6 research outputs found

    Local Obfuscation Mechanisms for Hiding Probability Distributions

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    We introduce a formal model for the information leakage of probability distributions and define a notion called distribution privacy. Roughly, the distribution privacy of a local obfuscation mechanism means that the attacker cannot significantly gain any information on the distribution of the mechanism's input by observing its output. Then we show that existing local mechanisms can hide input distributions in terms of distribution privacy, while deteriorating the utility by adding too much noise. For example, we prove that the Laplace mechanism needs to add a large amount of noise proportionally to the infinite Wasserstein distance between the two distributions we want to make indistinguishable. To improve the tradeoff between distribution privacy and utility, we introduce a local obfuscation mechanism, called a tupling mechanism, that adds random dummy data to the output. Then we apply this mechanism to the protection of user attributes in location based services. By experiments, we demonstrate that the tupling mechanism outperforms popular local mechanisms in terms of attribute obfuscation and service quality.Comment: under submissio

    Local Obfuscation Mechanisms for Hiding Probability Distributions

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    We introduce a formal model for the information leakage of probability distributions and define a notion called distribution privacy as the local differential privacy for probability distributions. Roughly, the distribution privacy of a local obfuscation mechanism means that the attacker cannot significantly gain any information on the distribution of the mechanism's input by observing its output. Then we show that existing local mechanisms can hide input distributions in terms of distribution privacy, while deteriorating the utility by adding too much noise. For example, we prove that the Laplace mechanism needs to add a large amount of noise proportionally to the infinite Wasserstein distance between the two distributions we want to make indistinguishable. To improve the tradeoff between distribution privacy and utility, we introduce a local obfuscation mechanism, called a tupling mechanism, that adds random dummy data to the output. Then we apply this mechanism to the protection of user attributes in location based services. By experiments, we demonstrate that the tupling mechanism outperforms popular local mechanisms in terms of attribute obfuscation and service quality.Comment: Full version of Proc. ESORICS 2019 (with a longer appendix

    Statistical Epistemic Logic

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    We introduce a modal logic for describing statistical knowledge, which we call statistical epistemic logic. We propose a Kripke model dealing with probability distributions and stochastic assignments, and show a stochastic semantics for the logic. To our knowledge, this is the first semantics for modal logic that can express the statistical knowledge dependent on non-deterministic inputs and the statistical significance of observed results. By using statistical epistemic logic, we express a notion of statistical secrecy with a confidence level. We also show that this logic is useful to formalize statistical hypothesis testing and differential privacy in a simple and abstract manner

    Local Distribution Obfuscation via Probability Coupling

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    We introduce a general model for the local obfuscation of probability distributions by probabilistic perturbation, e.g., by adding differentially private noise, and investigate its theoretical properties. Specifically, we relax a notion of distribution privacy (DistP) by generalizing it to divergence, and propose local obfuscation mechanisms that provide divergence distribution privacy. To provide f-divergence distribution privacy, we prove that probabilistic perturbation noise should be added proportionally to the Earth mover's distance between the probability distributions that we want to make indistinguishable. Furthermore, we introduce a local obfuscation mechanism, which we call a coupling mechanism, that provides divergence distribution privacy while optimizing the utility of obfuscated data by using exact/approximate auxiliary information on the input distributions we want to protect.Comment: Full version of Allerton 2019 paper (This paper extends some part of the unpublished v3 of arXiv:1812.00939, while v4 of arXiv:1812.00939 extends the other part and is published in ESORICS'19.

    Summary Statistic Privacy in Data Sharing

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    We study a setting where a data holder wishes to share data with a receiver, without revealing certain summary statistics of the data distribution (e.g., mean, standard deviation). It achieves this by passing the data through a randomization mechanism. We propose summary statistic privacy, a metric for quantifying the privacy risk of such a mechanism based on the worst-case probability of an adversary guessing the distributional secret within some threshold. Defining distortion as a worst-case Wasserstein-1 distance between the real and released data, we prove lower bounds on the tradeoff between privacy and distortion. We then propose a class of quantization mechanisms that can be adapted to different data distributions. We show that the quantization mechanism's privacy-distortion tradeoff matches our lower bounds under certain regimes, up to small constant factors. Finally, we demonstrate on real-world datasets that the proposed quantization mechanisms achieve better privacy-distortion tradeoffs than alternative privacy mechanisms