29,894 research outputs found

    IMAGINE Final Report

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    Intelligent synthesis mechanism for deriving streaming priorities of multimedia content

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    We address the problem of integrating user preferences with network quality of service parameters for the streaming of media content, and suggest protocol stack configurations that satisfy user and technical requirements to the best available degree. Our approach is able to handle inconsistencies between user and networking considerations, formulating the problem of construction of tailor-made protocols as a prioritization problem, solvable using fuzzy programming

    Autopilot? A reflexive review of the piloting process in qualitative e-research

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    Purpose: This paper examines an oft-neglected aspect of qualitative research practice – conducting a pilot – using the innovative approach of ‘e-research’ to generate both practical and methodological insights. Approach: Using the authors’ ‘e-research’ pilot as a reflexive case study, key methodological issues are critically reviewed. This review is set in a broader context of the qualitative methods literature in which piloting appears largely as an implicit practice. Using a new and emerging approach (‘e-research’) provides a prompt to review our ‘autopilot’ tendencies and offers a new lens for analysing research practice. Findings: We find that despite an initial focus on ‘practical’ aspects of data collection within our ‘e-research’, the pilot opened up a range of areas for further consideration. We review research ethics, collaborative research practices and data management issues specifically for e-research but also reflect more broadly on potential implications for piloting within other research designs. Practical implications: We aim to offer both practical and methodological insights for qualitative researchers, whatever their methodological orientation, so that they might develop approaches for piloting that are appropriate to their own research endeavours. More specifically, we offer tentative guidance to those venturing into the emerging area of ‘e-research’. Value: This paper offers insight into an oft-ignored aspect of qualitative research, whilst also engaging in emerging area of methodological interest

    Attitudinal Meaning in COVID-19 Local Language Guidelines of Indonesia: A Systemic Functional Linguistic Study

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    The Ministry of Education and Culture has published 3M's health protocol behavior change guidelines regarding the campaign to prevent COVID-19 transmission in 77 local languages of Indonesia. However, this research only focused on guidelines that used Sundanese as a local language in West Java. This research aimed to identify the types of attitudes and analyze the meanings that appear in these guidelines. The author used the theory of Martin and White (2005), namely the attitude subsystem as part of the appraisal system with Systemic Functional Linguistic approach which showed the author's evaluative attitude towards various things written to lead the readers. The result of this research showed that some information contained judgement both positive and negative side such as the authors found 15 clauses included in the affective indicator of the attitude subsystem in security meaning and four clauses satisfaction meaning. In addition, the authors found 16 clauses included in the attitude subsystem of judgment indicator referring to social esteem and three clauses referring to social sanction. The author also found 12 clauses included in the attitude subsystem of appreciation indicator referring to composition, five clauses referring to valuation, and two clauses referring to reaction. Based on the results of the analysis of each clause listed in the 3M health protocol behavioral change guidelines then the authors conclude that the message conveyed is positive attitude for the society. AbstrakKementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan telah menerbitkan pedoman perubahan perilaku protokol kesehatan 3M terkait kampanye pencegahan penularan COVID-19 dalam 77 bahasa daerah di Indonesia. Namun, penelitian ini hanya berfokus pada pedoman yang menggunakan Bahasa Sunda sebagai bahasa daerah di Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis sikap dan menganalisis makna yang muncul dalam pedoman tersebut. Penulis menggunakan teori Martin and White (2005) yaitu subsistem sikap sebagai bagian dari sistem penilaian dengan pendekatan Linguistik Sistemik Fungsional yang menunjukkan sikap evaluatif penulis terhadap berbagai hal yang ditulis untuk mengarahkan pembaca. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa beberapa informasi mengandung penilaian baik sisi positif maupun negatif seperti, penulis menemukan 15 klausa yang termasuk dalam indikator afektif subsistem sikap bermakna keamanan dan 4 klausa bermakna kepuasan. Selain itu, penulis menemukan 16 klausa yang termasuk dalam subsistem sikap indikator penilaian yang mengacu pada penghargaan sosial dan 3 klausa yang mengacu pada sanksi sosial. Penulis juga menemukan 12 klausa yang termasuk dalam subsistem sikap indikator apresiasi mengacu pada komposisi, 5 klausa mengacu pada penilaian, dan 2 klausa mengacu pada reaksi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dari setiap klausa yang tercantum dalam pedoman perubahan perilaku protokol kesehatan 3M maka penulis menyimpulkan bahwa pesan yang disampaikan bermakna sikap positif bagi masyarakat