4 research outputs found

    Aktionsverben im inter- und intralingualen Vergleich:: Die IMAGACT-Ontologie und ihre Erweiterung um Deutsch

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    This paper examines transparent and non-transparent diminutive forms in Akan and the range of meanings associated with each group, as presented in Appah/Amfo (2011). It takes the discussion of Akan diminutives a step further by showing that some of the meanings communicated by transparent diminutive forms are dependent on the context, including the semantic properties of the base to which the diminutive morpheme is attached. In addition, it demonstrates that even though the non-transparent diminutive forms communicate diminu-tive meanings and contain what appears to be the Akan diminutive morpheme, synchronical-ly they are formally unanalyzable since the putative diminutive morpheme cannot be deline-ated from the base. Also, it is argued that these forms have come from a lexicalization pro-cess that resulted in the reanalysis of the base+diminutive morpheme as a single unanalyza-ble unit. It is observed that the process of lexicalization could have been facilitated by a number of factors, including the loss of the bases from the language, which meant that the putative base could only be found in the context of their diminutive use. Finally, the lexical-ization process is schematized using formalism from Construction Morphology.This paper examines transparent and non-transparent diminutive forms in Akan and the range of meanings associated with each group, as presented in Appah/Amfo (2011). It takes the discussion of Akan diminutives a step further by showing that some of the meanings communicated by transparent diminutive forms are dependent on the context, including the semantic properties of the base to which the diminutive morpheme is attached. In addition, it demonstrates that even though the non-transparent diminutive forms communicate diminu-tive meanings and contain what appears to be the Akan diminutive morpheme, synchronical-ly they are formally unanalyzable since the putative diminutive morpheme cannot be deline-ated from the base. Also, it is argued that these forms have come from a lexicalization pro-cess that resulted in the reanalysis of the base+diminutive morpheme as a single unanalyza-ble unit. It is observed that the process of lexicalization could have been facilitated by a number of factors, including the loss of the bases from the language, which meant that the putative base could only be found in the context of their diminutive use. Finally, the lexical-ization process is schematized using formalism from Construction Morphology

    Increasing information accessibility on the Web: a rating system for specialized dictionaries

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    The paper illustrates the features of the WLR (Web Linguistic Resources) portal, which collects specialized online dictionaries and asses their suitability for different functions using a specifically designed rating system. The contribution aims to demonstrate how the existing tool has improved the usefulness of lexico-graphical portals and how its effectiveness can be further increased by transforming the portal into a collaborative resource.Questo contributo descrive le caratteristiche del portale WLR (Web Linguistic Resources) che raccoglie dizionari specialistici della Rete e ne stima l’utilizzabilità per diverse funzioni, avvalendosi di uno specifico sistema di valutazione. Viene quindi mostrato come questo strumento incrementi l’utilizzabilità dei portali lessicografici finora sviluppati e come la sua efficacia possa essere ulteriormente migliorata trasformandolo in risorsa collaborativa

    Linking IMAGACT ontology to BabelNet through action videos

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    Herein we present a study dealing with the linking of two multilingual and multimedia resources, BabelNet and IMAGACT, which seeks to connect videos contained in the IMAGACT Ontology of Actions with related action concepts in BabelNet. The linking is based on a machine learning algorithm that exploits the lexical information of the two resources. The algorithm has been firstly trained and tested on a manually annotated dataset and then it was run on all the data, allowing to connect 773 IMAGACT action videos with 517 BabelNet synsets. This linkage aims to enrich BabelNet verbal entries with a visual representations and to connect the IMAGACT ontology to the huge BabelNet semantic network.In questo articolo si presenta uno studio sul linking tra due risorse linguistiche multilingui e multimediali, BabelNet e IMAGACT. L’esperimento ha l’obiettivo di collegare i video dell’ontologia dell’azione IMAGACT con i concetti azionali contenuti in BabelNet. Il collegamento è realizzato attraverso un algoritmo di Machine Learning che sfrutta l’informazione lessicale delle due risorse. L’algoritmo è stato addestrato e valutato su un dataset annotato manualmente e poi eseguito sull’insieme totale dei dati, permettendo di collegare 773 video di IMAGACT con 517 synset di BabelNet. Questo linking ha lo scopo di arricchire le entrate verbali di BabelNet con una rappresentazione visuale e di collegare IMAGACT alla rete semantica di BabelNet