42 research outputs found

    Link-State Routing With Hop-by-Hop Forwarding Can Achieve Optimal Traffic Engineering

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    Optimizing segment routing using evolutionary computation

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    Segment Routing (SR) combines the simplicity of Link-State routing protocols with the flexibility of Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS). By decomposing forwarding paths into segments, identified by labels, SR improves Traffic Engineering (TE) and enables new solutions for the optimization of network resources utilization. This work proposes an Evolutionary Computation approach that enables Path Computation Element (PCE) or Software-defined Network (SDN) controllers to optimize label switching paths for congestion avoidance while using at the most three labels to configure each label switching path.This work has been supported by COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT Fundac¸˜ao para a Ciˆencia e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Efficient overlaynodes selection for data transmission through multipath in network

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    We control the vital collection of nodes that must bifurcate traffic for attaining the maximum multi commodity net throughput. We put on our optimal node placement algorithm to numerous graphs and the consequences show that a small portion of overlay nodes is adequate for attaining maximum throughput. To conclude, we suggest a heuristic policy (OBP), which enthusiastically controls traffic bifurcations at overlay nodes. In all premeditated simulation scenarios, OBP not only accomplishes full throughput, but also diminishes delay in judgment to the throughput optimal backpressure routing

    A new secure multipath routing using sub-set of overlay nodes to minimize delay

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    We study overlay architecture for dynamic routing, such that only a subset of devices (overlay nodes) need to make the dynamic routing decisions. We determine the essential collection of nodes that must bifurcate traffic for achieving the maximum multi-commodity network throughput.  We apply our optimal node placement algorithm to several graphs and the results show that a small segment of overlay nodes is sufficient for achieving maximum throughput. we propose a threshold-based policy (BP-T) and a heuristic policy (OBP),which dynamically control traffic bifurcations at overlay nodes. Policy BP-T is proved to maximize throughput for the case when underlay paths do no overlap

    Fast traffic engineering by gradient descent with learned differentiable routing

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    Emerging applications such as the metaverse, telesurgery or cloud computing require increasingly complex operational demands on networks (e.g., ultra-reliable low latency). Likewise, the ever-faster traffic dynamics will demand network control mechanisms that can operate at short timescales (e.g., sub-minute). In this context, Traffic Engineering (TE) is a key component to efficiently control network traffic according to some performance goals (e.g., minimize network congestion).This paper presents Routing By Backprop (RBB), a novel TE method based on Graph Neural Networks (GNN) and differentiable programming. Thanks to its internal GNN model, RBB builds an end-to-end differentiable function of the target TE problem (MinMaxLoad). This enables fast TE optimization via gradient descent. In our evaluation, we show the potential of RBB to optimize OSPF-based routing (˜25% of improvement with respect to default OSPF configurations). Moreover, we test the potential of RBB as an initializer of computationally-intensive TE solvers. The experimental results show promising prospects for accelerating this type of solvers and achieving efficient online TE optimization.This work was supported by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education with the subvention funds of the Faculty of Computer Science, Electronics and Telecommunications of AGH University and by the PL-Grid Infrastructure. Also, this publication is part of the Spanish I+D+i project TRAINER-A (ref. PID2020-118011GB-C21), funded by MCIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033. This work is also partially funded by the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA) and the Secretariat for Universities and Research of the Ministry of Business and Knowledge of the Government of Catalonia and the European Social Fund.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Towards Decentralized and Adaptive Network Resource Management

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    Abstract—Current practices for managing resources in fixed networks rely on off-line approaches, which can be sub-optimal in the face of changing or unpredicted traffic demand. To cope with the limitations of these off-line configurations new traffic engineering (TE) schemes that can adapt to network and traffic dynamics are required. In this paper, we propose an intradomain dynamic TE system for IP networks. Our approach uses multi-topology routing as the underlying routing protocol to provide path diversity and supports adaptive resource management operations that dynamically adjust the volume of traffic sent across each topology. Re-configuration actions are performed in a coordinated fashion based on an in-network overlay of network entities without relying on a centralized management system. We analyze the performance of our approach using a realistic network topology, and our results show that the proposed scheme can achieve near-optimal network performance in terms of resource utilization in a responsive manner

    Конструювання трафіку в комп’ютерній мережі на основі протоколу багатошляхової маршрутизації

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    The article analyzes the existing multipath routing protocols, which are approximate to the optimal.Areas of use for each of them have been defined and a protocol has been chosen for intra-domainroutingВ статье сделан анализ имеющихся протоколов многопутевой маршрутизации, которые являются приближенными к оптимальным. Были определены области использования каждого изних и выбран протокол для внутридоменной маршрутизацииУ статті зроблено аналіз наявних протоколів багатошляхової маршрутизації, які є наближеними до оптимальних. Було визначено області використання кожного з них та обрано протокол для внутрішньодоменної маршрутизаці

    A Novel Optimal routing using Hop-by-Hop Adaptive linking

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    I am presenting the first of its kind project, the first link-state routing solution carrying traffic through packet-switched networks. At each node, for every other node, the algorithm independently and iteratively updates the fraction of traffic destined to that leaves on each of its outgoing links. At each iteration, the updates are calculated based on the shortest path to each destination as determined by the marginal costs of the network’s links. The marginal link costs used to find the shortest paths are in turn obtained from link-state updates that are flooded through the network after each iteration. For stationary input traffic, we prove that our project converges to the routing assignment that minimizes the cost of the network. Furthermore, I observe that our technique is adaptive, automatically converging to the new optimal routing assignment for quasi-static network changes. I also report numerical and experimental evaluations to confirm our theoretical predictions, explore additional aspects of the solution, and outline a proof-of-concept implementation of proposal

    Hop-by-Hop Adaptive linking A Novel Approach for Finest routing

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    Using Hop-by-Hop Adaptive linking for achieving finest routing is an unprecedented approach. And it is the first link-state routing solution carrying traffic through packet-switched networks. At each node, for every other node, the algorithm independently and iteratively updates the fraction of traffic destined to that leaves on each of its outgoing links. At each iteration, the updates are calculated based on the shortest path to each destination as determined by the marginal costs of the network’s links. The marginal link costs used to find the shortest paths are in turn obtained from link-state updates that are flooded through the network after each iteration. For stationary input traffic, we prove that our project converges to the routing assignment that minimizes the cost of the network. Furthermore, I observe that our technique is adaptive, automatically converging to the new optimal routing assignment for quasi-static network changes. I also report numerical and experimental evaluations to confirm our theoretical predictions, explore additional aspects of the solution, and outline a proof-of-concept implementation of proposal