258 research outputs found

    Minimum Eccentricity Shortest Path Problem: an Approximation Algorithm and Relation with the k-Laminarity Problem

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    The Minimum Eccentricity Shortest Path (MESP) Problem consists in determining a shortest path (a path whose length is the distance between its extremities) of minimum eccentricity in a graph. It was introduced by Dragan and Leitert [9] who described a linear-time algorithm which is an 8-approximation of the problem. In this paper, we study deeper the double-BFS procedure used in that algorithm and extend it to obtain a linear-time 3-approximation algorithm. We moreover study the link between the MESP problem and the notion of laminarity, introduced by Völkel et al [12], corresponding to its restriction to a diameter (i.e. a shortest path of maximum length), and show tight bounds between MESP and laminarity parameters

    Covering the Boundary of a Simple Polygon with Geodesic Unit Disks

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    We consider the problem of covering the boundary of a simple polygon on n vertices using the minimum number of geodesic unit disks. We present an O(n \log^2 n+k) time 2-approximation algorithm for finding the centers of the disks, with k denoting the number centers found by the algorithm

    On Covering a Graph Optimally with Induced Subgraphs

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    We consider the problem of covering a graph with a given number of induced subgraphs so that the maximum number of vertices in each subgraph is minimized. We prove NP-completeness of the problem, prove lower bounds, and give approximation algorithms for certain graph classes.Comment: 9 page

    Fast Clustering with Lower Bounds: No Customer too Far, No Shop too Small

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    We study the \LowerBoundedCenter (\lbc) problem, which is a clustering problem that can be viewed as a variant of the \kCenter problem. In the \lbc problem, we are given a set of points P in a metric space and a lower bound \lambda, and the goal is to select a set C \subseteq P of centers and an assignment that maps each point in P to a center of C such that each center of C is assigned at least \lambda points. The price of an assignment is the maximum distance between a point and the center it is assigned to, and the goal is to find a set of centers and an assignment of minimum price. We give a constant factor approximation algorithm for the \lbc problem that runs in O(n \log n) time when the input points lie in the d-dimensional Euclidean space R^d, where d is a constant. We also prove that this problem cannot be approximated within a factor of 1.8-\epsilon unless P = \NP even if the input points are points in the Euclidean plane R^2.Comment: 14 page
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