14 research outputs found

    Can Two Walk Together: Privacy Enhancing Methods and Preventing Tracking of Users

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    We present a new concern when collecting data from individuals that arises from the attempt to mitigate privacy leakage in multiple reporting: tracking of users participating in the data collection via the mechanisms added to provide privacy. We present several definitions for untrackable mechanisms, inspired by the differential privacy framework. Specifically, we define the trackable parameter as the log of the maximum ratio between the probability that a set of reports originated from a single user and the probability that the same set of reports originated from two users (with the same private value). We explore the implications of this new definition. We show how differentially private and untrackable mechanisms can be combined to achieve a bound for the problem of detecting when a certain user changed their private value. Examining Google's deployed solution for everlasting privacy, we show that RAPPOR (Erlingsson et al. ACM CCS, 2014) is trackable in our framework for the parameters presented in their paper. We analyze a variant of randomized response for collecting statistics of single bits, Bitwise Everlasting Privacy, that achieves good accuracy and everlasting privacy, while only being reasonably untrackable, specifically grows linearly in the number of reports. For collecting statistics about data from larger domains (for histograms and heavy hitters) we present a mechanism that prevents tracking for a limited number of responses. We also present the concept of Mechanism Chaining, using the output of one mechanism as the input of another, in the scope of Differential Privacy, and show that the chaining of an ε1\varepsilon_1-LDP mechanism with an ε2\varepsilon_2-LDP mechanism is lneε1+ε2+1eε1+eε2\ln\frac{e^{\varepsilon_1+\varepsilon_2}+1}{e^{\varepsilon_1}+e^{\varepsilon_2}}-LDP and that this bound is tight.Comment: 45 pages, 4 figures. To appear on FORC 202

    The Role of Interactivity in Local Differential Privacy

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    We study the power of interactivity in local differential privacy. First, we focus on the difference between fully interactive and sequentially interactive protocols. Sequentially interactive protocols may query users adaptively in sequence, but they cannot return to previously queried users. The vast majority of existing lower bounds for local differential privacy apply only to sequentially interactive protocols, and before this paper it was not known whether fully interactive protocols were more powerful. We resolve this question. First, we classify locally private protocols by their compositionality, the multiplicative factor k1k \geq 1 by which the sum of a protocol's single-round privacy parameters exceeds its overall privacy guarantee. We then show how to efficiently transform any fully interactive kk-compositional protocol into an equivalent sequentially interactive protocol with an O(k)O(k) blowup in sample complexity. Next, we show that our reduction is tight by exhibiting a family of problems such that for any kk, there is a fully interactive kk-compositional protocol which solves the problem, while no sequentially interactive protocol can solve the problem without at least an Ω~(k)\tilde \Omega(k) factor more examples. We then turn our attention to hypothesis testing problems. We show that for a large class of compound hypothesis testing problems --- which include all simple hypothesis testing problems as a special case --- a simple noninteractive test is optimal among the class of all (possibly fully interactive) tests

    Continuous Release of Data Streams under both Centralized and Local Differential Privacy

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    In this paper, we study the problem of publishing a stream of real-valued data satisfying differential privacy (DP). One major challenge is that the maximal possible value can be quite large; thus it is necessary to estimate a threshold so that numbers above it are truncated to reduce the amount of noise that is required to all the data. The estimation must be done based on the data in a private fashion. We develop such a method that uses the Exponential Mechanism with a quality function that approximates well the utility goal while maintaining a low sensitivity. Given the threshold, we then propose a novel online hierarchical method and several post-processing techniques. Building on these ideas, we formalize the steps into a framework for private publishing of stream data. Our framework consists of three components: a threshold optimizer that privately estimates the threshold, a perturber that adds calibrated noises to the stream, and a smoother that improves the result using post-processing. Within our framework, we design an algorithm satisfying the more stringent setting of DP called local DP (LDP). To our knowledge, this is the first LDP algorithm for publishing streaming data. Using four real-world datasets, we demonstrate that our mechanism outperforms the state-of-the-art by a factor of 6-10 orders of magnitude in terms of utility (measured by the mean squared error of answering a random range query)