1,143 research outputs found

    Load Balancing in Large-Scale Systems with Multiple Dispatchers

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    Load balancing algorithms play a crucial role in delivering robust application performance in data centers and cloud networks. Recently, strong interest has emerged in Join-the-Idle-Queue (JIQ) algorithms, which rely on tokens issued by idle servers in dispatching tasks and outperform power-of-dd policies. Specifically, JIQ strategies involve minimal information exchange, and yet achieve zero blocking and wait in the many-server limit. The latter property prevails in a multiple-dispatcher scenario when the loads are strictly equal among dispatchers. For various reasons it is not uncommon however for skewed load patterns to occur. We leverage product-form representations and fluid limits to establish that the blocking and wait then no longer vanish, even for arbitrarily low overall load. Remarkably, it is the least-loaded dispatcher that throttles tokens and leaves idle servers stranded, thus acting as bottleneck. Motivated by the above issues, we introduce two enhancements of the ordinary JIQ scheme where tokens are either distributed non-uniformly or occasionally exchanged among the various dispatchers. We prove that these extensions can achieve zero blocking and wait in the many-server limit, for any subcritical overall load and arbitrarily skewed load profiles. Extensive simulation experiments demonstrate that the asymptotic results are highly accurate, even for moderately sized systems

    Asymptotically optimal load balancing in large-scale heterogeneous systems with multiple dispatchers

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    We consider the load balancing problem in large-scale heterogeneous systems with multiple dispatchers. We introduce a general framework called Local-Estimation-Driven (LED). Under this framework, each dispatcher keeps local (possibly outdated) estimates of the queue lengths for all the servers, and the dispatching decision is made purely based on these local estimates. The local estimates are updated via infrequent communications between dispatchers and servers. We derive sufficient conditions for LED policies to achieve throughput optimality and delay optimality in heavy-traffic, respectively. These conditions directly imply delay optimality for many previous local-memory based policies in heavy traffic. Moreover, the results enable us to design new delay optimal policies for heterogeneous systems with multiple dispatchers. Finally, the heavy-traffic delay optimality of the LED framework also sheds light on a recent open question on how to design optimal load balancing schemes using delayed information

    Improved Load Balancing in Large Scale Systems using Attained Service Time Reporting

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    Our interest lies in load balancing jobs in large scale systems consisting of multiple dispatchers and FCFS servers. In the absence of any information on job sizes, dispatchers typically use queue length information reported by the servers to assign incoming jobs. When job sizes are highly variable, using only queue length information is clearly suboptimal and performance can be improved if some indication can be provided to the dispatcher about the size of an ongoing job. In a FCFS server measuring the attained service time of the ongoing job is easy and servers can therefore report this attained service time together with the queue length when queried by a dispatcher. In this paper we propose and analyse a variety of load balancing policies that exploit both the queue length and attained service time to assign jobs, as well as policies for which only the attained service time of the job in service is used. We present a unified analysis for all these policies in a large scale system under the usual asymptotic independence assumptions. The accuracy of the proposed analysis is illustrated using simulation. We present extensive numerical experiments which clearly indicate that a significant improvement in waiting (and thus also in response) time may be achieved by using the attained service time information on top of the queue length of a server. Moreover, the policies which do not make use of the queue length still provide an improved waiting time for moderately loaded systems

    Distributed Dispatching in the Parallel Server Model

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    With the rapid increase in the size and volume of cloud services and data centers, architectures with multiple job dispatchers are quickly becoming the norm. Load balancing is a key element of such systems. Nevertheless, current solutions to load balancing in such systems admit a paradoxical behavior in which more accurate information regarding server queue lengths degrades performance due to herding and detrimental incast effects. Indeed, both in theory and in practice, there is a common doubt regarding the value of information in the context of multi-dispatcher load balancing. As a result, both researchers and system designers resort to more straightforward solutions, such as the power-of-two-choices to avoid worst-case scenarios, potentially sacrificing overall resource utilization and system performance. A principal focus of our investigation concerns the value of information about queue lengths in the multi-dispatcher setting. We argue that, at its core, load balancing with multiple dispatchers is a distributed computing task. In that light, we propose a new job dispatching approach, called Tidal Water Filling, which addresses the distributed nature of the system. Specifically, by incorporating the existence of other dispatchers into the decision-making process, our protocols outperform previous solutions in many scenarios. In particular, when the dispatchers have complete and accurate information regarding the server queue lengths, our policies significantly outperform all existing solutions

    Token Redundancy in Distributed JIQ

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    Two-Layer Load Balancing for Onedata System

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    The recent years have significantly changed the perception of web services and data storages, as clouds became a big part of IT market. New challenges appear in the field of scalable web systems, which become bigger and more complex. One of them is designing load balancing algorithms that could allow for optimal utilization of servers' resources in large, distributed systems. This paper presents an algorithm called Two-Level Load Balancing, which has been implemented and evaluated in onedata - a global data access system. A study of onedata architecture, request types and use cases has been performed to determine the requirements of load balancing set by similar, highly scalable distributed systems. The algorithm was designed to match these requirements, and it was achieved by using a synergy of DNS and internal dispatcher load balancing. Test results show that the algorithm does not introduce considerable overheads and maintains the performance of the system on high level, even in cases when its servers are not equally loaded