490,110 research outputs found

    Permanents of matrices of signed ones

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    By calculating the permanents for all Hadamard matrices of orders up to and including 28 we answer a problem posed by E.T.H. Wang and a similar question asked by H. Perfect. Both questions are answered by the existence of Hadamard matrices of order 20 which do not seem to be simply related but nevertheless have the same permanent. For orders up to and including 20 we also settle several other existence questions involving permanents of (þ1, �1)-matrices. Specifically, we establish the lowest positive value taken by the permanent in these cases and find matrices which have equal permanent and determinant when such a matrix exists. Our results address Conjectures 19 and 36 and Problems 5 and 7 in Minc's well known catalogue of unsolved problems on permanents. We also include a little-known proof that there exists a (þ1, �1)-matrix A of order n such that perðAÞ ¼ 0 if and only if n þ 1 is not a power of 2

    Polytopal linear algebra

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    We investigate similarities between the category of vector spaces and that of polytopal algebras, containing the former as a full subcategory. In Section 2 we introduce the notion of a polytopal Picard group and show that it is trivial for fields. The coincidence of this group with the ordinary Picard group for general rings remains an open question. In Section 3 we survey some of the previous results on the automorphism groups and retractions. These results support a general conjecture proposed in Section 4 about the nature of arbitrary homomorphisms of polytopal algebras. Thereafter a further confirmation of this conjecture is presented by homomorphisms defined on Veronese singularities. This is a continuation of the project started in our papers "Polytopal linear groups" (J. Algebra 218 (1999), 715--737), "Polytopal linear retractions" preprint, math.AG/0001049) and "Polyhedral algebras, arrangements of toric varieties, and their groups" (preprint, http://www.mathematik.uni-osnabrueck.de/K-theory/0232/index.html). The higher KK-theoretic aspects of polytopal linear objects will be treated in "Polyhedral KK-theory" (in preparation).Comment: 21 pages, uses pstricks and P. Taylor's CD package. Beitr. Algebra Geom., to appea

    Supertropical linear algebra

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    The objective of this paper is to lay out the algebraic theory of supertropical vector spaces and linear algebra, utilizing the key antisymmetric relation of ``ghost surpasses.''Special attention is paid to the various notions of ``base,'' which include d-base and s-base, and these are compared to other treatments in the tropical theory. Whereas the number of elements in a d-base may vary according to the d-base, it is shown that when an s-base exists, it is unique up to permutation and multiplication by scalars, and can be identified with a set of ``critical'' elements. Linear functionals and the dual space are also studied, leading to supertropical bilinear forms and a supertropical version of the Gram matrix, including its connection to linear dependence, as well as a supertropical version of a theorem of Artin.Comment: 28 page

    2-local triple homomorphisms on von Neumann algebras and JBW^*-triples

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    We prove that every (not necessarily linear nor continuous) 2-local triple homomorphism from a JBW^*-triple into a JB^*-triple is linear and a triple homomorphism. Consequently, every 2-local triple homomorphism from a von Neumann algebra (respectively, from a JBW^*-algebra) into a C^*-algebra (respectively, into a JB^*-algebra) is linear and a triple homomorphism