240,604 research outputs found

    Planning a Better Future for Dual Eligible Elderly in Montgomery County

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    Older adults who are dual eligible (who qualify for both Medicare and Medicaid) face a daunting gauntlet of challenges in healthcare. Despite comprehensive coverage through Medicare and Medicaid, the lack of coordination between the two systems creates often insurmountable problems of access and delivery. Federally-funded Medicare lacks coordination and integration with federal-state funded Medicaid. Ironically, it is these dual eligible individuals who so desperately need healthcare since they have a higher incidence of cognitive impairment (including Alzheimer's Disease), mental disorders, diabetes, pulmonary disease and strokes. Further, they are more vulnerable and frail, have lower incomes, and are more isolated than are non-dual eligible elderly. These problems, in turn, contribute to significant challenges with housing, food and transportation. The challenges with access to care are tragic, expensive and avoidable.The high care needs of dual eligible individuals and the associated costs have driven states and the federalgovernment to seek ways to better integrate and coordinate their care. The Affordable Care Act (2010) is teemingwith initiatives, demonstrations, and new opportunities premised on finding a way to better meet dual eligibleindividuals' healthcare needs at a cost-effective rate. While little has yet been done at the state level, localproviders are starting to test innovative approaches to delivering better care to dual eligible individuals.This report summarizes state and federal initiatives and opportunities for delivering better care to dual eligible elderly. It also presents the efforts underway at the County level and by local providers. Following the informational section of the report, the Workgroup presents nine systems change recommendations to better improve the care provided to Montgomery County's dual eligible elderly. The recommendations may stand alone, each reflecting their own systems change, or may be combined in a more encompassing effort at service delivery system overhaul.There are numerous federal opportunities for delivering better care to frail populations. Some of them are specifically targeted towards the dual eligible population and others are targeted towards other populations, but include a considerable number of dual eligible individuals. In the report, we describe five different types ofapproaches and describe examples of each

    Roadmap to Gridlock: The Failure of Long-Range Metropolitan Transportation Planning

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    Federal law requires metropolitan planning organizations in urban areas of more than 50,000 people to write long-range (20- to 30- year) metropolitan transportation plans and to revise or update those plans every 4 to 5 years. A review of plans for more than 75 of the nation's largest metropolitan areas reveals that virtually all of them fail to follow standard planning methods. As a result, taxpayers and travelers have little assurance that the plans make effective use of available resources to reduce congestion, maximize mobility, and provide safe transportation facilities. Nearly half the plans reviewed here are not cost effective in meeting transportation goals. These plans rely heavily on behavioral tools such as land-use regulation, subsidies to dense or mixed-use developments, and construction of expensive rail transit lines. Nearly 40 years of experience with such tools has shown that they are expensive but provide negligible transportation benefits. Long-range transportation planning necessarily depends on uncertain forecasts. Planners also set qualitative goals such as "vibrant communities" and quantifiable but incomparable goals such as "protecting historic resources." Such vagaries result in a politicized process that cannot hope to find the most effective transportation solutions. Thus, long-range planning has contributed to, rather than prevented, the hextupling of congestion American urban areas have suffered since 1982. Ideally, the federal government should not be in the business of funding local transportation and dictating local transportation policies. At the least, Congress should repeal long-range transportation planning requirements in the next reauthorization of federal surface transportation funding. Instead, metropolitan transportation organizations should focus planning on the short term (5 years), and concentrate on quantifiable factors that are directly related to transportation, including safety and congestion relief

    Magnetoencephalography in Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation

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    Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is a non-invasive neurophysiological technique used to study the cerebral cortex. Currently, MEG is mainly used clinically to localize epileptic foci and eloquent brain areas in order to avoid damage during neurosurgery. MEG might, however, also be of help in monitoring stroke recovery and rehabilitation. This review focuses on experimental use of MEG in neurorehabilitation. MEG has been employed to detect early modifications in neuroplasticity and connectivity, but there is insufficient evidence as to whether these methods are sensitive enough to be used as a clinical diagnostic test. MEG has also been exploited to derive the relationship between brain activity and movement kinematics for a motor-based brain-computer interface. In the current body of experimental research, MEG appears to be a powerful tool in neurorehabilitation, but it is necessary to produce new data to confirm its clinical utility

    Feasibility of Measuring Tobacco Smoke Air Pollution in Homes: Report from a Pilot Study.

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    Tobacco smoke air pollution (TSAP) measurement may persuade parents to adopt smoke-free homes and thereby reduce harm to children from tobacco smoke in the home. In a pilot study involving 29 smoking families, a Sidepak was used to continuously monitor home PM(2.5) during an 8-h period, Sidepak and/or Dylos monitors provided real-time feedback, and passive nicotine monitors were used to measure home air nicotine for one week. Feedback was provided to participants in the context of motivational interviews. Home PM(2.5) levels recorded by continuous monitoring were not well-accepted by participants because of the noise level. Also, graphs from continuous monitoring showed unexplained peaks, often associated with sources unrelated to indoor smoking, such as cooking, construction, or outdoor sources. This hampered delivery of a persuasive message about the relationship between home smoking and TSAP. By contrast, immediate real-time PM(2.5) feedback (with Sidepak or Dylos monitor) was feasible and provided unambiguous information; the Dylos had the additional advantages of being more economical and quieter. Air nicotine sampling was complicated by the time-lag for feedback and questions regarding shelf-life. Improvement in the science of TSAP measurement in the home environment is needed to encourage and help maintain smoke-free homes and protect vulnerable children. Recent advances in the use of mobile devices for real-time feedback are promising and warrant further development, as do accurate methods for real-time air nicotine air monitoring
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