An effective feature representation should be robust to illumination and viewpoint changes, and a discriminant metric should be learned to match various person images. In this paper, we propose an effective feature representation called Local Maximal Occurrence (LOMO), and a subspace and metric learning method called Cross-view Quadratic Discriminant Analysis (XQDA). The LOMO feature analyzes the horizontal occurrence of local features, and maximizes the occurrence to make a stable representation against viewpoint changes. Besides, to handle illumination variations, we apply the Retinex transform and a scale invariant texture operator. To learn a discriminant metric, we propose to learn a discriminant low dimensional subspace by cross-view quadratic discriminant analysis, and simultaneously, a QDA metric is learned on the derived subspace. We also present a practical computation method for XQDA, as well as its regularization. Experiments on four challenging person re-identification databases, VIPeR, QMUL GRID, CUHK Campus, and CUHK03, show that the proposed method improves the state-of-the-art rank-1 identification rates by 2.2%, 4.88%, 28.91%, and 31.55% on the four databases, respectively.Comment: This paper has been accepted by CVPR 2015. For source codes and extracted features please visit http://www.cbsr.ia.ac.cn/users/scliao/projects/lomo_xqda

    Binary Patterns Encoded Convolutional Neural Networks for Texture Recognition and Remote Sensing Scene Classification

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    Designing discriminative powerful texture features robust to realistic imaging conditions is a challenging computer vision problem with many applications, including material recognition and analysis of satellite or aerial imagery. In the past, most texture description approaches were based on dense orderless statistical distribution of local features. However, most recent approaches to texture recognition and remote sensing scene classification are based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). The d facto practice when learning these CNN models is to use RGB patches as input with training performed on large amounts of labeled data (ImageNet). In this paper, we show that Binary Patterns encoded CNN models, codenamed TEX-Nets, trained using mapped coded images with explicit texture information provide complementary information to the standard RGB deep models. Additionally, two deep architectures, namely early and late fusion, are investigated to combine the texture and color information. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to investigate Binary Patterns encoded CNNs and different deep network fusion architectures for texture recognition and remote sensing scene classification. We perform comprehensive experiments on four texture recognition datasets and four remote sensing scene classification benchmarks: UC-Merced with 21 scene categories, WHU-RS19 with 19 scene classes, RSSCN7 with 7 categories and the recently introduced large scale aerial image dataset (AID) with 30 aerial scene types. We demonstrate that TEX-Nets provide complementary information to standard RGB deep model of the same network architecture. Our late fusion TEX-Net architecture always improves the overall performance compared to the standard RGB network on both recognition problems. Our final combination outperforms the state-of-the-art without employing fine-tuning or ensemble of RGB network architectures.Comment: To appear in ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensin

    Face Recognition Under Varying Illumination

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    This study is a result of a successful joint-venture with my adviser Prof. Dr. Muhittin Gökmen. I am thankful to him for his continuous assistance on preparing this project. Special thanks to the assistants of the Computer Vision Laboratory for their steady support and help in many topics related with the project
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