86,451 research outputs found

    Competent genetic-evolutionary optimization of water distribution systems

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    A genetic algorithm has been applied to the optimal design and rehabilitation of a water distribution system. Many of the previous applications have been limited to small water distribution systems, where the computer time used for solving the problem has been relatively small. In order to apply genetic and evolutionary optimization technique to a large-scale water distribution system, this paper employs one of competent genetic-evolutionary algorithms - a messy genetic algorithm to enhance the efficiency of an optimization procedure. A maximum flexibility is ensured by the formulation of a string and solution representation scheme, a fitness definition, and the integration of a well-developed hydraulic network solver that facilitate the application of a genetic algorithm to the optimization of a water distribution system. Two benchmark problems of water pipeline design and a real water distribution system are presented to demonstrate the application of the improved technique. The results obtained show that the number of the design trials required by the messy genetic algorithm is consistently fewer than the other genetic algorithms

    Multisensory integration in dynamical behaviors: maximum likelihood estimation across bimanual skill learning

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    Optimal integration of different sensory modalities weights each modality as a function of its degree of certainty (maximum likelihood). Humans rely on near-optimal integration in decision-making tasks (involving e.g., auditory, visual, and/or tactile afferents), and some support for these processes has also been provided for discrete sensorimotor tasks. Here, we tested optimal integration during the continuous execution of a motor task, using a cyclical bimanual coordination pattern in which feedback was provided by means of proprioception and augmented visual feedback (AVF, the position of both wrists being displayed as the orthogonal coordinates of a single cursor). Assuming maximum likelihood integration, the following predictions were addressed: (1) the coordination variability with both AVF and proprioception available is smaller than with only one of the two modalities, and should reach an optimal level; (2) if the AVF is artificially corrupted by noise, variability should increase but saturate toward the level without AVF; (3) if the AVF is imperceptibly phase shifted, the stabilized pattern should be partly adapted to compensate for this phase shift, whereby the amount of compensation reflects the weight assigned to AVF in the computation of the integrated signal. Whereas performance variability gradually decreased over 5 d of practice, we showed that these model-based predictions were already observed on the first day. This suggests not only that the performer integrated proprioceptive feedback and AVF online during task execution by tending to optimize the signal statistics, but also that this occurred before reaching an asymptotic performance level

    The GRT Planning System: Backward Heuristic Construction in Forward State-Space Planning

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    This paper presents GRT, a domain-independent heuristic planning system for STRIPS worlds. GRT solves problems in two phases. In the pre-processing phase, it estimates the distance between each fact and the goals of the problem, in a backward direction. Then, in the search phase, these estimates are used in order to further estimate the distance between each intermediate state and the goals, guiding so the search process in a forward direction and on a best-first basis. The paper presents the benefits from the adoption of opposite directions between the preprocessing and the search phases, discusses some difficulties that arise in the pre-processing phase and introduces techniques to cope with them. Moreover, it presents several methods of improving the efficiency of the heuristic, by enriching the representation and by reducing the size of the problem. Finally, a method of overcoming local optimal states, based on domain axioms, is proposed. According to it, difficult problems are decomposed into easier sub-problems that have to be solved sequentially. The performance results from various domains, including those of the recent planning competitions, show that GRT is among the fastest planners

    A vision-guided parallel parking system for a mobile robot using approximate policy iteration

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    Reinforcement Learning (RL) methods enable autonomous robots to learn skills from scratch by interacting with the environment. However, reinforcement learning can be very time consuming. This paper focuses on accelerating the reinforcement learning process on a mobile robot in an unknown environment. The presented algorithm is based on approximate policy iteration with a continuous state space and a fixed number of actions. The action-value function is represented by a weighted combination of basis functions. Furthermore, a complexity analysis is provided to show that the implemented approach is guaranteed to converge on an optimal policy with less computational time. A parallel parking task is selected for testing purposes. In the experiments, the efficiency of the proposed approach is demonstrated and analyzed through a set of simulated and real robot experiments, with comparison drawn from two well known algorithms (Dyna-Q and Q-learning)

    Earthworks planning for road construction projects: a case study

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    In this paper we construct earthwork allocation plans for a linear infrastructure road project. Fuel consumption metrics and an innovative block partitioning and modelling approach are applied to reduce costs. 2D and 3D variants of the problem were compared to see what effect, if any, occurs on solution quality. 3D variants were also considered to see what additional complexities and difficulties occur. The numerical investigation shows a significant improvement and a reduction in fuel consumption as theorised. The proposed solutions differ considerably from plans that were constructed for a distance based metric as commonly used in other approaches. Under certain conditions, 3D problem instances can be solved optimally as 2D problems