11,055 research outputs found

    Efficient Similarity Search with Cache-Conscious Data Traversal

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    Similarity search is important for many data-intensive applications to identify a set of similar objects. Examples of such applications include near-duplicate detection and clustering, collaborative filtering for similarity-based recommendations, search query suggestion, and data cleaning. Conducting similarity search is a time-consuming process, especially when a massive amount of data is involved, and when all pairs are compared. Previous work has used comparison filtering, inverted indexing, and parallel accumulation of partial intermediate results to expedite its execution. However, shuffling intermediate results can incur significant communication overhead as data scales up.We have developed a fast two-stage partition-based approach for all-pairs similarity search which incorporates static partitioning, optimized load balancing, and cache-conscious data traversal. Static partitioning places dissimilar documents into different groups to eliminate unnecessary comparison between their content. To overcome the challenges introduced by skewed distribution of data partition sizes and irregular dissimilarity relationship in large datasets, we conduct computation load balancing for partitioned similarity search, with competitiveness analysis. These techniques can improve performance by one to two orders of magnitude with less unnecessary I/O and data communication and better load balance. We also discuss how to further accelerate similarity search by incorporating incremental computing and approximation methods such as Locality Sensitive Hashing. Because of data sparsity and irregularity, accessing feature vectors in memory for runtime comparison incurs significant overhead in modern memory hierarchy. We have designed and implemented cache-conscious algorithms to improve runtime efficiency in similarity search. The idea of optimizing data layout and traversal patterns is also applied to the search result ranking problem in runtime with multi-tree ensemble models

    Multidimensional Range Queries on Modern Hardware

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    Range queries over multidimensional data are an important part of database workloads in many applications. Their execution may be accelerated by using multidimensional index structures (MDIS), such as kd-trees or R-trees. As for most index structures, the usefulness of this approach depends on the selectivity of the queries, and common wisdom told that a simple scan beats MDIS for queries accessing more than 15%-20% of a dataset. However, this wisdom is largely based on evaluations that are almost two decades old, performed on data being held on disks, applying IO-optimized data structures, and using single-core systems. The question is whether this rule of thumb still holds when multidimensional range queries (MDRQ) are performed on modern architectures with large main memories holding all data, multi-core CPUs and data-parallel instruction sets. In this paper, we study the question whether and how much modern hardware influences the performance ratio between index structures and scans for MDRQ. To this end, we conservatively adapted three popular MDIS, namely the R*-tree, the kd-tree, and the VA-file, to exploit features of modern servers and compared their performance to different flavors of parallel scans using multiple (synthetic and real-world) analytical workloads over multiple (synthetic and real-world) datasets of varying size, dimensionality, and skew. We find that all approaches benefit considerably from using main memory and parallelization, yet to varying degrees. Our evaluation indicates that, on current machines, scanning should be favored over parallel versions of classical MDIS even for very selective queries

    Adaptive Processing of Spatial-Keyword Data Over a Distributed Streaming Cluster

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    The widespread use of GPS-enabled smartphones along with the popularity of micro-blogging and social networking applications, e.g., Twitter and Facebook, has resulted in the generation of huge streams of geo-tagged textual data. Many applications require real-time processing of these streams. For example, location-based e-coupon and ad-targeting systems enable advertisers to register millions of ads to millions of users. The number of users is typically very high and they are continuously moving, and the ads change frequently as well. Hence sending the right ad to the matching users is very challenging. Existing streaming systems are either centralized or are not spatial-keyword aware, and cannot efficiently support the processing of rapidly arriving spatial-keyword data streams. This paper presents Tornado, a distributed spatial-keyword stream processing system. Tornado features routing units to fairly distribute the workload, and furthermore, co-locate the data objects and the corresponding queries at the same processing units. The routing units use the Augmented-Grid, a novel structure that is equipped with an efficient search algorithm for distributing the data objects and queries. Tornado uses evaluators to process the data objects against the queries. The routing units minimize the redundant communication by not sending data updates for processing when these updates do not match any query. By applying dynamically evaluated cost formulae that continuously represent the processing overhead at each evaluator, Tornado is adaptive to changes in the workload. Extensive experimental evaluation using spatio-textual range queries over real Twitter data indicates that Tornado outperforms the non-spatio-textually aware approaches by up to two orders of magnitude in terms of the overall system throughput

    A High-Throughput Solver for Marginalized Graph Kernels on GPU

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    We present the design and optimization of a linear solver on General Purpose GPUs for the efficient and high-throughput evaluation of the marginalized graph kernel between pairs of labeled graphs. The solver implements a preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) method to compute the solution to a generalized Laplacian equation associated with the tensor product of two graphs. To cope with the gap between the instruction throughput and the memory bandwidth of current generation GPUs, our solver forms the tensor product linear system on-the-fly without storing it in memory when performing matrix-vector dot product operations in PCG. Such on-the-fly computation is accomplished by using threads in a warp to cooperatively stream the adjacency and edge label matrices of individual graphs by small square matrix blocks called tiles, which are then staged in registers and the shared memory for later reuse. Warps across a thread block can further share tiles via the shared memory to increase data reuse. We exploit the sparsity of the graphs hierarchically by storing only non-empty tiles using a coordinate format and nonzero elements within each tile using bitmaps. Besides, we propose a new partition-based reordering algorithm for aggregating nonzero elements of the graphs into fewer but denser tiles to improve the efficiency of the sparse format.We carry out extensive theoretical analyses on the graph tensor product primitives for tiles of various density and evaluate their performance on synthetic and real-world datasets. Our solver delivers three to four orders of magnitude speedup over existing CPU-based solvers such as GraKeL and GraphKernels. The capability of the solver enables kernel-based learning tasks at unprecedented scales