474 research outputs found

    Transparent Bandwidth Aggregation for Residential Access Networks

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    We propose, implement, and evaluate a bandwidth aggregation service for residential users that allows to improve the upload throughput of the asymmetric digital subscriber line connection by leveraging the unused bandwidth of neighboring users. The residential access gateway adopts the 802.11 radio interface to simultaneously serve the local home users and to share the broadband connectivity with neighboring access gateways. Differently from previous works, our aggregation scheme is transparent both for local users, who are not required to modify their applications or device drivers, and for neighboring users, who do not experience any meaningful performance degradation. To evaluate the achievable performance and tune the parameters driving the traffic balancing, we developed a fluid model that was shown experimentally to be very accurate. Our proposed scheme is amenable to efficient implementation on Linux networking stack. Indeed, we implemented it and tested in some realistic scenarios, showing an efficient exploitation of the whole available bandwidth, also for legacy cloud storage applications

    Cooperative data transfers for 5G networks

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    The demand for higher capacity, higher data rate and larger bandwidth has driven the research and industrial world to develop next generation wireless communication technology, namely, the 5G. Among all the approaches proposed for such a high demand, only the cooperative communication approach promises to significantly improve of the performances (capacity, data rate, bandwidth, etc.) with a low cost. In this thesis, we propose a D2D communication scheme as a solution for the out-door scenario and a cooperative scheme among the access infrastructures as the in-door scenario solution. In the first part, we address the implementation of content-centric routing in a D2D architecture for Android devices based on WiFi Direct, a protocol recently standardised by the Wi-Fi Alliance. After discussing the creation of multiple D2D groups, we introduce novel paradigms featuring intra- and inter-group bidirectional communication. We then present the primitives involved in content advertising and requesting among members of the multi-group network. In addition to the communications, we also devise a mechanism to enable the devices to spontaneously establish the multi-group D2D network. Finally, we evaluate the performance of our architecture and the network formation mechanism in a real testbed consisting of Android devices. In the second part, we propose, implement and evaluate a bandwidth aggregation service for residential users that allows to improve the upload throughput of the ADSL connection by leveraging the unused bandwidth of neighboring users. The residential access gateway adopts the 802.11 radio interface to simultaneously serve the local home users and to share the broadband connectivity with neighboring access gateways. Differently from previous works, our aggregation scheme is transparent both for local users, who are not required to modify their applications or device drivers, and for neighboring users, who do not experience any meaningful performance degradation. In order to evaluate the achievable performance and tune the parameters driving the traffic balancing, we developed a fluid model which was shown experimentally to be very accurate. Our proposed scheme is amenable to efficient implementation on Linux networking stack. Indeed, we implemented it and tested in some realistic scenarios, showing an efficient exploitation of the whole available bandwidth, also for legacy cloud storage applications

    Increasing Performances of TCP Data Transfers Through Multiple Parallel Connections

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    Although Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a widely deployed and successful protocol, it shows some limitations in present-day environments. In particular, it is unable to exploit multiple (physical or logical) paths between two hosts. This paper presents PATTHEL, a session-layer solution designed for parallelizing stream data transfers. Parallelization is achieved by striping the data flow among multiple TCP channels. This solution does not require invasive changes to the networking stack and can be implemented entirely in user space. Moreover, it is flexible enough to suit several scenarios - e.g. it can be used to split a data transfer among multiple relays within a peer-to-peer overlay networ

    Joint Access-Backhaul Perspective on Mobility Management in 5G Networks

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    The ongoing efforts in the research development and standardization of 5G, by both industry and academia, have resulted in the identification of enablers (Software Defined Networks, Network Function Virtualization, Distributed Mobility Management, etc.) and critical areas (Mobility management, Interference management, Joint access-backhaul mechanisms, etc.) that will help achieve the 5G objectives. During these efforts, it has also been identified that the 5G networks due to their high degree of heterogeneity, high QoS demand and the inevitable density (both in terms of access points and users), will need to have efficient joint backhaul and access mechanisms as well as enhanced mobility management mechanisms in order to be effective, efficient and ubiquitous. Therefore, in this paper we first provide a discussion on the evolution of the backhaul scenario, and the necessity for joint access and backhaul optimization. Subsequently, and since mobility management mechanisms can entail the availability, reliability and heterogeneity of the future backhaul/fronthaul networks as parameters in determining the most optimal solution for a given context, a study with regards to the effect of future backhaul/fronthaul scenarios on the design and implementation of mobility management solutions in 5G networks has been performed.Comment: IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications & Networking, September 2017, Helsinki, Finlan

    Joint access-backhaul perspective on mobility management in 5G networks

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    © 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The ongoing efforts in the research, development and standardization of 5G, by both industry and academia, have resulted in the identification of enablers (Software Defined Networks, Network Function Virtualization, Distributed Mobility Management, etc.) and critical areas (Mobility management, Interference management, Joint access-backhaul mechanisms, etc.) that will help achieve the 5G objectives. During these efforts, it has also been identified that the 5G networks, due to their high degree of heterogeneity, high QoS demand and the inevitable density (both in terms of access points and users), will need to have efficient joint backhaul and access mechanisms as well as enhanced mobility management mechanisms in order to be effective, efficient and ubiquitous. Therefore, in this paper, we first provide a discussion on the evolution of the backhaul scenario, and the necessity for joint access and backhaul optimization. Subsequently, and since mobility management mechanisms can entail the availability, reliability and heterogeneity of the future backhaul/fronthaul networks as parameters in determining the most optimal solution for a given context, a study with regards to the effect of future backhaul/fronthaul scenarios on the design and implementation of mobility management solutions in 5G networks has been performed.Postprint (author's final draft

    Cooperation Strategies for Enhanced Connectivity at Home

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    WHILE AT HOME , USERS MAY EXPERIENCE A POOR I NTERNET SERVICE while being connected to their 802.11 Access Points (APs). The AP is just one component of the Internet Gateway (GW) that generally includes a backhaul connection (ADSL, fiber,etc..) and a router providing a LAN. The root cause of performance degradation may be poor/congested wireless channel between the user and the GW or congested/bandwidth limited backhaul connection. The latter is a serious issue for DSL users that are located far from the central office because the greater the distance the lesser the achievable physical datarate. Furthermore, the GW is one of the few devices in the home that is left always on, resulting in energy waste and electromagnetic pollution increase. This thesis proposes two strategies to enhance Internet connectivity at home by (i) creating a wireless resource sharing scheme through the federation and the coordination of neighboring GWs in order to achieve energy efficiency while avoiding congestion, (ii) exploiting different king of connectivities, i.e., the wired plus the cellular (3G/4G) connections, through the aggregation of the available bandwidth across multiple access technologies. In order to achieve the aforementioned strategies we study and develop: • A viable interference estimation technique for 802.11 BSSes that can be implemented on commodity hardware at the MAC layer, without requiring active measurements, changes in the 802.11 standard, cooperation from the wireless stations (WSs). We extend previous theoretical results on the saturation throughput in order to quantify the impact in term of throughput loss of any kind of interferer. We im- plement and extensively evaluate our estimation technique with a real testbed and with different kind of interferer, achieving always good accuracy. • Two available bandwidth estimation algorithms for 802.11 BSSes that rely only on passive measurements and that account for different kind of interferers on the ISM band. This algorithms can be implemented on commodity hardware, as they require only software modifications. The first algorithm applies to intra-GW while the second one applies to inter-GW available bandwidth estimation. Indeed, we use the first algorithm to compute the metric for assessing the Wi-Fi load of a GW and the second one to compute the metric to decide whether accept incoming WSs from neighboring GWs or not. Note that in the latter case it is assumed that one or more WSs with known traffic profile are requested to relocate from one GW to another one. We evaluate both algorithms with simulation as well as with a real test-bed for different traffic patterns, achieving high precision. • A fully distributed and decentralized inter-access point protocol for federated GWs that allows to dynamically manage the associations of the wireless stations (WSs) in the federated network in order to achieve energy efficiency and offloading con- gested GWs, i.e, we keep a minimum number of GWs ON while avoiding to create congestion and real-time throughput loss. We evaluate this protocol in a federated scenario, using both simulation and a real test-bed, achieving up to 65% of energy saving in the simulated setting. We compare the energy saving achieved by our protocol against a centralized optimal scheme, obtaining close to optimal results. • An application level solution that accelerates slow ADSL connections with the parallel use of cellular (3G/4G) connections. We study the feasibility and the potential performance of this scheme at scale using both extensive throughput measurement of the cellular network and trace driven analysis. We validate our solution by implementing a real test bed and evaluating it “in the wild, at several residential locations of a major European city. We test two applications: Video-on-Demand (VoD) and picture upload, obtaining remarkable throughput increase for both applications at all locations. Our implementation features a multipath scheduler which we compare to other scheduling policies as well as to transport level solution like MTCP, obtaining always better results

    Impact of Processing-Resource Sharing on the Placement of Chained Virtual Network Functions

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    Network Function Virtualization (NFV) provides higher flexibility for network operators and reduces the complexity in network service deployment. Using NFV, Virtual Network Functions (VNF) can be located in various network nodes and chained together in a Service Function Chain (SFC) to provide a specific service. Consolidating multiple VNFs in a smaller number of locations would allow decreasing capital expenditures. However, excessive consolidation of VNFs might cause additional latency penalties due to processing-resource sharing, and this is undesirable, as SFCs are bounded by service-specific latency requirements. In this paper, we identify two different types of penalties (referred as "costs") related to the processingresource sharing among multiple VNFs: the context switching costs and the upscaling costs. Context switching costs arise when multiple CPU processes (e.g., supporting different VNFs) share the same CPU and thus repeated loading/saving of their context is required. Upscaling costs are incurred by VNFs requiring multi-core implementations, since they suffer a penalty due to the load-balancing needs among CPU cores. These costs affect how the chained VNFs are placed in the network to meet the performance requirement of the SFCs. We evaluate their impact while considering SFCs with different bandwidth and latency requirements in a scenario of VNF consolidation.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computin
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