20 research outputs found

    Local-To-Global Agreement Expansion via the Variance Method

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    Agreement expansion is concerned with set systems for which local assignments to the sets with almost perfect pairwise consistency (i.e., most overlapping pairs of sets agree on their intersections) implies the existence of a global assignment to the ground set (from which the sets are defined) that agrees with most of the local assignments. It is currently known that if a set system forms a two-sided or a partite high dimensional expander then agreement expansion is implied. However, it was not known whether agreement expansion can be implied for one-sided high dimensional expanders. In this work we show that agreement expansion can be deduced for one-sided high dimensional expanders assuming that all the vertices\u27 links (i.e., the neighborhoods of the vertices) are agreement expanders. Thus, for one-sided high dimensional expander, an agreement expansion of the large complicated complex can be deduced from agreement expansion of its small simple links. Using our result, we settle the open question whether the well studied Ramanujan complexes are agreement expanders. These complexes are neither partite nor two-sided high dimensional expanders. However, they are one-sided high dimensional expanders for which their links are partite and hence are agreement expanders. Thus, our result implies that Ramanujan complexes are agreement expanders, answering affirmatively the aforementioned open question. The local-to-global agreement expansion that we prove is based on the variance method that we develop. We show that for a high dimensional expander, if we define a function on its top faces and consider its local averages over the links then the variance of these local averages is much smaller than the global variance of the original function. This decreasing in the variance enables us to construct one global agreement function that ties together all local agreement functions

    On Explicit Constructions of Extremely Depth Robust Graphs

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    A directed acyclic graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) is said to be (e,d)(e,d)-depth robust if for every subset SVS \subseteq V of Se|S| \leq e nodes the graph GSG-S still contains a directed path of length dd. If the graph is (e,d)(e,d)-depth-robust for any e,de,d such that e+d(1ϵ)Ve+d \leq (1-\epsilon)|V| then the graph is said to be ϵ\epsilon-extreme depth-robust. In the field of cryptography, (extremely) depth-robust graphs with low indegree have found numerous applications including the design of side-channel resistant Memory-Hard Functions, Proofs of Space and Replication, and in the design of Computationally Relaxed Locally Correctable Codes. In these applications, it is desirable to ensure the graphs are locally navigable, i.e., there is an efficient algorithm GetParents\mathsf{GetParents} running in time polylogV\mathrm{polylog} |V| which takes as input a node vVv \in V and returns the set of vv's parents. We give the first explicit construction of locally navigable ϵ\epsilon-extreme depth-robust graphs with indegree O(logV)O(\log |V|). Previous constructions of ϵ\epsilon-extreme depth-robust graphs either had indegree ω~(log2V)\tilde{\omega}(\log^2 |V|) or were not explicit.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure. This is the full version of the paper published at STACS 2022. We noticed a mistake in the references for the computational intractability of the depth robustness of the graphs and fixed i

    On Hitting-Set Generators for Polynomials That Vanish Rarely

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    The problem of constructing hitting-set generators for polynomials of low degree is fundamental in complexity theory and has numerous well-known applications. We study the following question, which is a relaxation of this problem: Is it easier to construct a hitting-set generator for polynomials p: ?? ? ? of degree d if we are guaranteed that the polynomial vanishes on at most an ? > 0 fraction of its inputs? We will specifically be interested in tiny values of ?? d/|?|. This question was first considered by Goldreich and Wigderson (STOC 2014), who studied a specific setting geared for a particular application, and another specific setting was later studied by the third author (CCC 2017). In this work our main interest is a systematic study of the relaxed problem, in its general form, and we prove results that significantly improve and extend the two previously-known results. Our contributions are of two types: - Over fields of size 2 ? |?| ? poly(n), we show that the seed length of any hitting-set generator for polynomials of degree d ? n^{.49} that vanish on at most ? = |?|^{-t} of their inputs is at least ?((d/t)?log(n)). - Over ??, we show that there exists a (non-explicit) hitting-set generator for polynomials of degree d ? n^{.99} that vanish on at most ? = |?|^{-t} of their inputs with seed length O((d-t)?log(n)). We also show a polynomial-time computable hitting-set generator with seed length O((d-t)?(2^{d-t}+log(n))). In addition, we prove that the problem we study is closely related to the following question: "Does there exist a small set S ? ?? whose degree-d closure is very large?", where the degree-d closure of S is the variety induced by the set of degree-d polynomials that vanish on S

    Practical Graphs for Optimal Side-Channel Resistant Memory-Hard Functions

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    A memory-hard function (MHF) fnf_n with parameter nn can be computed in sequential time and space nn. Simultaneously, a high amortized parallel area-time complexity (aAT) is incurred per evaluation. In practice, MHFs are used to limit the rate at which an adversary (using a custom computational device) can evaluate a security sensitive function that still occasionally needs to be evaluated by honest users (using an off-the-shelf general purpose device). The most prevalent examples of such sensitive functions are Key Derivation Functions (KDFs) and password hashing algorithms where rate limits help mitigate off-line dictionary attacks. As the honest users\u27 inputs to these functions are often (low-entropy) passwords special attention is given to a class of side-channel resistant MHFs called iMHFs. Essentially all iMHFs can be viewed as some mode of operation (making nn calls to some round function) given by a directed acyclic graph (DAG) with very low indegree. Recently, a combinatorial property of a DAG has been identified (called ``depth-robustness\u27\u27) which results in good provable security for an iMHF based on that DAG. Depth-robust DAGs have also proven useful in other cryptographic applications. Unfortunately, up till now, all known very depth-robust DAGs are impractically complicated and little is known about their exact (i.e. non-asymptotic) depth-robustness both in theory and in practice. In this work we build and analyze (both formally and empirically) several exceedingly simple and efficient to navigate practical DAGs for use in iMHFs and other applications. For each DAG we: - Prove that their depth-robustness is asymptotically maximal. - Prove bounds of at least 33 orders of magnitude better on their exact depth-robustness compared to known bounds for other practical iMHF. - Implement and empirically evaluate their depth-robustness and aAT against a variety of state-of-the art (and several new) depth-reduction and low aAT attacks. We find that, against all attacks, the new DAGs perform significantly better in practice than Argon2i, the most widely deployed iMHF in practice. Along the way we also improve the best known empirical attacks on the aAT of Argon2i by implementing and testing several heuristic versions of a (hitherto purely theoretical) depth-reduction attack. Finally, we demonstrate practicality of our constructions by modifying the Argon2i code base to use one of the new high aAT DAGs. Experimental benchmarks on a standard off-the-shelf CPU show that the new modifications do not adversely affect the impressive throughput of Argon2i (despite seemingly enjoying significantly higher aAT)

    A note on the elementary HDX construction of Kaufman-Oppenheim

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    In this note, we give a self-contained and elementary proof of the elementary construction of spectral high-dimensional expanders using elementary matrices due to Kaufman and Oppenheim [Proc. 50th ACM Symp. on Theory of Computing (STOC), 2018]

    Expander-based cryptography meets natural proofs

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    We introduce new forms of attack on expander-based cryptography, and in particular on Goldreich's pseudorandom generator and one-way function. Our attacks exploit low circuit complexity of the underlying expander's neighbor function and/or of the local predicate. Our two key conceptual contributions are: 1) We put forward the possibility that the choice of expander matters in expander-based cryptography. In particular, using expanders whose neighbour function has low circuit complexity might compromise the security of Goldreich's PRG and OWF in certain settings. 2) We show that the security of Goldreich's PRG and OWF is closely related to two other long-standing problems: Specifically, to the existence of unbalanced lossless expanders with low-complexity neighbor function, and to limitations on circuit lower bounds (i.e., natural proofs). In particular, our results further motivate the investigation of affine/local unbalanced lossless expanders and of average-case lower bounds against DNF-XOR circuits. We prove two types of technical results that support the above conceptual messages. First, we unconditionally break Goldreich's PRG when instantiated with a specific expander (whose existence we prove), for a class of predicates that match the parameters of the currently-best "hard" candidates, in the regime of quasi-polynomial stretch. Secondly, conditioned on the existence of expanders whose neighbor functions have extremely low circuit complexity, we present attacks on Goldreich's generator in the regime of polynomial stretch. As one corollary, conditioned on the existence of the foregoing expanders, we show that either the parameters of natural properties for several constant-depth circuit classes cannot be improved, even mildly; or Goldreich's generator is insecure in the regime of a large polynomial stretch, regardless of the predicate used

    Dimension-free L_2 maximal inequality for spherical means in the hypercube

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    We establish the maximal inequality claimed in the title. In combinatorial terms this has the implication that for sufficiently small ε > 0, for all n, any marking of an ε fraction of the vertices of the n-dimensional hypercube necessarily leaves a vertex x such that marked vertices are a minority of every sphere centered at x

    Improved Product-Based High-Dimensional Expanders

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    High-dimensional expanders generalize the notion of expander graphs to higher-dimensional simplicial complexes. In contrast to expander graphs, only a handful of high-dimensional expander constructions have been proposed, and no elementary combinatorial construction with near-optimal expansion is known. In this paper, we introduce an improved combinatorial high-dimensional expander construction, by modifying a previous construction of Liu, Mohanty, and Yang (ITCS 2020), which is based on a high-dimensional variant of a tensor product. Our construction achieves a spectral gap of Ω(1k2)\Omega(\frac{1}{k^2}) for random walks on the kk-dimensional faces, which is only quadratically worse than the optimal bound of Θ(1k)\Theta(\frac{1}{k}). Previous combinatorial constructions, including that of Liu, Mohanty, and Yang, only achieved a spectral gap that is exponentially small in kk. We also present reasoning that suggests our construction is optimal among similar product-based constructions.Comment: 17 pages; added reference