5 research outputs found

    Link Delay Estimation via Expander Graphs

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    One of the purposes of network tomography is to infer the status of parameters (e.g., delay) for the links inside a network through end-to-end probing between (external) boundary nodes along predetermined routes. In this work, we apply concepts from compressed sensing and expander graphs to the delay estimation problem. We first show that a relative majority of network topologies are not expanders for existing expansion criteria. Motivated by this challenge, we then relax such criteria, enabling us to acquire simulation evidence that link delays can be estimated for 30% more networks. That is, our relaxation expands the list of identifiable networks with bounded estimation error by 30%. We conduct a simulation performance analysis of delay estimation and congestion detection on the basis of l1 minimization, demonstrating that accurate estimation is feasible for an increasing proportion of networks

    Compressed Sensing in Multi-Hop Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Routing Topology Tomography

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    Data acquisition from multi-hop large-scale outdoor wireless sensor network (WSN) deployments for environmental monitoring is full of challenges. This is because of the severe resource constraints on tiny battery-operated motes (e.g., bandwidth, memory, power, and computing capacity), the data acquisition volume from large-scale WSNs, and the highly dynamic wireless link conditions in outdoor harsh communication environments. We present a novel compressed sensing approach, which can recover the sensing data at the sink with high fidelity when a very few data packets need to be collected, leading to a significant reduction of the network transmissions and thus an extension of the WSN lifetime. Interplaying with the dynamic WSN routing topology, the proposed approach is both efficient and simple to implement on the resource-constrained motes without motes' storing of any part of the random projection matrix, as opposed to other existing compressed sensing-based schemes. We further propose a systematic method via machine learning to find a suitable representation basis, for any given WSN deployment and data field, which is both sparse and incoherent with the random projection matrix in compressed sensing for data collection. We validate our approach and evaluate its performance using a real-world outdoor multihop WSN testbed deployment in situ. The results demonstrate that our approach significantly outperforms existing compressed sensing approaches by reducing data recovery errors by an order of magnitude for the entire WSN observation field while drastically reducing wireless communication costs at the same time

    Data Compression in Multi-Hop Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Data collection from a multi-hop large-scale outdoor WSN deployment for environmental monitoring is full of challenges due to the severe resource constraints on small battery-operated motes (e.g., bandwidth, memory, power, and computing capacity) and the highly dynamic wireless link conditions in an outdoor communication environment. We present a compressed sensing approach which can recover the sensing data at the sink with good accuracy when very few packets are collected, thus leading to a significant reduction of the network traffic and an extension of the WSN lifetime. Interplaying with the dynamic WSN routing topology, the proposed approach is efficient and simple to implement on the resource-constrained motes without motes storing of a part of random measurement matrix, as opposed to other existing compressed sensing based schemes. We provide a systematic method via machine learning to find a suitable representation basis, for the given WSN deployment and data field, which is both sparse and incoherent with the measurement matrix in the compressed sensing. We validate our approach and evaluate its performance using our real-world multi-hop WSN testbed deployment in situ in collecting the humidity and soil moisture data. The results show that our approach significantly outperforms three other compressed sensing based algorithms regarding the data recovery accuracy for the entire WSN observation field under drastically reduced communication costs. For some WSN scenarios, compressed sensing may not be applicable. Therefore we also design a generalized predictive coding framework for unified lossless and lossy data compression. In addition, we devise a novel algorithm for lossless compression to significantly improve data compression performance for variouSs data collections and applications in WSNs. Rigorous simulations show our proposed framework and compression algorithm outperform several recent popular compression algorithms for wireless sensor networks such as LEC, S-LZW and LTC using various real-world sensor data sets, demonstrating the merit of the proposed framework for unified temporal lossless and lossy data compression in WSNs

    Sparse Signal Processing and Statistical Inference for Internet of Things

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    Data originating from many devices within the Internet of Things (IoT) framework can be modeled as sparse signals. Efficient compression techniques of such data are essential to reduce the memory storage, bandwidth, and transmission power. In this thesis, I develop some theory and propose practical schemes for IoT applications to exploit the signal sparsity for efficient data acquisition and compression under the frameworks of compressed sensing (CS) and transform coding. In the context of CS, the restricted isometry constant of finite Gaussian measurement matrices is investigated, based on the exact distributions of the extreme eigenvalues of Wishart matrices. The analysis determines how aggressively the signal can be sub-sampled and recovered from a small number of linear measurements. The signal reconstruction is guaranteed, with a predefined probability, via various recovery algorithms. Moreover, the measurement matrix design for simultaneously acquiring multiple signals is considered. This problem is important for IoT networks, where a huge number of nodes are involved. In this scenario, the presented analytical methods provide limits on the compression of joint sparse sources by analyzing the weak restricted isometry constant of Gaussian measurement matrices. Regarding transform coding, two efficient source encoders for noisy sparse sources are proposed, based on channel coding theory. The analytical performance is derived in terms of the operational rate-distortion and energy-distortion. Furthermore, a case study for the compression of real signals from a wireless sensor network using the proposed encoders is considered. These techniques can reduce the power consumption and increase the lifetime of IoT networks. Finally, a frame synchronization mechanism has been designed to achieve reliable radio links for IoT devices, where optimal and suboptimal metrics for noncoherent frame synchronization are derived. The proposed tests outperform the commonly used correlation detector, leading to accurate data extraction and reduced power consumption