4,444 research outputs found

    Mineshafts on Treasure Island: A Relief Map of the eBay Fraud Landscape

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    As explorers once opened up new trade passages, thus attracting hordes of both honest traders and dishonest pirates, so too has the Internet opened new lanes of commerce and attracted the modern versions of the same. One of the widest of these lanes undoubtedly runs through eBay, located at http://www.ebay.com . From its humble beginnings as a little-known auction site hawking PEZ candy dispensers, broken laser pointers and other garage-sale pickings, eBay has transformed itself into a reputable public sales powerhouse where a Gulfstream II jet, million-dollar sports artifacts, and Madonna’s wedding tiara might easily change hands.

    Blockchain-based reputation models for e-commerce: a systematic literature review

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    The Digital Age is the present, and nobody can deny that. With it has come a digital transformation in various sectors of activity, and e-commerce is no exception. Over the last few decades, there has been a massive increase in its utilization rates, as it has several advantages over traditional commerce. At the same time, the rise in the number of crimes on the Internet and, consequently, the understanding of the risks involved in online shopping has led consumers to become more cautious, looking for information about the seller and taking it into account when making a purchase decision. The need to get to know the merchant better before making a purchase decision has encouraged the creation of reputation systems, whose services play an essential role in today's e-commerce context. Reputation systems act as mechanisms to reduce information asymmetry between consumers and sellers and establish rankings that attest to fulfilling standards and policies considered necessary for shops operating in the digital market. The critical problems in current reputation systems are the frauds and attacks that such systems currently have to deal with, which results in a lack of trust between users. These security and fraud issues are critical because users' trust is commonly based on reputation models, and many of these current systems are not immune to them, thus compromising e-commerce growth. The need for a better and safer model emerges with the development of e-commerce. Through reading the articles and pursuing the answers to the primary questions, blockchain is data register technology to be analysed in order to gain a better acknowledgment of the potential of such technology. More research work and investigation must be done to fully understand how to create a more assertive reputation model. Thus, this study systematizes the knowledge generated by reputation models in E-commerce studies in Scopus, WoS databases, and Google Scholar, using PRISMA methodology. A systematic approach was adopted in conducting a literature review. The need for a systematic literature review came from the knowledge that there are reputation systems that mitigate some of the problems. In addition to identifying some indicators used in reputation models, we also conclude that these models could help provide some insurance to buyers and sellers, with a commitment to being a problem solver, being able to mitigate known problems such as Collusion, Sybil attacks, laundering attacks, and preventing online fraud ranging from ballot stuffing and bad-mouthing. Nevertheless, the results of the present work demonstrate that even though these reputation models still cannot solve all of the problems, attacking one fraud opens the door to an attack. The architecture of the models was identified, with the realization that a few lacks that need to be fulfilled

    In Consumer Protection We Trust? Re-Thinking the Legal Framework for Country of Origin Cases

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    Markets are becoming more complicated in an ever faster changing world. New findings pertaining to human behavior and consumer markets constantly challenge traditional legal and policy assumptions. Social science offers a myriad of insights into the ways trust, identity, ideology, and preferences interact and impact one another. Against this background, the need to advance a nuanced legal framework is increasingly vital. Consumer law policy requires an interdisciplinary and holistic approach. Recent scholarship has acknowledged this need, proposing novel ways to enrich the academic discourse and develop consumer law policy. Along these lines, a growing body of literature examines how notions of identity and trust affect consumer behavior and how the law should respond to these phenomena. However, this body of literature is under-developed and under-theorized. This article bridges some of this gap, proposing a well-rounded agenda that adopts a multi-dimensional approach to country of origin cases. As we illustrate throughout the article, there is more in country of origin cases than initially meets the eye. Such cases require integrating behavioral, economic, and social developments, such as people’s search for identity markers. This, in turn, yields a superior legal analysis that is applicable to the development of consumer law more generally
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