23 research outputs found

    Densely Deformable Efficient Salient Object Detection Network

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    Salient Object Detection (SOD) domain using RGB-D data has lately emerged with some current models' adequately precise results. However, they have restrained generalization abilities and intensive computational complexity. In this paper, inspired by the best background/foreground separation abilities of deformable convolutions, we employ them in our Densely Deformable Network (DDNet) to achieve efficient SOD. The salient regions from densely deformable convolutions are further refined using transposed convolutions to optimally generate the saliency maps. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations using the recent SOD dataset against 22 competing techniques show our method's efficiency and effectiveness. We also offer evaluation using our own created cross-dataset, surveillance-SOD (S-SOD), to check the trained models' validity in terms of their applicability in diverse scenarios. The results indicate that the current models have limited generalization potentials, demanding further research in this direction. Our code and new dataset will be publicly available at https://github.com/tanveer-hussain/EfficientSO

    An Iterative Co-Saliency Framework for RGBD Images

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    As a newly emerging and significant topic in computer vision community, co-saliency detection aims at discovering the common salient objects in multiple related images. The existing methods often generate the co-saliency map through a direct forward pipeline which is based on the designed cues or initialization, but lack the refinement-cycle scheme. Moreover, they mainly focus on RGB image and ignore the depth information for RGBD images. In this paper, we propose an iterative RGBD co-saliency framework, which utilizes the existing single saliency maps as the initialization, and generates the final RGBD cosaliency map by using a refinement-cycle model. Three schemes are employed in the proposed RGBD co-saliency framework, which include the addition scheme, deletion scheme, and iteration scheme. The addition scheme is used to highlight the salient regions based on intra-image depth propagation and saliency propagation, while the deletion scheme filters the saliency regions and removes the non-common salient regions based on interimage constraint. The iteration scheme is proposed to obtain more homogeneous and consistent co-saliency map. Furthermore, a novel descriptor, named depth shape prior, is proposed in the addition scheme to introduce the depth information to enhance identification of co-salient objects. The proposed method can effectively exploit any existing 2D saliency model to work well in RGBD co-saliency scenarios. The experiments on two RGBD cosaliency datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 2017. Project URL: https://rmcong.github.io/proj_RGBD_cosal_tcyb.htm

    Bifurcated backbone strategy for RGB-D salient object detection

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    Multi-level feature fusion is a fundamental topic in computer vision. It has been exploited to detect, segment and classify objects at various scales. When multi-level features meet multi-modal cues, the optimal feature aggregation and multi-modal learning strategy become a hot potato. In this paper, we leverage the inherent multi-modal and multi-level nature of RGB-D salient object detection to devise a novel cascaded refinement network. In particular, first, we propose to regroup the multi-level features into teacher and student features using a bifurcated backbone strategy (BBS). Second, we introduce a depth-enhanced module (DEM) to excavate informative depth cues from the channel and spatial views. Then, RGB and depth modalities are fused in a complementary way. Our architecture, named Bifurcated Backbone Strategy Network (BBS-Net), is simple, efficient, and backbone-independent. Extensive experiments show that BBS-Net significantly outperforms eighteen SOTA models on eight challenging datasets under five evaluation measures, demonstrating the superiority of our approach (∼4%\sim 4 \% improvement in S-measure vs.vs. the top-ranked model: DMRA-iccv2019). In addition, we provide a comprehensive analysis on the generalization ability of different RGB-D datasets and provide a powerful training set for future research.Comment: A preliminary version of this work has been accepted in ECCV 202