7 research outputs found

    Relating fair testing and accordance for service replaceability

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    AbstractThe accordance pre-order describes whether a service can safely be replaced by another service. That is, all partners for the original service should be partners for the new service. Partners for a service interact with the service in such a way that always a certain common goal can be reached.We relate the accordance pre-order to the pre-orders known from the linear–branching time spectrum, notably fair testing. The differences between accordance and fair testing include the modeling of termination and success, and the parts of the services that cannot be used reliably by any partner. Apart from the theoretical results, we address the practical relevance of the introduced concepts

    On the axiomatizability of impossible futures

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    A general method is established to derive a ground-complete axiomatization for a weak semantics from such an axiomatization for its concrete counterpart, in the context of the process algebra BCCS. This transformation moreover preserves omega-completeness. It is applicable to semantics at least as coarse as impossible futures semantics. As an application, ground- and omega-complete axiomatizations are derived for weak failures, completed trace and trace semantics. We then present a finite, sound, ground-complete axiomatization for the concrete impossible futures preorder, which implies a finite, sound, ground-complete axiomatization for the weak impossible futures preorder. In contrast, we prove that no finite, sound axiomatization for BCCS modulo concrete and weak impossible futures equivalence is ground-complete. If the alphabet of actions is infinite, then the aforementioned ground-complete axiomatizations are shown to be omega-complete. If the alphabet is finite, we prove that the inequational theories of BCCS modulo the concrete and weak impossible futures preorder lack such a finite basis

    Liveness, Fairness and Impossible Futures

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    Abstract. Impossible futures equivalence is the semantic equivalence on labelled transition systems that identifies systems iff they have the same “AGEF ” properties: temporal logic properties saying that reaching a desired outcome is not doomed to fail. We show that this equivalence, with an added root condition, is the coarsest congruence containing weak bisimilarity with explicit divergence that respects deadlock/livelock traces (or fair testing, or any liveness property under a global fairness assumption) and assigns unique solutions to recursive equations.

    Liveness, fairness and impossible futures

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    Impossible futures equivalence is the semantic equivalence on labelled transition systems that identifies systems iff they have the same `AGEF` properties: temporal logic properties saying that reaching a desired outcome is not doomed to fail. We show that this equivalence, with an added root condition, is the coarsest congruence containing weak bisimilarity with explicit divergence that respects deadlock/livelock traces (or fair testing, or any liveness property under a global fairness assumption) and assigns unique solutions to recursive equations