669 research outputs found

    LiquidHaskell : Liquid Types for Haskell

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    Ακόμα και τα ασφαλή προγράμματα μπορούν να έχουν λάθη. Προγράμματα που έχουν μεταγλωτιστεί με βάση κάποιο ισχυρό σύστημα τύπων, όπως αυτό της Haskell, μπορούν να πετάξουν σφάλμα κατα τον χρόνο εκτέλεσης ή να δώσουν μη αναμενώμενη απάντηση. Τα refinement συστήματα τύπων αντιμετωπίζουν αυτήν την κατάσταση αφού επιτρέπουν την έκφραση σημασιολογικών προδιαφραφών των προγραμμάτων. Αναλύουμε την απόδειξη των προδιαγραφών σε αυτά τα συστήματα. Πολύ εκφραστικά συστήματα απαιτούν ελέγχους κατά τον χρόνο εκτέλεσης ή ρητές αποδείξεις από τον χρήστη, για την αποδειξη των προδιαγραφών, Λιγότερο εκφραστικά συστήματα τύπων επιτρέπουν την αυτόματη απόδειξη των προδιαγραφών, κατά τον χρόνο μεταγλώτισης. Παρουσιάζουμε τους liquidTypes ένα σύστημα τύπων που επιτρέπει την αυτόματη απόδειξη προδιαγραφών κατά τον χρόνο μεταγλώτισης. Επεκτείνουμε τους liquidTypes με abstract refinement, έναν μηχανισμό που αυξάνει την εκφραστικότητα του συστήματος, χωρίς να αυξάνει την πολυπλοκοτητά του. Υλοποιήσαμε την LiquidHaskell ένα σύστημα τύπων για Haskell που συνδιάζει liquidTypes με abstract refinement και το χρησιμοποιήσαμε για να αποδείξουμε ιδιώτητες πραγματικων βιβλιοθηκών της Haskell.Even well-typed programs can go wrong, by returning a wrong answer or throwing a run-time error. A popular response is to allow programmers use refinement type systems to express semantic specifications about programs. We study verification in such systems. On the one hand, expressive refinement type systems require run-time checks or explicit proofs to verify specifications. On the other, less expressive type systems allow static and automatic proofs of the specifications. Next, we present abstract refinement types, a means to enhance the expressiveness of a refinement type system without increasing its complexity. Then, we present LiquidHaskell that combines liquidTypes with abstraction over refinements to enhance expressiveness of LiquidTypes. LiquidHaskell is a quite expressive verification tool for Haskell programs that can be used to check termination, totality and general functional correctness. Finally, we evaluate LiquidHaskell in real world Haskell libraries

    Extending Liquid Types to Arrays

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    A liquid type is an ordinary Hindley-Milner type annotated with a logical predicate that states the properties satisfied by the elements of that type. Liquid types are a powerful tool for program verification, since programmers can use them to specify pre- and postconditions of their programs, while the predicates of intermediate variables and auxiliary functions are inferred automatically. Type inference is feasible in this context, since the logical predicates within liquid types are constrained to a quantifier-free logic in order to maintain decidability. In this paper we extend liquid types by allowing them to contain quantified properties on arrays, so that they can be used to infer invariants on array-related programs (for example, implementations of sorting algorithms). Although quantified logic is, in general, undecidable, we restrict properties on arrays to a decidable subset introduced by Bradley et al. We describe in detail the extended type system, the verification condition generator, and the iterative weakening algorithm for inferring invariants. After proving the correctness and completeness of these two algorithms, we apply them to find invariants on a set of algorithms involving array manipulations

    The Determinants of Polish Farmers' Credit Interest Rates: Hedonic Price Analysis and Implications for Government Policy

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    Our micro-econometric analysis of agricultural credit market outcomes in Poland sheds new light on the relationship between contractual arrangements and interest rates. An innovative theoretical framework based on a hedonic market model is developed. We interpret the factors that influence interest rates as "quality" components of the credit contract. We use unique data including detailed information about Polish farmers' credit contracts. Both nominal interest rates and bank fees are considered. Results show that banks prefer liquid types of collateral, and care little about the loan's purpose. The effect of government subsidies on interest rates is small compared to the officially declared reduction of the nominal rate.agricultural finance, credit policy, hedonic regression, micro-econometrics, Poland, Agricultural and Food Policy, Financial Economics, Q12, Q14, P32,

    Gradual Liquid Type Inference

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    Liquid typing provides a decidable refinement inference mechanism that is convenient but subject to two major issues: (1) inference is global and requires top-level annotations, making it unsuitable for inference of modular code components and prohibiting its applicability to library code, and (2) inference failure results in obscure error messages. These difficulties seriously hamper the migration of existing code to use refinements. This paper shows that gradual liquid type inference---a novel combination of liquid inference and gradual refinement types---addresses both issues. Gradual refinement types, which support imprecise predicates that are optimistically interpreted, can be used in argument positions to constrain liquid inference so that the global inference process e effectively infers modular specifications usable for library components. Dually, when gradual refinements appear as the result of inference, they signal an inconsistency in the use of static refinements. Because liquid refinements are drawn from a nite set of predicates, in gradual liquid type inference we can enumerate the safe concretizations of each imprecise refinement, i.e. the static refinements that justify why a program is gradually well-typed. This enumeration is useful for static liquid type error explanation, since the safe concretizations exhibit all the potential inconsistencies that lead to static type errors. We develop the theory of gradual liquid type inference and explore its pragmatics in the setting of Liquid Haskell.Comment: To appear at OOPSLA 201

    Liquid Intersection Types

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    We present a new type system combining refinement types and the expressiveness of intersection type discipline. The use of such features makes it possible to derive more precise types than in the original refinement system. We have been able to prove several interesting properties for our system (including subject reduction) and developed an inference algorithm, which we proved to be sound.Comment: In Proceedings ITRS 2014, arXiv:1503.0437

    Higher-order Program Verification as Satisfiability Modulo Theories with Algebraic Data-types

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    We report on work in progress on automatic procedures for proving properties of programs written in higher-order functional languages. Our approach encodes higher-order programs directly as first-order SMT problems over Horn clauses. It is straight-forward to reduce Hoare-style verification of first-order programs into satisfiability of Horn clauses. The presence of closures offers several challenges: relatively complete proof systems have to account for closures; and in practice, the effectiveness of search procedures depend on encoding strategies and capabilities of underlying solvers. We here use algebraic data-types to encode closures and rely on solvers that support algebraic data-types. The viability of the approach is examined using examples from the literature on higher-order program verification

    On the Concept of Variable Roles and its Use in Software Analysis

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    Human written source code in imperative programming languages exhibits typical patterns for variable use such as flags, loop iterators, counters, indices, bitvectors etc. Although it is widely understood by practitioners that these variable roles are important for automated software analysis tools, they are not systematically studied by the formal methods community, and not well documented in the research literature. In this paper, we study the notion of variable roles on the example of basic types (int, float, char) in C. We propose a classification of the variables in a program by variable roles, and demonstrate that classical data flow analysis lends itself naturally both as a specification formalism and an analysis paradigm for this classification problem. We demonstrate the practical applicability of our method by predicting membership of source files to the different categories of the software verification competition SVCOMP 2013

    Pabble: parameterised Scribble

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    © 2014, The Author(s).Many parallel and distributed message-passing programs are written in a parametric way over available resources, in particular the number of nodes and their topologies, so that a single parallel program can scale over different environments. This article presents a parameterised protocol description language, Pabble, which can guarantee safety and progress in a large class of practical, complex parameterised message-passing programs through static checking. Pabble can describe an overall interaction topology, using a concise and expressive notation, designed for a variable number of participants arranged in multiple dimensions. These parameterised protocols in turn automatically generate local protocols for type checking parameterised MPI programs for communication safety and deadlock freedom. In spite of undecidability of endpoint projection and type checking in the underlying parameterised session type theory, our method guarantees the termination of end point projection and type checking