9 research outputs found

    On equivalence between maximal and maximum antichains over range-restricted vectors with integral coordinates and the number of such maximal antichains

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    Consider a strict partially ordered set P\mathcal{P} consisting of all dd-dimensional vectors with integral coordinates restricted in a certain range. We found that any maximal antichain is also maximum, and the maximum size has a simple expression in terms of the range. Properties of the number of maximal antichains given the range are explored. We present our proof, the application on other areas, and some open questions.Comment: Submitted partial result to Journal Orde

    Almost all permutation matrices have bounded saturation functions

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    Saturation problems for forbidden graphs have been a popular area of research for many decades, and recently Brualdi and Cao initiated the study of a saturation problem for 0-1 matrices. We say that 0-1 matrix AA is saturating for the forbidden 0-1 matrix PP if AA avoids PP but changing any zero to a one in AA creates a copy of PP. Define sat(n,P)sat(n, P) to be the minimum possible number of ones in an n×nn \times n 0-1 matrix that is saturating for PP. Fulek and Keszegh proved that for every 0-1 matrix PP, either sat(n,P)=O(1)sat(n, P) = O(1) or sat(n,P)=Θ(n)sat(n, P) = \Theta(n). They found two 0-1 matrices PP for which sat(n,P)=O(1)sat(n, P) = O(1), as well as infinite families of 0-1 matrices PP for which sat(n,P)=Θ(n)sat(n, P) = \Theta(n). Their results imply that sat(n,P)=Θ(n)sat(n, P) = \Theta(n) for almost all k×kk \times k 0-1 matrices PP. Fulek and Keszegh conjectured that there are many more 0-1 matrices PP such that sat(n,P)=O(1)sat(n, P) = O(1) besides the ones they found, and they asked for a characterization of all permutation matrices PP such that sat(n,P)=O(1)sat(n, P) = O(1). We affirm their conjecture by proving that almost all k×kk \times k permutation matrices PP have sat(n,P)=O(1)sat(n, P) = O(1). We also make progress on the characterization problem, since our proof of the main result exhibits a family of permutation matrices with bounded saturation functions

    Degrees of nonlinearity in forbidden 0–1 matrix problems

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    AbstractA 0–1 matrix A is said to avoid a forbidden 0–1 matrix (or pattern) P if no submatrix of A matches P, where a 0 in P matches either 0 or 1 in A. The theory of forbidden matrices subsumes many extremal problems in combinatorics and graph theory such as bounding the length of Davenport–Schinzel sequences and their generalizations, Stanley and Wilf’s permutation avoidance problem, and Turán-type subgraph avoidance problems. In addition, forbidden matrix theory has proved to be a powerful tool in discrete geometry and the analysis of both geometric and non-geometric algorithms.Clearly a 0–1 matrix can be interpreted as the incidence matrix of a bipartite graph in which vertices on each side of the partition are ordered. Füredi and Hajnal conjectured that if P corresponds to an acyclic graph then the maximum weight (number of 1s) in an n×n matrix avoiding P is O(nlogn). In the first part of the article we refute of this conjecture. We exhibit n×n matrices with weight Θ(nlognloglogn) that avoid a relatively small acyclic matrix. The matrices are constructed via two complementary composition operations for 0–1 matrices. In the second part of the article we simplify one aspect of Keszegh and Geneson’s proof that there are infinitely many minimal nonlinear forbidden 0–1 matrices. In the last part of the article we investigate the relationship between 0–1 matrices and generalized Davenport–Schinzel sequences. We prove that all forbidden subsequences formed by concatenating two permutations have a linear extremal function

    Sharp Bounds on Davenport-Schinzel Sequences of Every Order

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    One of the longest-standing open problems in computational geometry is to bound the lower envelope of nn univariate functions, each pair of which crosses at most ss times, for some fixed ss. This problem is known to be equivalent to bounding the length of an order-ss Davenport-Schinzel sequence, namely a sequence over an nn-letter alphabet that avoids alternating subsequences of the form a⋯b⋯a⋯b⋯a \cdots b \cdots a \cdots b \cdots with length s+2s+2. These sequences were introduced by Davenport and Schinzel in 1965 to model a certain problem in differential equations and have since been applied to bounding the running times of geometric algorithms, data structures, and the combinatorial complexity of geometric arrangements. Let λs(n)\lambda_s(n) be the maximum length of an order-ss DS sequence over nn letters. What is λs\lambda_s asymptotically? This question has been answered satisfactorily (by Hart and Sharir, Agarwal, Sharir, and Shor, Klazar, and Nivasch) when ss is even or s≤3s\le 3. However, since the work of Agarwal, Sharir, and Shor in the mid-1980s there has been a persistent gap in our understanding of the odd orders. In this work we effectively close the problem by establishing sharp bounds on Davenport-Schinzel sequences of every order ss. Our results reveal that, contrary to one's intuition, λs(n)\lambda_s(n) behaves essentially like λs−1(n)\lambda_{s-1}(n) when ss is odd. This refutes conjectures due to Alon et al. (2008) and Nivasch (2010).Comment: A 10-page extended abstract will appear in the Proceedings of the Symposium on Computational Geometry, 201

    Linear bound on extremal functions of some forbidden patterns in 0-1 matrices

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    AbstractIn this note by saying that a 0–1 matrix A avoids a pattern P given as a 0–1 matrix we mean that no submatrix of A either equals P or can be transformed into P by replacing some 1 entries with 0 entries. We present a new method for estimating the maximal number of the 1 entries in a matrix that avoids a certain pattern. Applying this method we give a linear bound on the maximal number ex(n,L1) of the 1 entries in an n by n matrix avoiding pattern L1 and thereby we answer the question that was asked by Gábor Tardos. Furthermore, we use our approach on patterns related to L1